Debate about love marriage and arranged marriage. Chapter Three: The Islamic Sexual Morality (2) Its Structure 2022-10-23

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Love marriage and arranged marriage are two different concepts that coexist in various societies around the world. While some people believe that love marriage is the only way to have a successful and fulfilling relationship, others argue that arranged marriage can also lead to happy and lasting unions. In this essay, we will explore the debate surrounding these two types of marriage and try to understand the pros and cons of each.

One of the main arguments in favor of love marriage is that it is based on mutual love and affection between two people. This means that the couple has a strong emotional bond and a deep understanding of each other, which can lay the foundation for a strong and healthy relationship. Love marriage allows people to choose their own partner based on their own preferences and values, rather than being forced into a relationship with someone they do not know or may not even like.

Another argument in favor of love marriage is that it gives individuals the freedom to make their own choices and follow their own desires. In a love marriage, people are free to pursue their own goals and dreams, without the fear of being held back by societal expectations or family pressure. This sense of freedom can lead to greater happiness and fulfillment in life.

However, there are also those who argue that arranged marriage can be just as successful and fulfilling as love marriage. In many cultures and societies, arranged marriage is the norm, and people have been finding happiness and contentment through these unions for centuries. One of the main arguments in favor of arranged marriage is that it takes the pressure off the couple to find their own partner, as their families and communities are involved in the process. This can be especially beneficial for people who may not have the time or resources to find a partner on their own.

Another argument in favor of arranged marriage is that it can bring families and communities together. In some cultures, marriage is seen as a way to strengthen social ties and build relationships between families. By arranging a marriage between two people, families and communities can come together and support each other, which can lead to a sense of belonging and togetherness.

Despite these arguments, there are also several drawbacks to arranged marriage. One of the main concerns is that it can often lead to a lack of choice and agency for the individuals involved. In an arranged marriage, the couple may not have the opportunity to get to know each other and may be forced into a relationship with someone they do not have strong feelings for. This can lead to resentment and unhappiness in the marriage.

Another concern with arranged marriage is that it can perpetuate traditional gender roles and expectations, which can be harmful and oppressive for women in particular. In some cultures, arranged marriage is used to control women's behavior and limit their autonomy, leading to a lack of equality and fairness in the relationship.

In conclusion, the debate about love marriage and arranged marriage is a complex one, with valid arguments on both sides. While love marriage allows individuals to make their own choices and follow their own desires, arranged marriage can bring families and communities together and take the pressure off the couple to find their own partner. Ultimately, the most important factor in any marriage is the happiness and well-being of the individuals involved, and this can be achieved through either love marriage or arranged marriage, as long as both parties are willing to work on and invest in the relationship.

Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage ~ Group Discussion Ideas

debate about love marriage and arranged marriage

If it happens at bedtime, sit up in bed, read a book or write a letter. A recent article on the American youths says, "Young Americans entering the 21st century are far less mature than their ancestors were at the beginning of the 20th. Unfortunately, most couples refuse to go to the judge and binding arbitration for these issues even though the Quran says: " And if you fear a breach between them, then appoint an arbiter from his folk and an arbiter from her folk. Thursday and Friday are weekends in the Islamic calendar! You asked too many questions. My left hand has 3 clear marriage lines pretty equal. EXCLUSIVE: The godmother of punk, who changed the fashion world forever and passed away peacefully last night, put her friend and fellow designer Jeff Banks, 79, together right in charge of her clothing company just before Christmas.


Differnce Between Love Marriage Vs Arranged Marriage

debate about love marriage and arranged marriage

The only I imitation to this general rule would be any shari'ah rule which goes against the wishes of the husband or the wife. Marriage line fork at the end Simple marriage lines are better than lines with a fork. If a person cannot marry soon after becoming sexually and mentally mature, then how should he or she handle the sexual urge? Focusing on everyday life and the ways children orient themselves in society, it engages with the cultural performances and the social worlds they construct and take part in. As a contract, it depends on ijab proposal from the bride and qubul acceptance from the groom. Even the Hite Report on Male Sexuality, says: "Similarly, many men said that they enjoyed masturbating physically, but that emotionally it was depressing.


50 Different types of Marriage line

debate about love marriage and arranged marriage

Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Women. Adopt some hobby or sports which will provide you with an outlet for the energies of your body. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. However, there are some days on which marriage is not recommended; some of these are based on ahadith and some on cultural, historical reasons. It goes without saying that a decision by 'Umar has no value in front of the Qur'an and the sunnah! Retrieved 13 November 2019.


Arranged marriage in the Indian subcontinent

debate about love marriage and arranged marriage

Some cultures in kinship relationships may be considered to extend out to those who they have economic or political relationships with; or other forms of social connections. This phenomenon is more prevalent in urban areas than rural areas. And the term diminish, which means to lessen, shows the man must treat her as if he was not married to another. Besides these three times , there is no blame on you or them if you go to one another without announcing yourselves. Sometimes the father of the bride would arrange for a competition among the suitors, such as a feat of strength, to help in the selection process.


Sociology of the family

debate about love marriage and arranged marriage

PDF from the original on 2016-10-09. This conclusion of theirs is supported by a third category of ahadith on this subject in which the Imams have clearly and strongly discouraged their followers from anal intercourse. That can be a real hell. They are the lines of attachments. In various European and some Latin American countries, any religious ceremony must be held separately from the required civil ceremony.


News Headlines

debate about love marriage and arranged marriage

What we have to do today is make a covenant, to slit our wrists, be blood brothers on this thing. Census, it was suggested that more than 250,000 children in the United States were being raised by lesbian and gay couples. However, a 2012 study conducted in India shows that while 240,000 couples were divorced, 610,000 married couples were separated, suggesting that arranged marriages are not as successful as it was previously thought. In Europe, this was prevented through the social practice of impartible inheritance the dis-inheriting of most siblings, some of whom went on to become celibate monks and priests. She supports amending the Bachmann said, "the immigration system in the United States worked very, very well up until the mid-1960s when liberal members of Congress changed the Bachmann opposed the 2013 immigration reform bill, claiming that its passage would mean the end of the Republican Party.


Arranged marriage

debate about love marriage and arranged marriage

According to Turner, Turner argues that attempts to regulate female sexuality through religious discourse have, in the case of Western Europe, to be understood in the context of concerns about managing private property and ensuring its continuity. Main article: Polygyny is widely practiced in mostly In most other jurisdictions, polygamy is illegal. The true meaning of the sentence about attachments that was just discussed is that attachments, relationships, or relationships aid a person emotionally, mentally, or financially. . In contrast, preventing arranged marriages may harm many individuals who want to get married and can benefit from parental participation in finding and selecting a mate.


Jewish views on marriage

debate about love marriage and arranged marriage

And in conclusion, they say that the prohibition in such ahadith is not on the level of haram, instead it is on the level of makruh. Interestingly, in Egypt, the main goal of arranged consanguineous marriages was to keep the purity of the royal bloodline, which resulted in the manifestation of many genetic illnesses. It has been proposed that men continue to view It has also been proposed that married men feel as if they are expected to pursue fatherhood as a part of their marriage though they personally may not want to have children. Retrieved June 30, 2021. Retrieved 26 December 2013. When it comes to divorce, the 2014 study conducted by the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding states that, "Two divorce rates commonly cited for American Muslims include 32.


Chapter Three: The Islamic Sexual Morality (2) Its Structure

debate about love marriage and arranged marriage

It may be a one-sided relationship. مطابق نظر ده تن از مراجع عظام. Motaabeghe Nazar-e 10 Tan az Maraaje'e Ezaam. Marriage line ending in square If the marriage line ends in a square it preserves the relationship from bad health or soured relationship. Additional research by Keene and Quadagno suggests that the gender expectations that men should prioritize their work lives and women should prioritize their marriage and home life no longer exist. Age: fifteen lunar years for boys and nine lunar years for girls; 2. Retrieved August 10, 2011.


14 Unbiased Arranged Marriage Statistics for 2022

debate about love marriage and arranged marriage

The package deal: Marriage, work, and fatherhood in men's lives. If no such person exists, the sponsor begins the process of identifying suitable candidates. Retrieved 26 April 2006. This has been very eloquently explained by Imam Muhammad al-Baqir when he said, "The best woman among you is the one who discards the armor of shyness when she undresses for her husband, and puts on the armor of shyness when she dresses up again. Retrieved 4 August 2013. Retrieved July 13, 2011. A man is allowed to see without hijab the woman whom he intends to marry.
