Corruption in india essay in english. Corruption in India Essay — 700+ Words Essays [Top 3] 2022-10-21

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Corruption in India is a widespread and persistent problem that undermines the rule of law, hinders economic development, and contributes to social inequality. It takes many forms, such as bribery, embezzlement, and nepotism, and it affects all levels of society, from the local police officer to the highest levels of government. The consequences of corruption are felt by ordinary citizens, who are denied essential services and are forced to pay higher prices for goods and services, and by businesses, which are forced to pay bribes to get things done.

The causes of corruption in India are complex and multifaceted, but some of the main factors include the lack of transparency and accountability in the government, the lack of effective regulation and oversight, and the lack of an effective system for punishing corrupt officials. Political parties and politicians are often complicit in corruption, using their positions of power and influence to enrich themselves and their cronies.

Efforts to combat corruption in India have met with mixed success. In recent years, the government has introduced a number of reform measures, such as the Right to Information Act, which gives citizens the right to access information about government policies and decisions, and the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, which established independent anti-corruption agencies at the national and state levels. However, implementation of these reforms has been slow and patchy, and corruption remains a major challenge.

Civil society organizations and the media have played a crucial role in exposing and combating corruption in India. In particular, the media has been instrumental in bringing corrupt practices to light and in holding corrupt officials to account. However, there is a need for greater cooperation between these groups and the government in order to effectively tackle corruption.

In conclusion, corruption in India is a serious and widespread problem that undermines the rule of law, hinders economic development, and contributes to social inequality. While there have been some efforts to address the problem, much more needs to be done to ensure that corrupt officials are held to account and that the necessary reforms are put in place to prevent corruption from flourishing.

Essay On Corruption In English • English Summary

corruption in india essay in english

It is digging its teeth in every strata of the society, be it the poor, the middle class or the rich, no one is safe from its crutches. But the truth is that the common citizens of the country are also participants in various forms of corruption. Are using their position and power, which is violating moral values. This includes misappropriation, theft, breach of trust, etc. The topmost people in the country must present model examples of conduct, honesty and behaviour.


Corruption in India Essay in English WIKILIV

corruption in india essay in english

The damage done by these traitors is beyond calculation. Corruption in India Essay in English, Corruption is one of the major issues that the people of India have to deal with. A divided society could be detrimental to the stability of the country. One can face six months to seven years of imprisonment as punishment for bribery. Corruption is not just something that is associated with politicians and businessmen, corruption is a problem in India that exists in all the levels, right from ministers to watchmen. Everyone admits that corruption is something immoral and detestable. Such acts of dishonesty were a major source of corruption in the past and were the instrument of exploiting public property or, power for selfish gains in immoral, illegal ways.


Corruption Free India Speech for Students and Children in English

corruption in india essay in english

Several consumer products are sold at higher price than actual MRP mentioned on the product, either due to shortage or non-availability of particular product in that region. To wipe out the corruption minds of the people should be changed by the moral values. Then we shall be able to root out the evil of corruption from the entire society. Out of the many corruption methods, bribery or embezzlement is most noteworthy. We choose someone blindly and then take the name of the system in India. The severity of the issue has led to attacks on Indian democracy, economics, society and culture.


Corruption in India Essay for Class 10, 12 (Board) and Mains Exam

corruption in india essay in english

When the proportion of these qualities is significantly higher than the good ones like truthfulness, purity, and peacefulness, we tilt towards the wrong path. Calling electors to cast votes on a particular candidate, or physically blocking voters from accessing the polling stations frequently occurs in different parts of the world, particularly in weaker sections of society, such as the Tribal, Dalits, the depressed and rural women. Central Vigilance Commission CVC — This was set up in 1964 by the Government on the recommendations of the Santhanam Committee. The main causes of corruption are illiteracy, poverty and wrong economic policies of the Govt. Corruption in India Essay: The word corruption has sadly made inroads into every possible sphere of our society.


Essay on Corruption

corruption in india essay in english

More and more courts should be opened for speedy justice. These days our norms are palm- greasing, extortions by politicians from Industrialists by inspectors from, shopkeepers, by officials and clerks from the public and by everybody from everybody else even for small favours. There are people who belong to poor families. This was noticed in all transactions of the state and its ruler. Fast track consumer courts should also be setup to provide quick redressals to consumer complaints.


Corruption Essay or Corruption in India Essay in English

corruption in india essay in english

Whether it is in the field of education, sports, recreation or any other field, from the smallest employees to the topmost officials in every field are also surrounded by allegations of corruption, people are wrongly seeking more money. It will work even if it is a bit difficult, but you have not done your job by paying money. Most of them use the power of their position and connection to receive bribes there by leading to massive corruption. How to prevent corruption? The inherent nature of getting influenced by circumstances is the root cause of corruption. While India is at the threshold of becoming superpower, the progress of the country is getting eaten up by the corrupt people of the country.


Essay on Corruption in India for Students 1000 Words

corruption in india essay in english

It is spread in every corner of the country, which is the biggest drawback in the economic, social development of the country. Rooting out corruption can be a difficult task, but all citizens can come together and fight the menace. We live in a dog-eat-dog world that compels people to fend for themselves. It causes inequality and instability. Corruption in society When there is corruption in society, trust in the faith and honesty of mankind declines, and therefore there will be no trust in another, because the teachings and values we have received are not applied.


Corruption Free India Essay

corruption in india essay in english

We must understand that corruption is, in fact, one of the main hindrances in the development of our country, and we all are affected by it in one way or, another. These laws are made to suit their own needs and wishes. It makes the growth of the country significantly unstable and further increases inequality among the citizens. India, mostly in recent years, has become popular around the world because of the various scandals and corruption issues that have broken out in the power corridors of the country. These reports only go on to demonstrate how deeply the roots of corruption have spread across the country.


Essay On Corruption In India • English Summary

corruption in india essay in english

But with the constant misuse of power by the higher authority, the economy of the country is drastically affected. How many times do we see the police caught on the nose that everyone goes to the place of government job with fifty one hundred rupees in the hands of the police while bribes of lakhs are given. It has affected the minds of people to such an extent and become so widespread that wrong people can play with the lives of people of the society. They are a big hassle to the progress of the Nation. Conclusion Hence, we can conclude that it is high time and we should participate as much as possible, in raising awareness about the severity of corruption and its consequences on our country. Politics — Perhaps the biggest source of corruption in the country is politics. These evil practices severely affect the downtrodden people of the society who live on daily wages and spend their hard earned money on such defective products.
