Compare three theories of personality development. Comparing and Contrasting Two Theories of Personality: Psychoanalytical Theory vs. Behavioral Theory 2022-10-17

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Personality development refers to the way in which an individual's personality emerges and changes over the course of their lifetime. There are many theories that have been proposed to explain personality development, and in this essay, we will compare three of the most influential and widely studied theories: psychoanalytic theory, humanistic theory, and social cognitive theory.

Psychoanalytic theory, developed by Sigmund Freud, emphasizes the role of unconscious thoughts and desires in shaping personality. According to Freud, personality is made up of three main components: the id, ego, and superego. The id is the unconscious, primal part of the personality that seeks immediate gratification of its desires and impulses. The ego is the rational, logical part of the personality that mediates between the id and the outside world. The superego is the moral component of the personality that internalizes societal rules and values. Freud believed that the interplay between these three components is what drives personality development, and that conflicts between them can lead to psychological issues such as neurosis.

Humanistic theory, developed by Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers, takes a more positive view of personality development. This theory emphasizes the individual's innate drive towards self-actualization, or the realization of one's full potential. According to humanistic theory, people are naturally motivated to grow and develop, and the key to healthy personality development is the ability to be self-aware and self-accepting. Maslow and Rogers believed that individuals need to have their basic needs met and feel a sense of belonging and self-esteem in order to fully realize their potential.

Social cognitive theory, developed by Albert Bandura, focuses on the role of social influences and learning in personality development. This theory emphasizes the importance of observing and imitating others, as well as the influence of cognitive processes such as attention, perception, and memory. According to social cognitive theory, personality is shaped by the interactions an individual has with their environment and the mental processes they use to make sense of those interactions.

In conclusion, these three theories of personality development offer different perspectives on the factors that shape an individual's personality. Psychoanalytic theory focuses on unconscious drives and conflicts, humanistic theory emphasizes self-actualization and self-acceptance, and social cognitive theory highlights the role of social influences and learning. While each of these theories has its own unique insights, they can also be seen as complementary, with each contributing to our understanding of personality development.

Theories of Personality Development: From Past to Today

compare three theories of personality development

About 1594-96, Otho Casmannus formalized this doctrine by coining words from Greek roots: anthropology the study of man , psychology the study of mind , and somatology the study of body. He felt that each stage of development needed not only a positive trait but also a negative one. The source of this energy, according to Freud, is instinctual in nature which implies that it is not learnt. Failure to solve the problems at the autonomy stage will delay initiative or destroy it completely. The id was primatively a reflex however if this was true development would be hypothetical.


Compare The Personality Theories Of George Kelly And...

compare three theories of personality development

Bowlby argues that if these requirements are not adequately met, pathology may develop in connection with the self-perception of the child. All these differences are reflected in the ways they formulate and answer psychological questions. Trying out developing abilities and achieving new goals. Individuals differ to the extent that they generally believe their own actions are related to personal outcomes. Personality: Theory and research.


Freud vs. Erikson: Comparing Theories of Development

compare three theories of personality development

For a behaviorist, problem behavior is simply seen as learned responses that have harmful consequences for the client or for his environment. Wiley Encyclop Personal Individ Diff: Models Theor. Sex role is also essential for the development of a sense of personal identity. The id is the original personality system it exposes the immediate discharge of psychic energy produced by biological drives. It is also usually stated in society that a quiet introverted person lacks a personality In psychology personality is defined as being made up of the characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings and behaviors that make a person unique. Kelly proposed that people make predictions and interpretations regarding their experience on the basis of their personal constructs or schemata , and they endeavor to behave in a manner that is consistent with their personal constructs. Critics claim that subjective beliefs are hard to objectify; for instance, one does not know when someone is actually self-actualized.


Comparison of three different Developmental Theories

compare three theories of personality development

Other theories apply learning principles only to the acquisition of knowledge and have a specific explanation for the development of each type of personality deviation. How to reference this article: How to reference this article: McLeod, S. For Adler, how the person creatively directs the drives is more important than merely focusing on these drives or impulses. Because of the human ability to symbolize personal experience and to think ahead about the expected consequences of personal actions, each individual has the capability to self-reflect, leading to the potential for self-directed changes in behavior. These stages are separated by levels. Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory.


Compare and Contrast Child Developmental Theories Essay

compare three theories of personality development

Comparison of three different Developmental Theories. The next sub-stage leads to an anal-expulsive personality, excess in the stage. Psychological Review, 94, 319-340. Humanistic psychologists have something in common with cognitive psychologists, because they are interested mainly in psychological characteristics that set humans apart from other animals rather than in the behavior that humans share with the rest of the animal kingdom. They develop self-sufficiency by controlling activities such as eating, toilet training, and talking. It wants the immediate impulses of the individual to be fed at any cost. During this yearly developmental period, children establish the three parts of their personality, as envisioned by Freud: the id, ego, and psyche.


Personality paper compare three theories of personality... Free Essays

compare three theories of personality development

Learn More A child at this stage faces a crisis which must be resolved. Personality theories go into further detail from the perspective. The social learning theory has the potential to allow parents to model a child in the right direction. Self-efficacy beliefs are crucial to making self-directed changes because they are most functional when they are accurate. Freud's Theory The fifth stage of psychosexual development is known as the genital stage. Incremental theorists develop relative or mastery goals and are less motivated by fear of failure.


Cognitive Personality Theories

compare three theories of personality development

Using a standardized test devised by Eysenck, psychologists can identify familiar dimensions of personality in patients to determine mental health. The idiographic goal is to find ways to study all of the differences and variations that we can find in human personality. The scientific study of personality. Phallic Period: Involves the age range of 3-5 years. But Alfred Adler sees a different perspective of human nature. Developed by norms and values of society, it is divided into two sub-components, the conscience, acquired by punishment, and ego-ideal, approval and reward.


Compare And Contrast Personality And Humanistic Theories...

compare three theories of personality development

Although coming out much later, their movement includes some well-known and highly respected psychologists, such as Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow. Therefore, the behavioral theory of personality is concerned with the response and consequences of behaviour. Journal of Humanistic Psychology. The easiest way to explain the ego is that it wants to make decisions that make the id and superego happy. This sexual drive is referred to as libido.
