Definition of the word about. Google fixes leading definition of "Jew" after search engine results showed offensive slur 2022-11-05

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The word "about" has a few different definitions that are commonly used in the English language.

One definition of "about" is used to indicate a rough estimate of something. For example, you might say "I'm about 5 feet tall," which means that you are roughly 5 feet tall, but not exactly 5 feet. This usage of "about" is similar to the word "around," which also indicates an approximate amount or quantity.

Another definition of "about" is used to indicate the subject or topic of something. For example, you might say "This essay is about the definition of the word 'about.'" In this case, "about" indicates that the essay is focused on the topic of defining the word "about." This usage of "about" is similar to the word "regarding," which is also used to indicate the subject of something.

In addition to these two definitions, "about" can also be used to indicate the location of something. For example, you might say "The museum is about a mile away," which means that the museum is located roughly a mile away. This usage of "about" is similar to the word "near," which is also used to indicate the proximity of something.

Overall, the word "about" is a very versatile word that can be used in a variety of contexts to convey different meanings. Whether you are using it to indicate an approximate quantity, the subject of something, or the location of something, "about" is an important and useful word to know in the English language.

Word Definition & Meaning

definition of the word about

Does this imply that there are no such things as lexical meanings understood as features of a language?. Here is how Frame Semantics attempts to meet the challenge. See also Wunderlich 1991, 1993. In the Old Testament God's word is creative It discloses God's plan for his creation. Finally, classical lexicography and the practice of writing dictionaries played an important role in systematizing the descriptive data on which later inquiry would rely to illuminate the relationship between words and their meaning. Knowledge of stereotypes is necessary to be regarded as a competent speaker, and—one surmises—it can also be considered sufficient for the purposes of ordinary communication. Why go ye about to kill me? Copyright © 1996 by Walter A.


About Definition & Meaning

definition of the word about

Nowadays, it is well-established that the study of word meaning is crucial to the inquiry into the fundamental properties of human language. Whereas God's words are creative, perfect, and of supreme authority, human words are finite, frail, and fallen. They should always be heard, and fairly and kindly answered, when they ask after any thing they would know, and desire to be informed about. Construed as theorems of a semantic theory, T-biconditionals were often accused of being uninformative Putnam 1975; Dummett 1976 : to understand them, one has to already possess the information they are supposed to provide. Yet one of the most often looked for pieces of information regarding word is not something that would be found in its definition.


Google’s leading definition for the word ‘Jew’ showed offensive terms

definition of the word about

Stereotypes are not meanings, as they do not determine reference in the right way: there are albino tigers and tigers that live in zoos. When the boats were come within about sixty yards of the pillar, they found themselves all bound, and could go no farther; yet so as they might move to go about, but might not approach nearer. From this standpoint, a theory of word meaning translates into an account of the information stored in the semantic form of lexical entries. Gender expression and gender presentation were also included under the same definition. In this section, we survey a group of empirical approaches that adopt a different stance on word meaning. Word meanings are thus modeled as hybrid semantic representations combining linguistic features e.



definition of the word about

Winans See Also: Similes Dictionary, 1st Edition. First, the theory did not provide any clear model of how the complex conceptual information represented by semantic markers contributed to the truth conditions of sentences Lewis 1972. The magazine continued in print until February 2010, when it was changed to an online-only publication. However, the details of this partition have been interpreted in different ways. See Del Pinal 2018 for an argument that radical contextualism in particular, truth-conditional pragmatics should instead commit to rich lexical items which, in certain conditions, do suffice to fix truth conditions. Video Several words were also added that are specific to countries across the world and are not commonly known in the English language.



definition of the word about

In his view, lexical competence has two aspects: an inferential aspect, underlying performances such as semantically based inference and the command of synonymy, hyponymy and other semantic relations; and a referential aspect, which is in charge of performances such as naming e. But this is beside the point. For speculative etymology, there is a natural or non-arbitrary relation between words and their meaning, and the task of the theorist is to make this relation explicit through an analysis of the descriptive, often phonoiconic mechanisms underlying the genesis of words. The contribution made by historical-philological semantics to the study of word meaning had a long-lasting influence. Google licenses definitions from third-party dictionary experts," the tweet said. Walker These files are public domain. Likewise, it would be the job of a foundational theory of word meaning to determine whether words have the semantic properties they have in virtue of social conventions, or whether social conventions do not provide explanatory purchase on the facts that ground word meaning see the entry on Obviously, the endorsement of a given semantic theory is bound to place important constraints on the claims one might propose about the foundational attributes of word meaning, and vice versa.


What does about mean?

definition of the word about

In addition, recent research has found a role for the uncinate fasciculus UF. In this sense, semantics is not another name for the theory of meaning, because not all meaning-related properties are semantic properties Borg 2004. The evidence for this christological claim comes from Jesus' own ministry. © 1988 The Gale Group, Inc. However, some of its claims about the interplay between language and conceptual structure appear more problematic. In March, the OED added anti-gay to their myriad of words, accompanied by a definition that reads "opposed or hostile to homosexual people sometimes specifically gay men or homosexuality. The formula, "And God said, Let there be, ' and it was so" provides the pattern for how God created on each day of creation.


Google search results for 'Jew' shows offensive definition of the word, search engine apologizes

definition of the word about

Recanati 2004 does not think that contextualism as such is committed to meaning eliminativism, the view on which words as types have no meaning; nevertheless, he regards it as defensible. When Constantine had finished an house for the service or God at Jerusalem, the dedication he judged a matter not unworthy; about the solemn performance whereof, the greatest part of the bishops in christendom should meet together. The top definition that appeared in search results — up until around 1 p. It brings healing It is supremely authoritative for all of creation. Selling Sunset stars Chrishell Stause and Jason Oppenheim reunite as they catch up alongside their current partners for lunch in Sydney.


Word Meaning (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

definition of the word about

This is in unacceptable Google," wrote StopAntisemitism, which describes itself as a "Leading non-partisan American based organization fighting antisemitism. Even if sentence types have no definite truth conditions, it does not follow that lexical types do not make definite or predictable contributions to the truth conditions of sentences think of indexical words. Douglas Buckwalter See also Bibliography. However, semantic and foundational theories remain in principle different and designed to answer partly non-overlapping sets of questions. Such intuitions are taken to reflect objective semantic properties of the language, that the semanticist should describe rather than impose at will.
