Cause and effect essay on cell phones while driving. Cause And Effect On Cell Phones Essay 2022-10-12

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Cell phones have become an integral part of our daily lives, allowing us to communicate with others, access information, and stay connected to the world around us. However, the use of cell phones while driving has become a controversial and dangerous issue, as it can lead to serious accidents and fatalities.

One of the primary causes of cell phone use while driving is the desire for convenience. Many people rely on their phones to stay organized and connected to their daily schedules, and they may feel that they need to check their phones while behind the wheel. Additionally, some people may feel pressure to respond to calls or messages immediately, leading them to use their phones while driving.

Another cause of cell phone use while driving is the belief that it is safe to do so. Some people may think that they can multitask and safely use their phones while driving, or that they are capable of dividing their attention between the road and their phone. However, research has consistently shown that using a cell phone while driving significantly increases the risk of a crash.

The effects of cell phone use while driving are severe and can have long-lasting consequences. Distracted driving is a leading cause of car accidents, and using a cell phone while driving can significantly increase the risk of a crash. In fact, studies have shown that using a cell phone while driving is similar to driving while under the influence of alcohol, as it impairs judgment and reaction time.

Cell phone use while driving can also have serious consequences for the driver and others involved in an accident. In addition to the physical injuries that can result from a crash, drivers may face legal consequences, including fines and even imprisonment. These consequences can have long-term effects on the driver's life and can cause financial and personal stress.

In conclusion, the use of cell phones while driving is a dangerous and irresponsible behavior that can have serious consequences. While it may seem convenient or safe to use a cell phone while driving, the risks and consequences far outweigh any perceived benefits. It is important for all drivers to understand the dangers of cell phone use while driving and to make the conscious decision to avoid using their phones while behind the wheel.

Cause and effect of texting while driving Free Essays

cause and effect essay on cell phones while driving

The reasons for this can include any number of things, including convenience. In conclusion after discussing the findings of these researchers, clearly cell phones are a distraction for drivers. Over all the meta- analytic results are convergent Caird, Jeff K, 2018. The use of cell phones while driving is dangerous. His or her passengers may die too, as well as the others drivers involved in the accident.


Cell Phone Use While Driving, Essay Example

cause and effect essay on cell phones while driving

Claire Laberge-Nadeau et al. It may not seem Like It at the time, put It can be too late when an accident or an Injury occurs. Other considerations add onto the distractions. Every day people die from these unfortunate events. I believe that the states have taken some important steps in extinguishing texting and driving for everyone. They put not only their life in danger but other drivers and pedestrians.


Cell Phone use While Driving Essay

cause and effect essay on cell phones while driving

Studies have been performed on the comparisons between the danger of cell phone use and normal conversations with a passenger while driving. Besides, if the information displayed on the cell phone is stressful, our reaction time is reduced substantially. Equating the repercussions will be effective in reducing the number of road fatalities by creating a sense of precaution and seriousness for all drivers. The age of a person may have an impact on their driving ability such as young teens who just received their license and those who are older and are slowly loosing vision and hearing. A good example of this is, while a family was driving on the highway from Boise, the car in front of them all at once swerved from their lane into the medium, losing control momentarily, kicking up dirt and debris.


Cell phones while driving (300 Words)

cause and effect essay on cell phones while driving

The findings demonstrated, and the study concluded, that cell phone use was more impairing than driving intoxicated Strayer, 2003. While it may seem very minor to take your focus off of the road for only a matter of seconds, the consequences of distracted driving can result in devastating injuries or possibly even death. Cell phones offer the ability to communicate with other people with like devices every minute of every day. This study explored the ability of drivers to cope with different levels of cognitive workload such as conversation complexity while using hands free and handheld cell phones. Another opinion that is being expressed on this by the advocates of this practice is that a great the number of accidents that have been caused by use of mobile phone while driving is significantly negligible. Distracted driving takes away the reaction time of a driver from avoiding a crash. Using of such electronic gadgets associated with cell phones like hands free, car charger etc.


Cause And Effect Essay About Texting And Driving

cause and effect essay on cell phones while driving

When we are on the road, irresponsible cell phone users are more than irritating they are dangerous. Once the consultation is complete you may now begin your waxing services. All these police cars are scattered with their sirens going off in the background. A different version of that is to re-tell the same story in the conclusion with a different usually better ending. Those which tend mechanically to remove the dead portion, are perforations down to the sound part, which we know has happened, by the bleeding which ensues; or, we may saw down this length with a trephine. According to the NHTSA, 5,780 deaths and 515,00 personal injuries have been caused by driver distractions III, 2010. The perception, vision, general awareness, and concentration of the driver are impacted while communicating on a cell phone during driving.


Cause and effect essay on cell phones while driving

cause and effect essay on cell phones while driving

Father more operational definitions may have varied in the study. Lastly Drew et al 2008 suggested that if cell phone conversations cause distractions then so would conversations with a passenger. This is the case for many incidents where drivers have gotten into accidents because of texting and driving. The University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute. Indeed, first adopters of the device were truckers, construction workers and maintenance. The main advantage to avoid using cell phone during driving is ensuring safety of driver, vehicle, and other people driving on the road.


Free Essays on Cause And Effects Of Texting While Driving

cause and effect essay on cell phones while driving

The drivers on phones were 19% slower in reacting to brake lights Jane et al 2001. General Purpose: Persuade B. Marginal annotations indicate MLA-style formatting and effective writing. As a result of the comparable data of the studies and experiments in the meta analysis concluded that the use of cell phones, hands-free and handheld, showed moderate effects on reaction time to hazards or emergency events such as pedestrians or braking making collisions a greater risk. As people become more independent on cell phones, nowadays most people using cell phones while driving. Those are big numbers according to the National Highway Traffic Report.


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cause and effect essay on cell phones while driving

References Drews, Frank; Monisha Pasupathi and David L. Furthermore, according to opinions, "77 % of young adults in different regions are very or genuinely sure that they can safely send messages while driving, and 55% of energetic adults promise it is not hard to content while they drive" Marino, 2012. While there is some literature that has documented the risk of passenger conversations while driving, there are studies that demonstrate the increased danger with cell phone use in comparison. While there is limited testing on the subject, research has demonstrated increased danger with texting while driving. As a result of this phone usage practice all over, many citizens are losing their lives on a daily basis as a result of the disruption that is caused by this practice. The driver was texting on the cell phone.


Cause and effect of cell phone, Sample of Essays

cause and effect essay on cell phones while driving

When people are distracted they tend to focus on the visuals straight ahead and not the things the pop up in their peripheral line of view. The 17 year old driver is texting another friend. Texting while driving is the same as drinking 4 beers and right after getting behind the wheel and driving. . There have been countless research policies that have recorded that cell phone usage is tied to car crashes. Like changing a stereo, who would want to be distracted by averting their eyes towards their phone? The drivers who adopt the practices of answering the phones while behind the wheel are in most cases not aware of the things that are taking place around them on the way.


Cause And Effect Essay On Texting And Driving

cause and effect essay on cell phones while driving

You just lay back and let the nurses do the work c. Everybody may perform their component to remove this challenging problem through merely taking one action as well as bring in the roadways a little bit of much safer through quickly transforming off their phones while steering. It impacts all pieces of safe driving execution. Cell phones have opened up many opportunities for communication. Technology has had a way of dealing with distractions by coming up with hands-free cell phones mounted on the dashboards of most vehicles.
