Concussion argumentative essay. Argumentative Essay Conclusion [Examples + Tips] 2022-10-10

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A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury that can occur when the head is subjected to a sudden, forceful impact or when the brain is violently shaken inside the skull. Concussions can range in severity from mild to severe and can have a range of short- and long-term effects on the individual's physical, cognitive, and emotional functioning. Despite their prevalence, there is still much that is not known about concussions, and there is ongoing debate about the best ways to prevent, diagnose, and manage these injuries.

One of the main arguments in favor of more research and better management of concussions is the potential for long-term consequences. While most people who suffer a concussion recover fully within a few weeks or months, some individuals may experience persistent symptoms, such as headaches, dizziness, fatigue, difficulty with concentration and memory, and mood changes. In rare cases, concussions can lead to more serious problems, such as post-concussion syndrome, second impact syndrome, and chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). CTE is a degenerative brain disease that has been found in people who have sustained multiple concussions or other head injuries and has been linked to cognitive decline, dementia, and other neurological symptoms.

Another argument for better management of concussions is the high prevalence of these injuries, particularly among athletes and military personnel. In sports, concussions are common in contact sports such as football, hockey, and boxing, but they can also occur in non-contact sports such as soccer and basketball. In the military, concussions can be caused by explosive blasts or other impacts. The risk of concussion is especially high in these populations because of the frequent and often high-impact nature of their activities.

There are also concerns about the potential for underdiagnosis and inadequate treatment of concussions. Many people who suffer a concussion may not seek medical attention, or they may not receive a proper diagnosis if their symptoms are not recognized as being related to a concussion. In addition, there is debate about the best ways to manage concussions, with some advocating for a more cautious approach that involves rest and a gradual return to normal activities, while others argue for a more aggressive approach that involves early return to activity.

Despite these concerns, there are also arguments against overdiagnosis and overtreatment of concussions. Some critics argue that the emphasis on concussions may lead to unnecessary medical interventions and missed opportunities for individuals to return to their normal activities. Others point out that the long-term consequences of concussions are still not fully understood and that more research is needed to determine the best ways to prevent, diagnose, and manage these injuries.

In conclusion, concussions are a common and potentially serious type of traumatic brain injury that can have short- and long-term effects on an individual's physical, cognitive, and emotional functioning. While there is ongoing debate about the best ways to prevent, diagnose, and manage concussions, there is a strong argument for more research and better management of these injuries in order to minimize the potential for long-term consequences and to ensure that individuals receive appropriate care.

In the play "Hamlet," written by William Shakespeare, there are several elements of tragedy that contribute to the overall tragic atmosphere and mood of the work. These elements include the tragic hero, the tragic flaw, the cause and effect chain of events, and the tragic resolution.

The tragic hero of "Hamlet" is, of course, the titular character himself. Hamlet is a prince who is grappling with the sudden death of his father, the King of Denmark, and the revelation that his uncle, Claudius, was responsible for the murder. Hamlet is torn between his desire for revenge and his sense of moral obligation, and this internal conflict is a key element of his tragic character.

One of the defining characteristics of a tragic hero is their tragic flaw, or the inherent quality or weakness that ultimately leads to their downfall. In the case of Hamlet, his tragic flaw is his indecision and procrastination. He spends much of the play debating and contemplation his actions, and this ultimately leads to the tragic resolution of the play.

The cause and effect chain of events in "Hamlet" is another key element of the tragedy. The chain of events begins with the murder of the King, which sets in motion a series of events that culminate in the tragic resolution of the play. The cause and effect chain is further complicated by the various characters' motivations and desires, which are often in conflict with one another.

Finally, the tragic resolution of "Hamlet" is the tragic ending of the play, in which many of the main characters, including Hamlet, die. This resolution is a result of the chain of events set in motion by the murder of the King, as well as the tragic flaws of the characters, particularly Hamlet's indecision and procrastination.

Overall, the elements of tragedy in "Hamlet" contribute to the overall tragic mood of the play and make it a classic work of tragedy in the tradition of Shakespearean drama.

Argumentative Essay On Multiple Concussions

concussion argumentative essay

But in fact, this is one of the first things people pay attention to. Where the violation is deemed to be willful, no good faith penalty adjustment will be made. From little leagues to high school sports to the professional leagues, concussions pose a high risk of long term Traumatic brain injuries. These samples of concussion research paper topics could help with some inspiring topics or ideas, they could show how to properly structure and present the content. OSHA Regulation of NFL Teams OSHA has authored two Standard Interpretation letters regarding its jurisdiction to regulate professional sports. This leads to many personality affects, and can even cause death.


Head to Head: The NFL Concussion Scandal and an Argument for OSHA Regulation

concussion argumentative essay

Thus far, litigation has resulted mainly in monetary damages, which theoretically should incentivize change to professional football; however, these monetary damages were accompanied by settlement clauses that allowed the NFL to deny any and all wrongdoing associated with the concussion scandal. What To Write In The Conclusion For An Argumentative Essay To write a conclusion argumentative essay, you first need to recall all the key points of your writing. This thinking is irrational and is putting athletes at risk of injury and is an unreasonable belief. Football in some families is considered a passage to life for many boys. When your conclusion tone is assertive, try to write the last part of the finale as a call to action. Pellman stepped down from his position as Chair of the MTBI Committee; his resignation came on the heels of increasing information about the long-term effects of repeated head trauma.


Concussions Argument Essay

concussion argumentative essay

Perverse incentives OSHA regulation would be a useful tool to combat the hazard in question, especially as the current system is fraught with perverse incentives. Smith, Solving the Concussion Problem and Saving Professional Football, 35 T. American Football is one of the most popular and entertaining sports yet the most dangerous sports to play, especially for children. With the rise in head trauma from previous players has caused the NFL to make changes in their player safety precautions. This discussion incorporates information about litigation brought against the NFL as a result of football-related head trauma, as well as current league policies that purport to ameliorate the concussion problem.


Concussions argument Free Essays

concussion argumentative essay

This section begins by describing the history and structure of the NFL, with brief discussion of various league policies. They think that since they don 't have many symptoms they 're healed and are eagerly ready to go back to playing, that is usually when most severe concussions happen. When studies of his brain were conducted, it was discovered that he too had CTE. Want to write a perfect conclusion for your paper, but don't know how? My senior year of high school I sustained a concussion that ended my football career. Once again, no matter what kind of conclusion you write, it is crucial to have a good one! Players tend to think that side effects would not appear further down the road.


Concussions Essay

concussion argumentative essay

Below, you can see an argumentative essay conclusion example for such texts. The NFL is a trade association comprised of 32 teams. The students that get injured while playing are benched until they are fully healed. Helmets and body padding. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSHA was founded with the purpose of protecting employees from the dangers of hazardous workplaces. It is Imperative that student athletes are required to be monitored, and even completely healed from being concussed before returning to any sporting events.


Argumentative Essay On Concussions

concussion argumentative essay

The NFL has implemented some rule changes in reaction to litigation and public pressure. This way, you see their ideas and become part of their audience. Players are drafted directly by individual teams and sign a standard contract with the NFL that includes a rider for the specific team. A concussion is a relatively mild brain trauma normally resulting from a blow on the head and characterized by temporary confusion or even unconsciousness among other symptoms. Tanick, Independent Contractor or Employee? If you like your news free of filtering and want truthful information, you must act now and ensure your rights. But, no matter your point, it is crucial to state your ideas without offending anyone else. The effects of not having a concussion treated The War On Football Research Paper The War on Football In the past in few years, there has been mayor argument in football.


Argumentative Essay Conclusion [Examples + Tips]

concussion argumentative essay

The amount of damage done by injuries are worsened due to repeat injuries. Still, you must keep a good transition between the sections and stick to the basic structure and rules. . In that sense, denying an unborn child's right to life is identical to denying any other person's rights. The brain controls the body and gives a person personality and defines every aspect of his or her life. To draft my argument, I will also heavily examine the decision in Florida to require soft protective headgear for all female high school lacrosse, for they are the first state to issue such drastic regulations. There is very little within the NFL Constitution that concerns safety and injury protocol.


Essay On Concussions

concussion argumentative essay

Second impact syndrome is even more dangerous than the initial concussion. The moral principle based on the option to educate and inform players of the dangers of concussions is respect for life. I have had past and present experiences of concussions and I know that they are nothing to play around with. Such a blow may cause the head to jerk back and forth in a rapid motion. Head related injuries have serious consequences in violent contact sports.


Concussion Essays

concussion argumentative essay

The OSHRC has two methods of regulating the NFL teams: monetary fines and citations requiring correction of the hazard There are two approaches that the OSHRC can take in its attempt to regulate NFL teams. Note: You should check your outline for significant findings or arguments. If instead the player decides not to report head trauma, he has the potential to stay on the field more play time. Thus being in a first aid class we all are surrounded by some type of physical activity. OSHA regulation in the form of additional rule changes would work to protect future players and prevent football-related head trauma on the field. It is widely known that you can sprain your ankle, break a bone or even get a concussion, all in the name of the sport; however, many are unaware of or overlook that fact that something such as a concussion or repeated hits to the head can lead up to a deadly disease known as Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy CTE. Monumental litigation has been brought against the NFL and resulted in insufficient changes to the rules.


Concussions Argumentative Essay

concussion argumentative essay

Similar perverse incentives exist for the coaching staff. Persuasive Essay On Concussions In Sports 528 Words 3 Pages Concussions in Sports In sports, concussions occur frequently across all age groups. While these sports increase the strength of teenagers as they partake in a school activity, the risk of injury and death is great. If a person has suffered a concussion it is important to make sure they are practicing caution and avoiding accumulating a second concussion because even a mild second concussion can result in severe brain damage and even death. Usually, it is connected to your writing as you have to research specific matters. A change in the tackling method, so as to further remove the head from the tackle process, has the potential to be effective in reducing injuries from football-related head trauma.
