Death of a salesman plot summary. Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller Summary and Analysis 2022-10-21

Death of a salesman plot summary Rating: 8,3/10 721 reviews

Death of a Salesman is a tragic play written by Arthur Miller in 1949. The play follows the life of Willy Loman, a sixty-year-old salesman who is struggling to come to terms with his failures and the realization that he has not achieved the success and prosperity that he had hoped for.

The play begins with Willy having a daydream about his younger days as a salesman, when he was successful and well-respected. He is interrupted by his wife Linda, who is concerned about his well-being because he has been acting strangely and forgetting things. Willy brushes off her concerns and leaves for work.

At work, Willy's boss tells him that he is no longer needed as a salesman because he is not meeting his sales quotas. Willy is devastated by this news and becomes increasingly irrational and delusional. He begins to relive his past and imagines conversations with his deceased older brother Ben, who was a successful businessman. Willy becomes convinced that Ben can help him achieve success and decides to go on a business trip to New York to meet with Ben.

Willy's son Biff, who has struggled with his own failures and has been living in the past, returns home after being gone for many years. Biff and Willy have a strained relationship because Biff has always been overshadowed by Willy's high expectations for him. Biff confronts Willy about his disappointment in him and the fact that Willy has always lived in the past and not faced the reality of their present circumstances.

Willy's other son Happy, who is also a salesman, tries to cheer up Willy and encourage him to look to the future. Willy becomes increasingly agitated and angry, and he has a confrontation with Linda about his affair with another woman. Linda confronts Willy about his infidelity and the fact that he has been living a lie for so many years.

In the end, Willy becomes overwhelmed by his failures and takes his own life in the belief that it will provide financial security for his family. The play ends with Biff and Happy trying to come to terms with Willy's death and their own feelings of guilt and responsibility.

Death of a Salesman is a powerful and thought-provoking play that explores the themes of the American Dream, success, and the human condition. It is a poignant portrayal of a man who has lived his life in pursuit of the American Dream, but has ultimately failed to achieve it. Willy Loman's story is a tragic reminder of the dangers of living in the past and the importance of facing the reality of the present.

"BBC Play of the Month" Death of a Salesman (TV Episode 1966)

death of a salesman plot summary

Willy is still too proud to take it, and says he already has a job. Then, another memory begins and Willy is unable to separate reality from fantasy. Biff is not impressed and looks at him without any hope as he plans to leave Brooklyn behind. Eventually, Willy walks in, angry that the two boys have never amounted to anything. It is therefore ironic that Willy values money and material things more than Linda's love for him. In Willy's flashbacks, he is a nerd, and Willy forces him to give Biff test answers.


Death of a Salesman Plot Summary

death of a salesman plot summary

It deals with the evils of capitalism. He is a brave and successful warrior who is admired by many. As Linda consoles him, he hears the laughter of his mistress. The boys were supposed to meet Willy at the restaurant to celebrate the expected success, but it turns out to be bad. Retrieved January 18, 2021. He, as a salesman, is subject to the impulses of the flea market and thinks that it is this job that can only rise him in the world of business.


Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller Plot Summary

death of a salesman plot summary

Willy, alone, begins to speak to the late Frank Wagner, the former owner of the company and Howard's father, but accidentally turns on the tape recorder, filling the room with the voice of Howard's son. He rushes out of the restaurant, upset. She reveals that he has tried to commit suicide, both in a car crash and by inhaling gas through a rubber hose on the heater. There he runs into Bernard, now a lawyer and expecting his second son. When we traced the family background of Willy Loman, we see that Willy father was a wanderer, a musician, a maker of flute and a pioneer.


Death of a Salesman: Full Book Summary

death of a salesman plot summary

The older Happy comes downstairs and tries to quiet Willy. He starts to plot the murder of Duncan, which is his first step on the path to destruction. In the next, he says that Biff is anything but lazy. Willy arrives at Howard Wagner's office, and timidly enters. Willy's desire to plant seeds at this hopeful moment symbolizes a number of things.


Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller Summary and Analysis

death of a salesman plot summary

Meanwhile, the two brothers talk about their father, with Happy telling Biff how he has been progressively unraveling in recent times; specifically, he has been caught talking to himself about past events. Moreover, Willy is not doing good at his job and his sons are not as successful as he wishes them to be. Willy had an affair over 15 years earlier than the real time within the play, and Miller focuses on the affair and its aftermath to reveal how individuals can be defined by a single event and their subsequent attempts to disguise or eradicate the event. Willy defensively tells Bernard not to blame him. Bernard asks Willy what happened in Boston that made Biff decide not to go to summer school. Willy jokes that they'll just have to get a country house.


What type of drama is Death of a Salesman?

death of a salesman plot summary

Ironically, Linda is trying to fix her stockings, and Willy angrily orders her to throw them away. Biff storms into the backyard to tell his father that he is leaving forever. In those days there was personality in it, Howard. This leads Biff to mock the teacher, which causes The Woman to reveal herself—just as reality will always ultimately reveal itself in the face of lies. Biff waits hours to see a former employer who does not remember him and turns him down. Happy, on the other hand, chooses to follow in his father's footsteps. Now, however, the house is hemmed in by apartment buildings on all sides, and sunlight barely reaches their yard.


Macbeth’s Hamartia Is His Vaulting Ambition

death of a salesman plot summary

Willy can't see that Biff's failure resulted from the values that Willy instilled in him. Willy is disturbed by memories of his brother, Ben, now dead, who traveled to Africa as a young man and became rich in his 20s. Willy responds fiercely that Biff is throwing his life away out of spite. Back in the present, Charley comes over to play cards and offers Willy a job, but he angrily declines. Linda asks for some privacy to say goodbye to her husband. Biff and Happy have made arrangements to meet Willy for dinner at Frank's Chop House. Willy, after being fired from the job, hopes to listen to good news regarding his meeting with his former boss, however, Biff reveals him the scene of the stolen fountain pen.


A Summary and Analysis of Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman

death of a salesman plot summary

The younger Linda enters and reminds Willy of his sons and job. As they argue, Willy imagines that Ben enters. The New York Times. The conversation turns to Willy and Linda's grown sons, Happy and Biff, who are upstairs sleeping after a double date. When Biff arrives, Happy is flirting with an attractive girl, Miss Forsythe. Willy accuses him of not wanting to be anything, and Biff retorts that he has already swallowed his pride and gone back to Oliver on behalf of Willy. Biff goes to look for his father and finds him out in the garden planting seeds.
