Chinese culture essay. Essays on Chinese culture. Essay topics and examples of research paper about Chinese culture 2022-10-23

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Chinese culture is a vast and complex subject, encompassing a wide range of traditions, customs, beliefs, and practices that have evolved over the course of thousands of years. With a rich and varied history, China has developed a unique and diverse culture that has had a profound influence on the rest of the world.

One of the most distinctive aspects of Chinese culture is its emphasis on tradition and the importance of family. Family is at the center of Chinese society, and the extended family is often seen as the basic unit of social organization. Respect for elders is a key value in Chinese culture, and filial piety is considered one of the most important virtues.

Another important aspect of Chinese culture is its emphasis on education and intellectual achievement. From a young age, Chinese children are encouraged to excel academically, and education is seen as a key path to success and social mobility. The Chinese language is also an important aspect of Chinese culture, with a long and complex history of its own. Chinese writing is based on characters, which are often seen as works of art in themselves, and the Chinese language is known for its subtlety and nuance.

Chinese culture is also deeply rooted in religion and spirituality. Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism are the three main religions practiced in China, and they have had a significant influence on the country's culture and way of life. In addition, traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture are widely practiced and have been embraced by many people around the world.

Finally, Chinese culture is known for its rich artistic traditions, including music, dance, literature, and the visual arts. The Chinese opera, for example, is a form of musical theatre that has been popular for centuries, and Chinese literature has a long and distinguished history, with works such as the "I Ching" and the "Tao Te Ching" being among the most famous and influential texts in the world.

In conclusion, Chinese culture is a complex and multifaceted subject, with a rich and varied history that has had a profound influence on the rest of the world. From its emphasis on tradition and family to its rich artistic and spiritual traditions, Chinese culture is a unique and fascinating aspect of the human experience.

Chinese Traditional Festivals and Culture

chinese culture essay

Rules that dictate appropriate personal distance vary from culture to culture Holland, 2017. Yueh Lao Yeh, an old man who was believed to live on the moon, carries out this role. Several individuals have also been involved in promoting culture development by sponsoring events or other programs with a cultural orientation. The Consul General of China asserts that "in Northeast Asia and some Southeast Asian countries, the historical influence of Chinese culture could be… Bibliography Mather, Richard B. The narrator in each story is omniscient, which is their biggest similarity -- but the two differ in style in the sense that "Wandering in the Garden" has a stream-of-consciousness manner that runs through it, taking the reader deep into the main characters thoughts as she revisits her past.


Chinese Culture

chinese culture essay

There are strict rules of protocol, with a clear chain of command, which is expected to be kept on… References Choy, W. Food was distributed fairly. At this time, the Chinese mastery in calligraphy is brought to the fore. The national media has lately been at the forefront in promoting traditional holidays and events such as the Dragon boat festival, the Mid-Autumn festival, the Moon festival and other cultural events that were earlier deemed contradictory such as the Maoism, globalism and socialism. The classes ae nomally held two to thee hous on weekends with Chinese language lessons and othe taditional cultual and at activities. These experiences are not unique.


Essay About Chinese Culture

chinese culture essay

Language There are seven major groups of dialects of Chinese Language with variations according Mount Holyoke. Retrieved from Culture In this briefing new employee human resources, we will be considering cultural management issues in the tourist industry and how they impact upon our business. Historically the period is referred to as The Great Proletarian Cultural evolution. These are the Spring Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival and the Dragon Boat festival. These ethical value judgments are quite secondary to the matter of human conflict and its role in the affairs of both love and power.


Free Chinese Culture Essay Examples and Topic Ideas on GraduateWay

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Ideally, the father was expected to teach the sons kindness and sons were taught to be dutiful and obedient to their fathers. The Taoist religion was created from the Taoist philosophy and as a philosophy and religion it has had a huge influence in China and in eastern Asia. Chinese culture is one of the oldest cultures out there today. Retrieved November 23, 2009 from Hamm, S. In a specific case, one would be able to determine some of the cultural factors that affect the growth of the community one way or another. American-Chinese foods are usually less spicy than the way in which the Chinese are accustomed to enjoying their meals Rodgers, 2018.


Chinese Culture

chinese culture essay

Retrieved from Dragon Tail January 2011 , 'Sports Tourism' will be the new spotlight for Chinese outbound tourism. In Chinese, when offered a glass of water, an individual will simply say the English equivalent of 'no' or 'I don't need it,' rather than 'no thank you' as would be acceptable in and American context Fallows 2010. However, the acute issue of discrimination is still not solved which is reflected in a biased employment policy. In Chinese culture, the perception of heaven is that of a supreme power that reigns over lesser Gods and… The is a lack of clear instructions and of a proper indication of the level of student knowledge. The base for analysis is the implementation of a profound criticism. The greatness of this culture lies within its ability to maintain the precarious balance between innovations and traditions.


Free Essays on Chinese Culture, Examples, Topics, Outlines

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The Chinese use all these festivals for relating and merrymaking. The fact that China tried to cut off exports of tea to the British -- unless the British would stop bringing in opium to China -- shows again that laws and morality in China were of higher importance than the economy. There are both technological innovation and cultural achievement that are both considered as strength and success of the empire. San Joaquin Valley History 2000. Intercultural Training and the Expatriate Assignment.


Essays on Chinese culture. Essay topics and examples of research paper about Chinese culture

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It is a process of learning culture. During this festival, the Chinese people also take time to observe serenity Katz, p. Claremont Colleges Scripps Senior Thesis, Paper 114, Available from: In order to become a deity, an individual must attain the status of immortality. Therefore, while there is a delicate maintenance and cherished approach, traditions will undoubtedly exist Louie, 2008. In case the treatment involves any dietary changes, the people who surround the patient should also be involved in the discussion. Also, the assessment task description and rubric is one document rather than well organised and separated as compared to the QSA Sample assessment. The cake is prepared and filled with duck eggs, sesame and ground lotus seeds Kalman, p.


Chinese Culture Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines

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This collective state of mind, however, went wrong over time and has adversely affected the bonds that keep the community together. The general result is that a more sophisticated Chinese consumer is emerging and foreign companies need to market to their sophisticated needs while at the same time marketing to the general population's needs. New York, NY: Basic Books Spider Eaters ae Yang's Outlook on the Chinese evolution Living under a Communist ruler is not a lifestyle that many in the western world are accustomed. It is also difficult to feel the love within the household as there is a plethora of news imparts the family issue such as murdering or abusing. Most of the western world would consider calligraphy as an art of the past with no particular resonance in… Once again, this is partially due to the tonality of Chinese language, and its relatively limited vocabulary and reliance upon intonation and contextual meaning. Ways of communication -nonverbal communication Chinese is a high context country.


Essay On Chinese Culture

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They demonstrate the same spare simplicity… Works Cited: Giovetti, O. For instance, candy is believed to signify sweet life, and chestnuts represent vigor. From a marriage perspective, the husband was expected to be good to his wife who would reciprocate with obedience. The materials were not well organised. Moxibustion is also used as a form of heat therapy to stimulate the flow of qi in the body The Healing Modalities of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2017.


Chinese Culture Essay Example

chinese culture essay

During a hiring process, a considerable preference is given to men rather than women. People move around to visit friends and relatives to send their New Year wishes. Not until the arrival of the Jesuits in the 17th century did we begin to see a western influence on Chinese art Kellaway, 2014. A young… References Holloway, Kris 20 July, 2006. It is also like a fragile thing you consider as the most precious gem in your whole life. Traditional Kung Fu is as much of the culture of china according to statistics.
