Current ethical issues for coca cola. How We Address Global Issues 2022-10-10

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Coca-Cola is a global company that operates in more than 200 countries, producing and distributing a range of non-alcoholic beverages including carbonated soft drinks, juices, and sports drinks. As one of the world's largest and most recognizable brands, Coca-Cola has a significant impact on society and the environment, and therefore, it is important for the company to consider and address a range of ethical issues.

One current ethical issue for Coca-Cola is the impact of its products on public health. There is a growing body of evidence linking sugary drinks, such as soda, to a range of negative health outcomes including obesity, diabetes, and tooth decay. In response to these concerns, Coca-Cola has taken steps to reduce the sugar content of some of its products and to offer a range of lower-calorie and sugar-free options. However, critics argue that these efforts are insufficient and that the company should do more to promote healthy alternatives to sugary drinks.

Another ethical issue for Coca-Cola is its environmental impact. The production, transportation, and disposal of Coca-Cola's products require significant amounts of energy, water, and other resources, and the company has faced criticism for its environmental footprint. To address this issue, Coca-Cola has set a number of sustainability targets, including reducing its greenhouse gas emissions and water usage, and increasing the use of recycled materials in its packaging. However, some critics argue that these efforts are not sufficient and that the company needs to do more to reduce its environmental impact.

A third ethical issue for Coca-Cola is its labor practices. The company has been criticized for its treatment of workers in its supply chain, particularly in developing countries where labor standards may be lower. To address these concerns, Coca-Cola has implemented a number of initiatives to improve working conditions and support the development of local communities, including programs to promote education and training. However, some critics argue that these efforts are insufficient and that the company needs to do more to ensure that its workers are treated fairly.

In conclusion, Coca-Cola is faced with a range of ethical issues that relate to the impact of its products on public health, the environment, and its labor practices. While the company has taken steps to address these issues, there is ongoing debate about whether these efforts are sufficient and what more the company should do to ensure that it operates in an ethical and responsible manner.

Sample Case Study on Coca

current ethical issues for coca cola

These actions led the governments to decline their purchase of the drink companies and reprimand Coke for their unlawful marketing practices. Also, honesty and accountability in every aspect of the company is a critical factor that is always considered. As long as Coca-Cola keeps being persistent with how they give back into the community and monitor what they are doing on an ethical standpoint, they will keep their customers and stakeholders happy. Applied ethics Applied ethics examines the correct actions that are morally right to the company and the society in anattempt to overcome the alleged challenges. Such laxity by the governments of the day to enforce laws on racial discrimination at the workplaces made it easier for Coca-Cola among other corporate entities to deny equal salaries and opportunities in promotion to certain races.


Coca Cola Ethical Issues

current ethical issues for coca cola

Following disputes can be taken to the disputes tribunals: Disputes relating to damage of property Disputes relating to loss of any property Disputes relating to work completed Dispute relating to payment of services etc Following disputes can be taken under the Arbitration act: Dispute related with debt Dispute related with taxes Dispute related with ownership of land etc Laws Relating to Copyrights, Trademarks, Patents, and Designs Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand IPONZ is the governing authority of Trademarks, Copyrights, Patents, and Designs. Signature and Acknowledgement All new employees are made to sign an acknowledgement form confirming that they have read the Code of Business Conduct and agree to abide by its provisions. We take a proactive approach to respecting human rights in every workplace of The Coca-Cola Company, in our bottling system, in our supply chain and in the communities in which we operate. The allegations took place in 1999, but prior claims on the same issue roots back to 1995, where the company was accused of racial discrimination CEOC, n. Crisis Situations Coca-Cola has not always been a squeaky-clean company that never had problems. Coca-Cola maintains close relation with its investors and other stakeholders. Human purchasing decision or consuming pattern is mostly depends on respective culture.


How ethical is Coca

current ethical issues for coca cola

Coca-Cola joined in the Business Leaders Initiative on Human Rights BLIHR in 2007. The risk ranking that resulted from these workshops was further discussed in a global stakeholder consultation process. The practice is illegal since it leads to the accumulation of illegitimate revenue by the company. Below it, in descending order, are the Court of Appeal, the High Court and the district courts. The ethical problems led to severe consequences such as loss of customers, ban on Coke products, among other adverse outcomes. France supposedly had about one hundred people become sick due to mold in the products they consumed. The solution for maintaining the company existence and smooth operation is for the governance team to take charge of complying with the set standards.


Case Study: Analysis of the Ethical Behavior of Coca Cola

current ethical issues for coca cola

There should not be any tax evading agreement with suppliers, payments to suppliers has to be made in their home country. Violations of a more serious nature may result in suspension without pay; loss or reduction of merit increase, bonus or stock option award; or termination of employment. The company also has several bottling plants around drought-driven areas in India, which resulted in allegations that it was responsible for the exhaustion of the limited water in these areas. Beside the general jurisdiction system there are different specialist courts and tribunals. The employee who leaked the information has an ethical interest to keep the trade secrets a secret: therefore, broke ethical standards in the industry.


Ethical Issues at Coca

current ethical issues for coca cola

Instructions are given to employee to not to discuss any issue which he has raised, with other employees. Honesty and trust for the coca cola company has always been good as one of the major ethical issues that measure the corporation of an existing industry. French brand Mecca Cola and British brand Qibla Cola, popular in the Middle East, are competitors to Coca-Cola. At a regional level, our Business Units around the world proactively engage with local communities where they conduct business. Coca Cola has supported more than 290 physical activity programs in nearly 125 countries and territories it operates. It is the most well recognized logo and brand across the world.


Study of Ethical Issues of Coca Cola Essay Example

current ethical issues for coca cola

Lancet, 354 9179 , 680—681. The program aims to achieve economic empowerment of 5 million women by the year of 2020. Employers may incorporate policies that support the Sarbanes-Oxley Act into their existing ethics programs. . Jet, 98 26 , 50.


How We Address Global Issues

current ethical issues for coca cola

Recommendation for Change for the organization Restoring customer-base by the company requires Coca-Cola to concentrate on social responsibility since it is the only sure way of showing the community the good intentions of the business. Retaliation Any retaliation against an employee who has raised a concern honestly, is treated as violation of code. Global audit is done on the basis of a global standard. There is a plan to use digital machine in root level distribution also. It is a leading group of top 13 multinational corporations to find out various ways for applying human rights. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 15 2 , 114. Coke is a widely successful business, but their growth has come at a cost.


(DOC) Analysis of the Ethical Behavior of Coca

current ethical issues for coca cola

Corporate Culture It has a professional corporate culture. Coca-Cola is extremely active in all aspects of society and environmental issues. Commissioners of Patents are the governing persons of patents related issues. The company has been trying to solve these issues by engaging in community development and forming public relations exercise. There are mainly two methods for dispute resolution. Publishing the Patents Office journal. So it has a well designed and flexible marketing strategy.


The Coca

current ethical issues for coca cola

Other employees should treat him with courtesy and respect. The existence of Coca-Cola Company depends on the governance commitment to comply with the company product allocation in different parts of the world. The main aim of this strategic plan is to preserve water for use by Indian citizens during droughts Nagpal 2010. Global audit is done by globally renowned audit firms. In India, the company was accused of depleting and contaminating underground waters, an allegation that they supported by the content of pesticides in soft drinks from the company Drew, 2008.


Ethical Issues

current ethical issues for coca cola

The bottling plants use symbols and claims that are not documented as environmentally friendly. The zero sugar drinks aim at reducing the health effects associated with the products with high sugar concentrations. The Coca-cola companies being well known I beverage, the company is expected to apply intuitionism. There are separate committees for monitoring corporate governance. In many locations it has its own security forces. Its main competitor is PepsiCo.
