Define opposing claim. Opposing Definition & Meaning 2022-10-18

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An opposing claim, also known as a counterclaim, is a statement or argument that contradicts or disputes a previous claim or assertion. It is often used in academic and debate contexts to challenge and evaluate the validity of a particular argument or point of view.

In order to effectively present an opposing claim, it is important to carefully consider and understand the original argument being made. This involves not only reading or listening to the argument in question, but also researching and gathering evidence to support your counterclaim. It is also important to present your opposing claim in a logical and coherent manner, using clear and well-supported arguments to back up your position.

Opposing claims can be used to strengthen an argument by forcing the original claim to be more thoroughly examined and defended. They can also serve as a way to bring alternative perspectives or viewpoints into the conversation, helping to broaden and enrich the discussion.

One key aspect of presenting an opposing claim is to avoid simply attacking or dismissing the original argument without providing any substance or evidence to back up your own position. Instead, it is important to engage with the argument in a respectful and productive manner, and to provide logical and well-supported counterarguments to challenge the original claim.

In summary, an opposing claim is a statement or argument that contradicts or disputes a previous claim, and is used to challenge and evaluate the validity of that claim. It is important to present an opposing claim in a logical and coherent manner, using well-supported arguments, and to engage with the original argument in a respectful and productive manner.

Claims and Evidence: Definition & Examples

define opposing claim

In fact, it directly contradicts it. The refutation paragraph is normally found ONLY in argument essays and argument research papers; it is also known as the concession paragraph. Signed in February 2016, the deal was supposed to provoke investment among the 12 regions, which together make up about 40 percent of the global economy, the BBC reported at the time. How do you structure a rebuttal? In a one-on-one argument in person, it's pretty easy to identify the opposing viewpoint and address it, but in writing, or in situations where there are multiple viewpoints, this can become much harder. See More Recent Examples on the Web Prosecutors in the Oath Keepers trial charged that the militia members conspired to forcibly oppose the authority of the federal government and forcibly block the execution of laws governing the transfer of presidential power. A reason tells why the claim is made and is supported by the evidence. If the writer does not discuss any examples of imagery in Macbeth, there is no way for the reader to know whether this claim is true or if the writer is making it up.


What is an opposing argument?

define opposing claim

President Trump withdrew the U. Take note of their rationale and use of evidence. A claim is a point that a writer makes in a paper. It undermines your argument and makes it look as though you did one-sided research. How exactly do they interpret the evidence? What does it mean to refute an opposing argument? For instance, writers of literary analysis essays make claims about a literary text, and then they use evidence from that same text to support it.


Identifying & Addressing Alternate or Opposing Claims

define opposing claim

Suppose that the article is about making fast food illegal. In this example of counterclaim, the claim was found to be frivolous and dismissed by the court. Where does the counterclaim go? Using a counterargument is an effect method to test content ideas when writing, revising and editing the essay. The change is opposed by many of the town's business leaders. From the list of Controversial issues databases, Academic Search Complete is the place to look if you specifically want scholarly, peer-reviewed articles. These two teams opposed each other in last year's playoffs.


Opposing Definition

define opposing claim

An argument stands on legs of evidence. One of these is the opposing viewpoints, or counterclaims. In fact, in every discussion I've heard about American history and how it should be taught, people are not opposing the teaching of slavery or the teaching of the Jim Crow period of American history and lynching, and all of that is not being opposed. To identify evidence for a claim, writers should reflect on their reasons for making a claim and identify sources that demonstrate those reasons. You have completed your research, decided your claim, and found reasons and evidence to support your opinion. The completed essay can then contain a persuasive tactic which will often disarm the reader.


Refuting the Opposing Claim

define opposing claim

What is an opposing viewpoint? Writers of literary analysis essays also sometimes use scholarly sources to support their arguments. Your argument can be summed up quickly. The governor opposes the death penalty. The refutation paragraphs typically have: Introduce the Opposing Argument. Just remember: if you wouldn't want to cite it as a source to support your argument, don't use it as a source for a counterclaim, either. How do you handle this situation? How do you identify opposing views in an argument? Claims are, essentially, the evidence that writers or speakers use to prove their point.


opposing claim in a sentence

define opposing claim

Note how the writer here makes a direct Uniforms are valueless in schools because they do not impact academic achievement. Examples of Claim: A teenager who wants a new cellular phone makes the following claims: Every other girl in her school has a cell phone. Evidence is the facts or research to support your claim. Every argument is going to have at least one counterclaim, and probably more. Arguments can be divided into four general components: claim, reason, support, and warrant. If TPP would be enacted, the U.


Opposing Definition & Meaning

define opposing claim

DEFINITION: An opposing argument also called opposing claim, counter claim or rebuttal is an argument that does not support your thesis statement. Argumentative essay writing is about persuading your readers to accept your stand on an issue or subject as being right regardless of their opinion on the topic. You end up undermining your very own argument, eventually making the essay less effective in communicating your message. Once the counterclaim is given, the opposing argument is presented and then proved incorrect. Through acknowledgement, one simply admits that an opposing view exists.


What is a Opposing claim?

define opposing claim

What is counterargument example? Use rebuttal in a sentence. This only serves to weaken your argument, and make your reader wonder whether the counterclaim might be right. What does it mean to counter the opposing viewpoint quizlet? Steve of University X, however, argues that swimming at night is good,' rather than 'Even though they are wrong, some people supposedly claim that swimming at night is good for you. How do you make an opposing claim? For example, say something like, 'Dr. How do you start an opposing viewpoint essay? Also by including counterclaims, or the opposing point of views in your argumentative essay, you show your target audience that you invested your time in researching the two sides of an issue.



define opposing claim

Scott Fitzgerald's text The Great Gatsby 1925. Lesson Summary Offering a counterclaim is a necessary part of structuring a strong argument. How do you support an argument? If it is not from a credible source, the counterclaim will undermine your argument by making it look as though you didn't do the proper research. What is an opposition paragraph? For that, summarize all arguments by paraphrasing how you proved the thesis. In the case of a rebuttal essay, the introduction should present a clear thesis statement and the body paragraphs should provide evidence and analysis to disprove the opposing claim. Rebuttal is a literary technique in which a speaker or writer uses argument, and presents reasoning or evidence intended to undermine or weaken the claim of an opponent.


What does opposing mean?

define opposing claim

Marsha desperately wants to separate her stressful job from her personal life, so she tells her employer, Ralph, that she needs a company cell phone. You must get them from a credible source, just like you would if you were finding support for your argument. Give evidence and explain why the counterargument is an incorrect interpretation based on the evidence. How do you address an opposing viewpoint? For instance, if a writer claims that guns should be banned, their reasons might involve concerns about safety or personal experiences with gun violence. To put this in another way, understanding the opposing point of views will make it easy for you to figure out why your audience may likely disagree with your argument in the first place. Tips for Effectively Supporting Your Argument Have a clear audience in mind and know what they expect--what will prove most effective in their eyes? Example of Compulsory Counterclaim Martin convinces his friend, Adam, to invest in his new ice cream truck business.
