Compare and contrast writing examples. Compare and Contrast Worksheet & Facts 2022-10-25

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Creativity is a crucial aspect of human life that allows us to generate new and innovative ideas, solve problems, and express ourselves in unique ways. It is a valuable skill that has the potential to benefit individuals, communities, and society as a whole. Therefore, it is important to nurture and encourage creativity in all aspects of life, including education.

However, there is a widespread belief that schools often kill creativity. Many people argue that the traditional education system, with its emphasis on memorization, standardized testing, and conformity, stifles creativity and discourages students from thinking outside the box. In this essay, we will explore this claim and consider whether schools really do kill creativity.

One reason why some people believe that schools kill creativity is that they place a strong emphasis on conformity and the correct answers. Students are often expected to follow rules and procedures, and deviations from the norm are not always encouraged or rewarded. This can create a culture of fear and conformity, where students are afraid to take risks or express themselves in unique ways.

Another reason why some people believe that schools kill creativity is that they focus primarily on academic subjects, such as math, science, and language arts. While these subjects are important, they do not always provide opportunities for students to engage in creative activities. For example, a student may be asked to solve a math problem or write an essay, but they may not have the opportunity to design a product, create a piece of art, or engage in other forms of creative expression.

Additionally, the pressure to perform well on standardized tests can also limit creativity. Schools often place a great deal of emphasis on test scores, and students may feel pressure to focus on preparing for these tests rather than exploring their own interests and passions. This can lead to a narrow focus on academic subjects and a lack of time for creative pursuits.

However, it is important to note that not all schools kill creativity. Some schools, particularly those that adopt a more progressive approach to education, actively encourage creativity and allow students to explore their own interests and passions. These schools may use project-based learning, inquiry-based learning, and other pedagogical approaches that give students the opportunity to engage in creative activities and express themselves in unique ways.

In conclusion, while it is true that some schools may discourage creativity, it is important to recognize that not all schools are the same. Some schools actively encourage creativity and provide students with the opportunity to explore their own interests and passions. Therefore, it is important for educators, parents, and policy makers to consider ways to nurture and encourage creativity in all aspects of education.

Compare and Contrast Essay: Tips & Examples of Comparing and Contrasting

compare and contrast writing examples

You can organize these into categorized lists, but then you have to go through each list to separate what is similar from what is not. Pepsi thus has more calories although Coke also has more sodium than Pepsi Moss, 2019. Another difference is that I have more freedom than my mother had. Source of information: 1. You might focus on contrasting quite different subjects or comparing subjects with a lot in common—but there must be some grounds for comparison in the first place.


Compare and Contrast Pepsi and Coke Free Essay Example

compare and contrast writing examples

How to Write a Persuasive Essay: Step-by-Step Guide + Examples Have you ever tried to get somebody round to your way of thinking? Inanimate nouns form their plurals with —h, so tehtapuwin chair becomes tehtapuwinh chairs. A second similarity is that both religions have a holy book. The world has seen many systems regulating socio-economic relationships between people, but the one that remains dominant is capitalism, with its main alternative being socialism. . Living in the city vs.


8.4: Writing Skills

compare and contrast writing examples

Block method example The most commonly cited advantage of distance learning is the flexibility and accessibility it offers. However, the companies have been able to establish loyal customer bases. The company introduced the low calorie version of the product, called Coke Zero, and even changed its flavor, which was reverted after dissatisfaction was expressed. How to make your autobiography writing flow? Either way, you will need to decide on your The best part of all is that you have your compare and contrast thesis statement in the bag because you already have your similarities and differences all mapped out and have chosen the best of them. While the conflict in the Middle East receives a lot of attention in the news, Muslims are quick to point out that Islam, like Christianity, is inherently a peaceful religion. This paragraph will compare and contrast the Paleo and Vegan diets based on potential health issues a person might have, such as a specific disease or food allergies. She certainly could not go to a movie with a boy! My mother could not do those things.


Comparing and Contrasting in an Essay

compare and contrast writing examples

In contrast, traditional classes provide remarkable experience through classroom activities. You should say early in your paragraph whether you are comparing or contrasting. This paper will contrast the two on such aspects as equality, the basis, and rationality. The first similarity is that followers of both religions worship only one god, and this god is the source of rules that must be followed. These words are called transitionsignals and are useful in comparing and contrasting and inother specific structures of writing. Coke and Pepsi have both developed themselves as leading beverage companies, competing for customers in the Cola flavored industry. Pepsi has more sugar while Coke is more gaseous.


Compare and Contrast Worksheet & Facts

compare and contrast writing examples

Pepsi-Cola was originated by Caleb Bradham, a pharmacist, in 1898 to try to realize the recent success of Coca-Cola. But despite the fact that they are both easy to recognize, apples and oranges offer different things. The example paragraph addresses a topic that is small enough to be covered in one paragraph. Distance learning, then, seems to improve accessibility in some ways while representing a step backwards in others. My book in Cree is nimasinahiikan, your book is chimasinahiikan, and their book is umasinahiikanawaau.


compare and contrast writing examples

Initially, Coke established itself due to its remedial properties, including presence of cocaine, though this was later removed from the formula The Coca-Cola Company, 2019. The majority of people had a chance to experience online education and compare it to the standard face-to-face mode in brick-and-mortar learning institutions. Some other prompts may not directly ask you to compare and contrast, but present you with a topic where comparing and contrasting could be a good approach. You also make a meaningful argument about them. Furthermore, both fruits can be turned into a refreshing and delicious juice and are healthy options.


compare and contrast writing examples

She got married when she was very young, and she has never had a paying job. Other differences would be in the names of the product variations Max for Pepsi and Diet for Coke. Describing each of them simultaneously also highlights the distinct characteristics, which makes the object easier to recognize. However, it is worth remembering that the two religions have more in common than people often think. Despite these differences, Cree is not a difficult language to learn; in fact, it may even be easier than English.


compare and contrast writing examples

For example, the English sentence I ate a lot of caribou is expressed in Cree as Nichii mishtamuuwaatihkwen. Look at the following examples of paragraphs that show similarities or differences. People often think these religions are very different, but there are actually some similarities between them. Now that your ideas are in place, you can focus on grammar, spelling, word choice, and punctuation. They can then offer assistance quietly during the exercise or discuss it further after class.
