Cytogamy. Reproduction in Proto­zoa (With Diagram) 2022-10-28

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Cytogamy is a term that refers to the fusion of gametes, or reproductive cells, during sexual reproduction. This process occurs in many different types of organisms, including plants, animals, and fungi, and is an essential step in the reproduction and continuation of these species.

In plants, cytogamy typically occurs during fertilization, when the male gametes, or pollen, are transferred to the female gametes, or ovules, inside the flower. The pollen grains germinate on the surface of the ovule and produce a tube that grows down through the style and into the ovule. At the end of this tube is the male gamete, which fuses with the female gamete inside the ovule, forming a zygote. The zygote then divides and grows into a new plant, which will eventually produce its own flowers and seeds.

In animals, cytogamy occurs when the male gametes, or sperm, are fertilized by the female gametes, or eggs. This process can occur either internally, as in mammals, or externally, as in many fish and amphibians. In internal fertilization, the male deposits his sperm inside the female's reproductive tract, and the sperm swim up the female's fallopian tubes to reach the egg. Once the sperm reaches the egg, it penetrates the egg's outer layers and fuses with the egg's nucleus, forming a zygote. The zygote then begins to divide and grow, eventually developing into a baby animal.

In fungi, cytogamy occurs when two different individuals fuse their cells together, forming a new individual that contains the genetic material of both parents. This process is known as heterokaryosis, and it allows fungi to exchange genetic material and increase their genetic diversity.

Overall, cytogamy plays a critical role in the reproductive biology of many different types of organisms, and is an essential step in the continuation of these species. It allows for the exchange of genetic material between individuals, which can increase genetic diversity and help organisms adapt to changing environments.



Monitor patient closely during rate changes. Modern Text Book of Zoology- Invertebrates. Sexual Reproduction in Protozoa : The modes of reproduction in which two gametes unite to form a new individual is known as sexual reproduction. The daughter individuals can recon­struct the wanting structures which it does not obtain from the parent. If patient develops minor side effects nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps, back pain, fever, flushing, chills , slow infusion rate or stop infusion temporarily. The process has been differently named according to the period and time of occurrence. CYTOGAMY: A NEW SEXUAL PROCESS IN JOINED PAIRS OF PARAMECIUM CAUDATUM TWO sexual processes have been described for Paramecium in which three micronuclear pregamic divisions lead to synkaryon formation.


Cytogamy: A New Sexual Process in Joined Pairs of Paramecium Caudatm


Isogamy has been reported in Foraminifera Elphidium , Phytomonadina Chlamydomonas, Copromonas and Gregarinida Monocystis. This is called gametic meiosis, in which gametes become haploid. In majority, reduction division occurs shortly before syngamy. The animal splits into two along the long axis of the body. Merogamy: The uniting individuals are smaller than the ordinary vegetative indi­viduals, called merogametes. Examples: Noctiluca, Tokophrya, etc.


Reproduction in Paramecium


Cytogamy: In a number of species of Paramoecium the two individuals fuse with their oral surfaces. Allow 30 min for powder to dissolve. It also renews the vigour which is lost due to repeated binary fissions. Cytogamy is said to be intermediate between conjugation and autogamy. Paramecium reproduces asexually by binary fission during favorable conditions in the following steps: A Paramecium stops feeding and starts to replicate its DNA, B Oral groove disappears.




Example: Foraminifera, Arcella, etc. Asexual Reproduction in Protozoa: The mode of reproduction in which there is no union of gametes. The fusion of two microgametes is called Micro-gamy. Anisogamy: The two fusing gametes differ in size, shape and behaviour. A proper proportion of cytoplasm and nucleus can regenerate into an entire individual.


Reproduction in Proto­zoa (With Diagram)


One binary fission needs twenty minutes and in 24 hours it divides two or three times. Regeneration : The regeneration and replacement of lost parts among free-living and few parasitic protists is widespread. It does not take place during the night or darkness. The isogametes are pro­duced by multiple or repeated binary fission. The following is related to P. Examples: Actinophrys, Chlamydomonas, etc. A single organism encysts and then divides into two or more gametocytes.



The factor inducing conjugation varies from species to species. The high frequency with which cytogamy can be induced by hyperosmotic shock, coupled with the foregoing genetic properties, make this process a practical and already proven method for the isolation of recessive mutants in T. Asymmetrical structures like gullet, peristome of Paramoecim cannot be equally shared by both the daugh­ter individuals. The swarmers are of two types: i. Infusion should be started within 6 hr and completed within 12 hr of reconstitution.



The anterior portion is known as proter and the posterior portion is known as opishte. UMass Medical School has had recent success bringing other ideas to market, most notably cytogam, a drug licensed to CSL Behring that blocks cytomegalovirus disease associated with organ transplantation; Clarinex, that ubiquitous allergy medicine; and through the medical device company Reflectance Medical Inc. Sexual reproduction involves meiotic division reducing the chro­mosomes to haploid number. Cytogamy has been induced in every strain of T. They are produced by multiple or repeated fissions.



Autogamy: The fusing nuclei come from the same cell as in Paramecium. Our mission is to provide an online platform to help students to discuss anything and everything about Zoology. Hemixis: Other modes of reproduction: 1. C Both mitosis and amitosis continue to split into two daughter micronuclei and macronuclei. ADVERTISEMENTS: In this article we will discuss about the asexual and sexual modes of reproduction in protozoa, explained with the help of suitable diagrams.



So, all paramecium has the same inheritance. If not possible, solution may be piggybacked in an IV line containing 0. Factor and condition of conjugation Conjugation is very complex physiologically. Protozoa usually reproduces asexually by binary fission and multiple fission. Automixis : Automixis is the fusion of two gametic nuclei originating by the division of the single nucleus of an individual. Gamogony: Products are gametes.
