City of fallen angels quotes and page numbers. City of Fallen Angels Quotes by Cassandra Clare 2022-11-04

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"City of Fallen Angels" is a young adult urban fantasy novel by Cassandra Clare, the fourth installment in the "Mortal Instruments" series. It was published in 2011 and has since become a popular and influential work in the fantasy genre. The novel follows the character Clary Fray as she navigates the dangerous and mysterious world of the Shadowhunters, a group of young people with special powers who are tasked with protecting humanity from demons.

One of the key themes of "City of Fallen Angels" is the idea of redemption and forgiveness. Throughout the novel, characters struggle to come to terms with their past mistakes and try to find ways to make amends. This theme is exemplified in the following quote from the novel: "Forgiveness is a strange thing. It can sometimes be easier to forgive our enemies than our friends. It's funny, isn't it? We can forgive all sorts of evil in a person we don't know, but the good things, the flaws, the mix of the two in someone we love - those are the things that can be hardest to forgive" (page 250). This quote highlights the complexity and nuance of forgiveness, and suggests that it can be difficult to extend it to those who are closest to us.

Another important theme in "City of Fallen Angels" is the idea of identity and self-discovery. As the characters navigate their relationships and responsibilities as Shadowhunters, they are also grappling with their own sense of who they are and what they want from life. This is exemplified in the following quote from the novel: "Sometimes who you are is not as important as the people around you, the people who shape you, who change you and help you become who you are" (page 309). This quote suggests that our identities are shaped not just by our own choices and experiences, but also by the people we surround ourselves with and the relationships we have with them.

Finally, "City of Fallen Angels" also explores the theme of love and relationships. Throughout the novel, the characters struggle with romantic love, friendship, and family bonds, and must navigate the challenges and complications that come with these relationships. One memorable quote that captures this theme is: "Love is a risk. You have to be willing to lose everything to have it" (page 348). This quote highlights the vulnerability and potential for pain that comes with love, but also suggests that it is worth taking the risk in order to have the reward.

Overall, "City of Fallen Angels" is a rich and thought-provoking novel that touches on a variety of themes, including forgiveness, identity, and love. These themes are explored through the complex and compelling characters in the novel, making it a must-read for fans of urban fantasy and young adult fiction.

City of Fallen Angels Quotes by Cassandra Clare

city of fallen angels quotes and page numbers

Raised high on any mountain we climb reads a Sign; and His point's to say, 'Just trust Me. They had a human form, no wings. Aural sensation is a constant theme throughout the novel, as Perry describes the ways in which the chopping helicopters and surging enemy fire rattle him to the core. Cramping your style, am I? It didn't stop when they blew the whistle. I've never seen anything more beautiful. They were as thick as hair on a dog's back.


Fallen Angels Quotes (56 quotes)

city of fallen angels quotes and page numbers

You couldn't let too much truth seep into your conversation, you couldn't admit with your mouth what your eyes had seen. After months of fighting, however, Perry must admit that the war is not far away. Look, I realize you may be jealous that the good Lord didn't deal you the same chiseled hand he dealt me, but that's no reason to-' 'I am not trying to insult you. He must have thought they were profound. Some things," Jace said, with his customary crooked smile, "are just too unlikely to dwell upon.


Book Quotes

city of fallen angels quotes and page numbers

Brew, who was drafted, admits that he considered running away to Canada to avoid coming to Vietnam. This quote is emblematic of the continual tension between Perry's idealized perception of being a soldier and the often inconsistent reality. We need a singer. They could find me a female instructor. Brides wear white to symbolize their purity.


Quotes about City Of Fallen Angels (38 quotes)

city of fallen angels quotes and page numbers

You did not open the door. Perry starts to feel this emotional void after spending months surrounded by soldiers who do have significant relationships - Lieutenant Carroll and his wife, Monaco and his fiancée, and Walowick and his family. It touched part of you that were small and frightened and wanting your mommy. But even worse than the physical affliction was the knowledge that he would forevermore be denied Heaven. This is what I believe. You want tomato soup and a mango for dinner? Accessed December 30, 2022. Sometimes standing alone seemed to be the hardest thing in the world to do.


Fallen Angels Quotes and Analysis

city of fallen angels quotes and page numbers

Hours of boredom, seconds of terror. Piter commanded far more affection and loyalty from me than the nation as a whole. One chocolate chip cookie, two chocolate chip cookies, three chocolate chip cookies. He grabbed for the coatrack that stood by the door, ripped the coatsoff it, and flung the door wide, the rack held above his head like a javelin. This moment also foreshadows Carroll's own tragic death later in the novel. .


Book Lover's Book Club

city of fallen angels quotes and page numbers

Do, continue withwhatever mesmerizing thing you were saying. He feels like he cannot be "normal" anymore. Instead, it only seems right when viewed from the "big picture" point of view, where the soldiers are fighting for democracy and the benefit of the South Vietnamese people. I know none of this is real and I'm just playing a part. How come he put a brother on point and another brother in the damn rear? Brides wear white to symbolize their purity. Go back to what you were doing. Lots of captions like Wish you were here, except not really.


City of Fallen Angels Quotes

city of fallen angels quotes and page numbers

I swear on us. But things aren't different, and I can't look at you without feeling like I've tricked you into loving me. The novel's concern with whether the United States is right to be fighting in Vietnam or not suggests that Myers challenges the reader to consider whether the protestors and draft evaders have a just cause. He is also playing a part in the sense that he pretends to be many things that he is not—like a brave soldier—in order to survive the war. I opened the door for Lilith and her stupid ritual. And I shouldn't want you. Perry's mind is the only place where he can exercise control, but the war presents an increasingly intense and frequent interruption to his protective state of introspection.


"City Of Fallen Angels" Quotes . Top 30 Short Quotes About "City Of Fallen Angels"

city of fallen angels quotes and page numbers

The African American soldiers believe that Dongan's choices are motivated by racism, but they cannot do anything about it. As Perry experiences more and more traumatic moments during the war, he is not able to fully process his emotions about everything he has seen. You don't look good. The hamlet that Alpha Company had previously gone to "pacify" has now become a hotbed of VC aggression. Throughout the novel, Perry wrestles with the question of why the soldiers are fighting this war. He is focused on playing basketball for his base, but that all changes when he injures his knee. I can get close to him like no one else can.


Fallen Angels Quotes

city of fallen angels quotes and page numbers

Most of the people he has grown up with expect him to go to college, which his family is not able to afford. Perry and the rest of the squad adopt the prayer as their own, even after Lieutenant Carroll passes away. Perry notices the commanding officers are trying to calm the soldiers down, and he notes that they cannot come down from their battle high that quickly. Maybe it would make me feel even more than I already do that I'm perpetuating some kind of Great Lie on you, and I couldn't stand that. On the other side if the door was Jace. An opinion that has been backed up with ample evidence. Every time a mortar went off, I jumped.


City of Thieves Quotes

city of fallen angels quotes and page numbers

They could find me a female instructor. Vampire mojo strikes again. One of the most important lessons Perry learns from his time at war is that his relationships with others fulfill him and give his life significance. They had to be good-looking, you know! We also accept submissions from our visitors and will select the quotes we feel are most appealing to the BookQuoters community. I belong to you. As the world communicates more and more via texts, memes and sound bytes, short but profound quotes from books have become more relevant and important. On the airplane to Vietnam, Perry and Judy could speak casually and with ease.
