Consciousness and the two track mind. PSYC 1101 Consciousness and The Two 2022-11-02

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Consciousness is a complex and multifaceted concept that has long puzzled philosophers and scientists alike. One aspect of consciousness that has received particular attention is the idea of the "two track mind." This refers to the idea that there are two separate, parallel processes at work in our minds: one that is conscious and rational, and another that is unconscious and automatic.

The conscious, rational track of the mind is responsible for our ability to think, reason, and make decisions. It allows us to analyze and evaluate information, and to engage in complex problem-solving tasks. This track of the mind is typically associated with higher-level cognitive functions, such as language and abstract thinking.

The unconscious, automatic track of the mind, on the other hand, is responsible for more basic, reflexive processes. This track of the mind is responsible for things like controlling our heart rate, regulating our breathing, and maintaining our balance. It is also responsible for many of our habitual actions, such as driving a car or typing on a keyboard.

There is evidence to suggest that the two tracks of the mind operate in parallel and often interact with one another. For example, when we are driving a car, the conscious, rational track of the mind may be responsible for deciding our destination and route, while the unconscious, automatic track of the mind is responsible for the actual act of driving.

The two track mind theory has significant implications for our understanding of consciousness and the way that we process information. It suggests that our minds are not simply unified, monolithic entities, but rather are made up of multiple, interacting systems that work together to produce our experience of the world.

One of the key challenges in the study of consciousness is understanding the relationship between the two tracks of the mind. How do they interact with one another? What is the relationship between conscious and unconscious processes? These are just a few of the questions that researchers are trying to answer in an effort to better understand the nature of consciousness.

Overall, the two track mind theory provides a useful framework for understanding the complexity of consciousness and the way that our minds process information. While there is still much that we do not understand about this concept, it is clear that the two tracks of the mind play a central role in our experience of the world and our ability to think, reason, and make decisions.

Consciousness and the Two

consciousness and the two track mind

The dual track mind is necessary for survival and to exchange important information to one another. According to the Multi-Store Model, STM holds limited amounts of information for short periods of time with relatively little processing. A well functioning unconscious mind takes our conscious mind off the more mundane things in life. Violent media can lead to violent dreams c. Baddeley and Hitch concluded that this was because the brain could not carry out tasks which occupied the same component e. The dual-track mind, also normally called the two-track mind, refers to the two minds that operate at the same time inside our one brain. What We Dream i.


Free Essay: Consciousness and the Two

consciousness and the two track mind

This means that our conscious and unconscious mind work together to paint a clear and whole picture of the world. Why We Dream i. Psychology Consciousness and the Two Track Mind Definition Description Consciousness Our awareness of ourselves and our environment can take different forms Cognitive neuroscience The interdisciplinary study of the brain activity linked with cognition including perception, thinking, memory and language Dual processing The principle that information is often simultaneously processed on separate conscious deliberate, high road and unconscious automatic, low road tracks. Your conscious mind is in one place at a time. The Brain and Consciousness A. The conscious mind stands for everything we are aware of.


The dual

consciousness and the two track mind

Change Blindness- a form of inattentional blindness where you fail to notice changes in the environment iii. This large variety of stimuli would be too much to be processed by only our conscious mind. This means it is a single system or store without any subsystems. It requires focus and is adept at solving problems. Cognition - Mental processes D. His results from his… The Myth of Multitasking Technology has made it possible to multitask and soon, corporate workers began to include multitasking as a proficiency to portray themselves as tech savvy and efficient. Parallel Processing- processing many aspects of a stimulus or problem simultaneously 1.


PSYC 1101 Consciousness and The Two

consciousness and the two track mind

Intuition for example is unconscious decision-making based upon experience. Consciousness- our subjective awareness of ourselves and our environment i. Stored inside our memory as experience. Reading Green Eggs and Ham to my preschooler for the umpteenth time, my obliging mouth could say the words while my mind wandered elsewhere. Paul Casabal Consciousness and the Two-Track Mind Psychology - The science of behavior.


Psychology Consciousness and the Two Track Mind Essay Example

consciousness and the two track mind

Because they are continuously feeding off and giving information to each other. Can be used to lessen pain and emotional distress B. Our brain is dual-processing, meaning that we interpret things at the same time. Our unconscious mind perceiving and processing stimuli outside our conscious awareness means there are fewer stimuli to perceive, focus on and thus, process by our conscious mind. The two-track mind is made up of unconscious processing and serial conscious processing. Used in routines ii.



consciousness and the two track mind

He believes that this change is negatively hindering our ability to focus and produce a single task. It guides our moment-to-moment movements. And in that one brain, there are two minds operating at the same time. It also requires more energy than the unconscious mind. Biological Rhythms and Sleep a. However, because unconscious decisions are made so quickly and outside our awareness, they are more prone to mistakes like remembering and retrieval errors.


Psychology Chapter 3 Consciousness and the Two

consciousness and the two track mind

It is the by- product of what we are really food at: focusing attention on some part of our environment. The visual action track deals with our conscious, moment-to-moment actions. Both tasks require attention, which can be in only one place at a time. This means that our unconscious mind is better suited for fast fight or flight situations or when other, rapid decisions must be made. Dreams are notable for their hallucinatory imagery, discontinuities and incongruities and for the dreamers delusional acceptance of the content and later difficulties remembering it Manifest content According to Freud, the remembered story line of a dream different from its latent or hidden content Latent content According to Freud, the underlying meaning of a dream REM rebound The tendency for REM sleep to increase following REM sleep deprivation created by repeated awakenings during REM sleep Hypnosis A social interaction in which one person the hypnotist suggests to another the subject that certain perceptions, feelings, thoughts or behaviors will spontaneously occur. Dual processing - the principle that information is often simultaneously processed on separate conscious and unconscious track.


Chapter 3 Consciousness and the Two

consciousness and the two track mind

Because of the new rewiring of our brain, multitasking is a negative thing because it shortens our attention span, devalues relationships, distracts us from the real moment and it causes people to be less efficient. . Inattentional blindness - failing to see visible objects when our attention is directed elsewhere. However, the brain could cope when the tasks involved separate components e. Even when you are deeply asleep, your perceptual window is not completely shut.


consciousness and the two track mind

Temp, wakefulness that occur on a 24 hour cycle ii. However, as a result of this research, it became apparent that there were a number of problems with their ideas concerning the characteristics of short-term memory. Limited attention- captures when things we deem important. This makes the unconscious mind less suited for making important, potential life altering decisions. Having knowledge of something allows us to respond to our environment with our full awareness. Inattentional Blindness- failing to see visible objects when our attention is directed elsewhere 1.


consciousness and the two track mind

Yet, the two-track mind model involves utilizing both psyches. Parallel processing - processing many aspects of a problem simultaneously; generally used to process well- learned information or to solve easy problems. Circadian Rhythm- our biological clock; regular body rhythms ex. It is a unitary system. This process is quicker, but less accurate at solving issues. Events we first perceive and process consciously may later on become processed unconsciously. If a stimulus activates enough brain- wide coordinated neural activity—as strong signals in one brain area trigger activity elsewhere—it crosses a threshold for consciousness.
