Consumer buying behaviour towards cosmetics. (PDF) A study on Consumer Buying Behavior towards Cosmetic Products 2022-10-20

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Consumers have a range of factors that influence their buying behavior when it comes to cosmetics. These factors can be divided into personal, psychological, and social factors. Understanding these factors can help companies better understand consumer behavior and tailor their marketing and branding strategies to appeal to their target audience.

Personal factors that influence consumer buying behavior towards cosmetics include age, income, occupation, and lifestyle. For example, younger consumers may be more interested in trendy and innovative cosmetics, while older consumers may be more interested in products that address specific skin concerns. Consumers with higher incomes may be willing to spend more on premium cosmetics, while those with lower incomes may be more price-sensitive. Occupation and lifestyle can also influence the type of cosmetics that a consumer is interested in, as someone with a more active lifestyle may be more interested in sweat-resistant or waterproof products.

Psychological factors that influence consumer buying behavior towards cosmetics include motivation, perception, learning, and attitudes. Motivation refers to the internal drive that prompts a consumer to make a purchase, which can be influenced by their personal goals and values. Perception refers to how a consumer interprets and understands information about a product, which can be influenced by their past experiences and the way the product is presented. Learning refers to the way that a consumer acquires knowledge and information about a product, which can be influenced by advertising and word-of-mouth recommendations. Attitudes refer to a consumer's overall evaluation of a product, which can be influenced by their beliefs, values, and emotions.

Social factors that influence consumer buying behavior towards cosmetics include culture, social class, reference groups, and family. Culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, and practices of a particular society, which can influence the type of cosmetics that are considered appropriate or desirable. Social class refers to the division of society based on factors such as income, education, and occupation, which can influence the type of cosmetics that a consumer is interested in. Reference groups refer to the people that a consumer compares themselves to or identifies with, which can influence the type of cosmetics that they use. Family can also play a role in consumer buying behavior towards cosmetics, as parents may influence the cosmetics that their children use, and spouses may influence each other's cosmetics choices.

In conclusion, consumer buying behavior towards cosmetics is influenced by a range of personal, psychological, and social factors. Understanding these factors can help companies better understand their target audience and develop effective marketing and branding strategies.

Cosmetics Consumer Behavior in the U.S.

consumer buying behaviour towards cosmetics

The children are further selected by using convenient sampling. This study adopts descriptive research design for fact finding and searching the adequate data and information about the effect of advertisement on buying decision of customers on cosmetic products. Advertisements are helpful in creating the awareness and perception among the customers of cosmetic products; both of these variables are lethal combination to influence the buying behaviors of the consumers. For instance, weak financial ability, lack of research and development capability, and lack of experience in brand management and marketing. These series of decisions drive from the consumer awareness and consumer perceptions. Depending on the difference in requests on brand, quality, price and personal affordability, consumers were divided into low, middle and high classes.


Buying Behavior Of Youth Towards Cosmetic Products Marketing Essay

consumer buying behaviour towards cosmetics

In 2003, china had become the second-largest cosmetics market in Asia after Japan, and was the eighth largest in the world Li, 2005. The falling role and importance of advertisement has raised numerous questions which became the problem of this study. In this paper, respondents were selected by convenient sampling method and data was analyzed and interpreted with the help of statistical techniques. So the mobile marketing companies try to concentrate in this areas then it will reach the young consumer easily. The hypthesis is given below: H4: There is a relationship between Online Advertisement and Consumer Buying Behavior. Hence, the marketers need to consider many factors concerning women decision to buy cosmetics Hawkins;othersbaugh, 2010. In order to motivate respondents to take the time to respond to surveys, researchers have found that questionnaires must be interesting, objective, unambiguous, easy to complete.



consumer buying behaviour towards cosmetics

Chapter one includes Background of Study, Statement of Problem, Research Objectives, Research Questions and Significance of Study. Evaluating Effectiveness of Advertising on Sales; A Study Using Firm. The image a person protects is of basic and significant importance to career development, opportunity, peer status and ultimate achievement. . When we review the literature on the cosmetic and toiletry industry, not many studies are available especially about Indian scenario.


(PDF) " Consumer Buying Behavior towards Cosmetic Products "

consumer buying behaviour towards cosmetics

Such stores are also considered as being more convenient to shop in, contributing to the flourishing development of the discount retailing sector over recent years Access Asia Limited, 2008. Qualitative Method: The data collection techniques for qualitative studies, are dept interview, focus group, discuss guide, project technique. Literature review Many theories have been proposed to explain consumer behaviors within certain industry area. It is crucial to see what element is more important to customers when buying cosmetics. They would like to try several brands to compare them rather than be from the same brand Labbrand, 2009.


Consumer Buying Behaviour Of Youth Towards Cosmetics Products Marketing Essay

consumer buying behaviour towards cosmetics

Understanding Customer Relationship Management. Cosmetics have become a routine tool to make women more presentable. Get Help With Your Essay If you need assistance with writing your essay, our professional essay writing service is here to help! An important issue is also the desire to exploit the effects of scientific work from the world of business. Defining the concepts and creating a conceptual framework are means to simplify the research task and to clear away issues that are not related to the topic and research question. For instance, they would like to receive inquiry from brand concerning their feeling about the products they use, or to be informed in time when brand have special events.


The Influence of Advertising on the Purchasing Behavior of Consumers Regarding Cosmetic Products Free Paper Sample on

consumer buying behaviour towards cosmetics

India is traditional values of culture, spiritual and different languages. Advertising is essential to fulfil the traditional desire of firms to reach the ever increasing population so that their products may receive optimum exposure. Place of Purchasing Cosmetics In terms of the place of purchase, primary research should focus on finding out the reasons for selecting these places of purchase. Resources for the Future. Cosmetics are produced in various forms like creams, gels, colognes. It systematically solves the various sequential steps to adopt by a various author in studying problem with the objectives in view.


(PDF) Consumer Buying Behavior Towards Cosmetics Products(1)

consumer buying behaviour towards cosmetics

This is supported by Xuecai Liang Liang, 2008 who claimed that among the females, friends group plays a very important role on information communicating about different brands of cosmetics. Need recognition The buying process is initiated when people recognize their unsatisfied need. The article attempts to study the customers attitude towards cosmetic products in Malappuram district. However it is through undertaking carbon offset projects that help to reduce these impacts. A large number of people in India live below the poverty line and even in the condition of absolute poverty, which are unable to meet their basic needs. In these circumstances that customer will not repurchase immediately Tudor, 2008.


Consumer Buying Behaviour: The Cosmetics Industry

consumer buying behaviour towards cosmetics

On the other hand, when the consumer has had no prior experience, he or she may have to engage in a search for information Schiffman and Kanuk, 2007. Marketing experts helped the industry to gear certain products to that young market, packaging then in a way that would appeal to teens, and offer them at prices young people could afford. In conducting this study, the researcher was guided by the following theories; 2. Product quality The young generation is concern about the quality of the product. This chapter is to outline the nature and sources of data, sample selection and classification of variables, validity and reliability test, techniques and steps adopted in interpreting and analyzing the data. HYPOTHESIS To identify the factors influencing the behaviour of buyers of youth.


(PDF) A study on Consumer Buying Behavior towards Cosmetic Products

consumer buying behaviour towards cosmetics

Quantitative research Questionnaires As the measuring tools of this study, questionnaire based on previous studies and results of preliminary research were used. This entails the extent to which questions in the instruments cover the ground to be explored. When the complete message is encoded, it is now ready to transmit to the audience. It has the power to create strong image in the individual mind. The main purpose of the study is to know why cosmetic firms still do advertisement and invest larger amount of money in advertisement. In addition, we present some evidence based on empirical research that we conducted in the Utkal University as part of my Ph.


(PDF) "Consumer Buying Behavior towards Cosmetic Products"

consumer buying behaviour towards cosmetics

Which is not good for health by eating preservative foods and colored food it spoil the health there is a chance of liver failure, cancer, the color food attract the eye only Children and youngster are the main target by the marketing people. By understanding the consumer, the organization will then be able to make a more informed decision as to which strategy to employ. The study was conducted at very short period of time. How Communication Works in the Process ; Effect of Mass Communications pp 3-26 Urban, IL: University of Illinois Press. Different products vary in their status symbol values Kumar, Sharma ,1998 Moreover, all people are individual; hence have a unique personality of different characteristics, which is often portrayed with traits, such as self-confidence, dominance, sociability, autonomy, defensiveness, adaptability, and aggressiveness Blackwell et al. Copy to Clipboard Reference Copied to Clipboard. The Indian market has attracted a number of foreign retailers and domestic corporate to invest in this sector.
