Curate submissions hootsuite. Add Curate by UpContent to Hootsuite 2022-10-26

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Martin Luther King Jr. was a Baptist minister and civil rights activist who played a key role in the American civil rights movement. He is best known for his role in the advancement of civil rights using nonviolent civil disobedience based on his Christian beliefs.

King was born in Atlanta, Georgia in 1929. He was the son of a Baptist minister, and he grew up in a time when segregation and discrimination against African Americans were prevalent in the United States. Despite this, King was an intelligent and ambitious young man, and he excelled in his studies. He received a bachelor's degree in sociology from Morehouse College and then went on to earn a Ph.D. in theology from Boston University.

King's activism began in the 1950s, when he became involved in the civil rights movement. He became a leader in the movement, and he was instrumental in organizing the Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955. This boycott was a protest against the segregation of public buses in Montgomery, Alabama. It was sparked by the arrest of Rosa Parks, who refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white passenger. The boycott lasted for over a year and was successful in ending segregation on public buses in Montgomery.

In the 1960s, King continued to be a leading figure in the civil rights movement. He was a key organizer of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which were two major pieces of legislation that helped to end segregation and discrimination against African Americans in the United States. King's efforts were not without their challenges, however. He faced violence and intimidation from segregationists and was even arrested on several occasions.

Despite these challenges, King remained committed to his cause. He believed that nonviolence was the key to achieving civil rights for African Americans, and he preached this message throughout his career. He also believed that all people, regardless of race, were created equal and deserved to be treated with dignity and respect.

In 1968, King was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee. His death was a great loss to the civil rights movement and to the world. However, his legacy lives on, and his message of nonviolence and equality continues to inspire people all over the world.

In conclusion, Martin Luther King Jr. was a remarkable man who dedicated his life to the pursuit of justice and equality. His work and his message continue to inspire people today, and he is remembered as a hero and a symbol of the civil rights movement.

How to use HootSuite to Curate and Share Content

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Within the Publisher menu, click "Content" at the top of the screen. Plus, remember Google Alerts? Close that window and then click on the left arrow icon to share the post using HootSuite. Can I work it? The top tools content marketers need for curation success. HootSuite Syndicator The other method for finding outstanding content and news stories to share is by using the HootSuite Syndicator, a feature released by HootSuite This video from HootSuite provides a great overview of why HootSuite developed this capability and how people can use it: Just like with the Social Streams, you can set up a new Tab or create one or more streams within an existing Tab. In fact, you should be sharing more posts than you create. Hootsuite takes the combined feed from Feed Groups and efficiently allows you to create multiple grouped feeds by topics.


Social Media Marketing and Management Tool

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It recommend scheduling that turns into your existing scheduled content calendar in Hootsuite. Or, take a quote from the piece and create an image to go with your share. Therefore, finding and utilizing sources for great content to share and re-share is a real challenge. It will also allow to consolidate users by events, identities, relationships, topics and much more easily. Planner includes a social media content calendar that helps you visualize all your posts in one place.


The Complete Guide to Content Curation in 2023: Tools, Tips, Ideas

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To add Curate by UpContent as a stream to your main dashboard, click the "add streams" button near the top of the screen. What makes HootSuite particularly valuable for this purpose is that not only will have you have a single place to go to check out updates from all your networks, if you find an update on one network, you can share it to any of your other networks! Okay, this is true of any marketing strategy, so do I really need to say it? I would recommend installing Hootsuite Syndicator, an app that allows you to search for your favorite websites and add them to your Hootsuite dashboard. Lists are accessible using both Twitter and Hootsuite mobile apps. For instance, I often share really fabulous posts from Jeff Bullas, Heidi Cohen and Copyblogger. As you continue to create new connections and curate great Lists and Circles of thought leaders and influencers, you can jump into this Tab and see a steady stream of fantastic updates and shared posts. Just like with the social shares above, I recommend using the AutoSchedule. We have a free forever plan that allows one active topic forever.


Curate by UpContent and Hootsuite Amplify

curate submissions hootsuite

You can then select one or more Amplify topics you wish articles to appear in within Amplify once added to the Collection, and then click "Save Collection". Some articles I will share to multiple accounts, and others maybe just one or two, depending on the topic. Nonprofits to promote and display tweets from staff, board members, etc. Hootsuite Integrates Curate with UpContent and Proofpoint Hootsuite, a social media management solutions provider, today launched Curate by UpContent, an ntegration that lets businesses identify, review, approve, and distribute content on their social channels directly within the Hootsuite dashboard. He has established a reputation for being able to explain complex tools or topics in easy to understand ways, all while bringing a necessary sense of overall brand strategy and business purpose. You can leave a comment or share relevant content right from the stream for super-quick content curation.


Hootsuite Integrates Curate with UpContent and Proofpoint

curate submissions hootsuite

Public Twitter Lists can be given to others without following individuals. Content curation is a valuable strategy for all social media marketers. You can put all your RSS feeds into a single stream, or perhaps have different streams for different topics, or even one source per stream — whatever makes the most sense to you. Therefore, finding and utilizing sources for great content to share and re-share is a real challenge. You never know who you can start a conversation with and where it may lead. Once installed, you should see a confirmation screen.


Top 3 Content Curation Apps in Hootsuite

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Hootsuite can help you find content to share that matters to you. Curating Articles for Hootsuite Amplify With the above one-time setup activities complete, you and your team can now enjoy the seamless integration between the two platforms. Once this is selected you can also give your Advocates the ability to edit the article's post as well. Plus all those other juicy benefits. The road to a winning Curating content saves you time. You can start scheduling your content to go to your audience now within Hootsuite! But, scheduling your content also allows you to see where any gaps are and fill them.


How to Curate Content with Hootsuite

curate submissions hootsuite

Bonus: Download our free, customizable social media calendar template to easily plan and schedule all your content in advance. Connect a Curate by UpContent Collection to Hootsuite Amplify Topic s Sending articles to Hootsuite Amplify is done by connecting one or more Curate by UpContent Collections to one or more Hootsuite Amplify topics. You can tag creators with an on platforms that allow it, such as Twitter or Instagram. This content comes from partner organizations or office websites and from regional chapters. You might also highlight a bit of the text that you can quote in your post.


Add Curate by UpContent to Hootsuite

curate submissions hootsuite

Within the pop-up, click "Apps", Curate by UpContent will be located here since the platform has already been installed within your Hootsuite account. They publish articles daily that provide tremendous value to those interested in learning more about content marketing and social media. Select one or more social networks and then send. You can also create a Curate by UpContent board itself and have the Curate by UpContent stream located here as well. There are several social management tools on the market, like TweetDeck, Hootsuite and Buffer. Definitely 0% speaking from experience.


How to Use Hootsuite to Curate and Share Content

curate submissions hootsuite

Non-profits to create an RSS feed of all website content will use Hootsuite Syndicator. At the top of the screen, click "Add Stream" First, click on "Apps" on the left-hand side of the box, near the bottom. Cons: Viewing Lists via the Twitter mobile app is not natural. Suspend all scheduled posts when you need to react fast to a potential crisis or unexpected opportunity. A useful feature is the ability to see other recent posts from a brand or influencer right from the main results page. But when I call up my Technology News list within HootSuite and see an interesting tweet from someone, I can send it to either my personal or my branded Twitter account, as well as any of my other social media accounts, and I can also choose to AutoSchedule it and space out my posts, rather than sharing a bunch of posts all at once.
