Cause and effect of tourism. What is the impact of tourism? 2022-10-23

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Tourism is a major industry that brings billions of dollars of revenue to countries all over the world. It can also have a significant impact on local economies, cultures, and environments. In this essay, we will explore the causes and effects of tourism, both positive and negative.

One of the main causes of tourism is the desire to experience new cultures and visit new places. People are naturally curious and want to learn about the world around them. This can be especially appealing for those who live in urban areas or have limited opportunities to travel. Tourism allows people to experience different ways of life, visit historic sites, and see natural wonders that they may not have access to in their own communities.

Another cause of tourism is the marketing efforts of destination countries and tourism boards. These organizations work to promote their countries as desirable vacation spots through advertising, social media, and other marketing channels. They may also offer incentives such as discounts or special packages to encourage people to visit.

The effects of tourism can be both positive and negative. On the positive side, tourism can bring significant economic benefits to local communities. It can create jobs in the tourism industry, as well as in related sectors such as hospitality and transportation. It can also bring in revenue through taxes and other fees. This can help to improve the local standard of living and provide economic opportunities for people in the community.

Tourism can also have a positive cultural impact. It can introduce local communities to new ideas and ways of life, and can help to promote cultural exchange and understanding. For example, tourists may learn about local traditions and customs, and local people may learn about the cultures of the tourists visiting their community.

However, tourism can also have negative effects on local communities and the environment. One potential negative effect is the overcrowding of popular tourist destinations. This can lead to a strain on local resources such as water and electricity, and can also cause problems with transportation and housing.

Another potential negative effect is the impact on local cultures. In some cases, tourism can lead to the commercialization of traditional customs and practices, which can erode local culture and traditions. It can also lead to the displacement of local residents, as rising property values and rental prices may make it difficult for them to afford to live in the area.

Tourism can also have a negative impact on the environment. Mass tourism can lead to overuse of natural resources, such as water and energy, and can contribute to pollution and other environmental problems. It can also harm sensitive ecosystems, such as coral reefs, through activities such as snorkeling and diving.

Overall, the causes and effects of tourism are complex and multifaceted. While tourism can bring economic and cultural benefits to local communities, it is important to carefully consider and manage its potential negative impacts. This can help to ensure that tourism is sustainable and benefits both tourists and local residents.

Cause and effect analysis of tourism

cause and effect of tourism

Currently increased technology shifts production from labor intensive to capital intensive. Such trampling can lead to reduced plant vigor, breakage of stems, reduced regeneration, etc. You still feel a genuineness that no longer exists in countries where tourism has been industrially developed. The State of Florida is dependent on tourism, and commercial and recreational fishing. However, managing sex tourism should be done in a manner that does not encourage prostitution. There are many efforts to restore the lake to its original condition to attract even more tourists. Tourism effects can be categorized into positive and negative effects, and also primary and secondary effects.


Positive and negative effects of tourism

cause and effect of tourism

What is the impact of tourism in? Sex tourism affects family lives and societies in disproportionate ways. According to this kind of tourism, people chose the destination based on social media, influencers, television programs and films. In addition, these sex workers are superbly submissive because they are desperate for money. But also, no policy of raising awareness and protecting natural environments. I'm a down-to-earth, straightforward and sincere girl.


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However, the local community also spends a lot in the development and maintenance of tourism industry Singh 5. . However, the negative effects are many and they range from destruction of habitats to pollution of water bodies. Of great interest is the fact that both male and female tourists are actively involved in sex tourism. Earlier, people from affluent countries use to indulge in this leisure. Also tourism helps in slowdown of rural depopulation.


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This will all contribute to an increase in economic activity in the area where tourism is being developed. What will be the timeframe this information will be based on? And that can be vary. These physical representations of ancient cultures are old and fragile. All these vices are detrimental to development of societies. A range of positive and negative impacts are discussed and case studies are provided. This simple transaction actually has a significant multiplier effect.


What is the impact of tourism?

cause and effect of tourism

This paper will critically examine the concept of managing sex tourism. However, when tourism becomes unsustainable in nature, it can have disastrous consequences on the environment. Tourism influenced by film and TV series products, also known as film tourism, has in some cases led to real disasters. This harms the local people. It can lead to the eutrophication of water bodies and the loss of the balance in aquatic ecosystems. .


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cause and effect of tourism

There are many causes and effects of sleeping late at night. That is why the quality of environment has become the essential problem for tourism. Tourism brings prosperity to the region and provides employment to the locals of the region. It is clear from that, 41 % of operators considered doing rigorous regulations of the roads, that every driver should follow these regulations, as an effectual solution to control traffic jam. Rapid technological development in transport has facilitated the transport of large numbers of people to faraway places of their choice in a short time Singh 20. Tourists wear a Strange clothes short clothes , and it is agents the low of the UAE. Is this place affected by the presence of more tourists than the place and the inhabitants can support? We talked about cruises and their environmental impact in Photo by Leonardo Yip; on Unsplash Cultural tourism, a new trend A trend of the moment is tourism i nfluenced by mass culture.


Causes and effects of tourism Free Essays

cause and effect of tourism

. Countries like Kenya, Costa Rica, Cambodia, Thailand and Brazil have been mentioned consistently concerning sex tourism. Cruise ships not only create significant environmental damage but are extremely harmful to health due to their exhaust gases. Due to the rapid growth in international tourism, tourists now account for nearly 60% of air travel. . Climate change will seriously affect life, production and environment worldwide. Equally good as, in Jordan less than five old ages old, while in Oman importing second-hand vehicle demands permission from the Ministry of Industry.


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cause and effect of tourism

Many businesses and individuals will take out loans to help fund their initial ventures. In this regard, sex tourism destroys moral standing of destination countries. His research interests include, among other things, quantitative research in the areas of tourism, hospitality and recreation. Hiking in the rainforest, snorkelling in coral reefs and climbing alpine mountains are just some of the many activities that can physically impact and damage the natural environment. Why has tourism decreased? But what about the locals who live in the country? Unregulated sex can also lead to rape or coercion into human trafficking.


Social and Cultural Effect of Tourism Free Essay Example

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For instance, sexually transmitted diseases that are acquired in commercial sex can be spread thereby increasing prevalence of such diseases in destination countries. Tourism as an industry is a massive overuser of water. BUT he does sell his fish to the hotel which serves tourists. There are many places in the UAE people can go for the tourism. Please allow me explain my outline first. Think of it like this- we all have a specified amount of money and when it runs out, it runs out.


Cause and Effect: Tourism

cause and effect of tourism

In add-on, there are some menaces to human life such as, gas and temblors. For instance, natural and historical resources are taken under protection. The marketable organization and procedure of holidays and visits to places of significance is known as tourism. This is often at the peril of other important industries like education, infrastructure and healthcare. Employment, currency exchange, imports and taxes are just a few of the ways that tourism can bring money into a destination. In this article I will discuss the importance of understanding the economic impacts of tourism and what the economic impacts of tourism might be. For example, if they want to know about emirates culture they can go to the Museumes like Dubai and AlAIN it is lead to get more ideas and get some knowledge.
