Cathy wuthering heights. Character of Catherine Earnshaw in Wuthering Heights 2022-10-17

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Cathy is a central character in Emily Brontë's novel Wuthering Heights. She is the daughter of Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff, and the young woman whom Edgar Linton falls in love with and eventually marries.

At the beginning of the novel, Cathy is a wild and carefree child, full of energy and spirit. She spends her days running and playing on the moors with her childhood friend, Hareton Earnshaw. However, as she grows older, Cathy becomes more refined and ladylike, thanks in part to the influence of her cousin, Linton. She becomes more interested in social status and wealth, and eventually agrees to marry Edgar Linton in order to secure her place in society.

Cathy's marriage to Edgar is a source of conflict in the novel, as it alienates her from Heathcliff and causes a rift between the two families. Heathcliff is deeply hurt by Cathy's rejection of him and their shared heritage, and he becomes consumed by his desire for revenge against Edgar and the Linton family.

Despite her love for Edgar, Cathy is not entirely happy in her marriage. She is torn between her feelings for her husband and her deep, unresolved feelings for Heathcliff. This inner conflict is ultimately what leads to Cathy's untimely death at a young age.

Throughout the novel, Cathy is a complex and multifaceted character. She is at once fiercely independent and deeply sensitive, and her actions and decisions are shaped by the social and cultural expectations of her time. Despite her flaws, Cathy is a sympathetic and relatable character, and her story is one that continues to resonate with readers today.

Comparing Catherine & Cathy in Wuthering Heights

cathy wuthering heights

Heathcliff dies before he can sow more destruction. Edgar Linton is unhappy about that, as he has been protecting his wife from all shocks for several years. Detailed answer: Cathy is the nickname used to refer to two females of Wuthering Heights. Afterwards she turned, and recommenced her nonsense; at last, Hareton uttered a smothered laugh. The Brontës and the Idea of Influence: 1—19.


How does Catherine die in Wuthering Heights?

cathy wuthering heights

University of Minnesota Press, 2000. She becomes a pawn for Heathcliff, Catherine's adopted brother, in his plot to ruin both the Earnshaws and the Lintons for their abuse of him as a child. Cathy finally tells Heathcliff that she loves only him, and they reconcile, forgiving each other. The two carry the same name, and Catherine dies on the day Cathy is born. Ellen realizes that he saw the ghosts of Heathcliff and Cathy, who now haunt Penniston Crag together. That capacity for intense attachments reminded me of her mother: still she did not resemble her: for she could be soft and mild as a dove, and she had a gentle voice and pensive expression: her anger was never furious; her love never fierce: it was deep and tender. I've no more business to marry Edgar Linton than I have to be in heaven; and if the wicked man in there, had not brought Heathcliff so low I shouldn't have thought of it.


The Character of Cathy Linton

cathy wuthering heights

She had very little inkling of what life was going to be like with him. Then, Catherine developed a friendship with Edgar and Isabella Linton from the Thrushcross Grange estate. In death, she returns to the Heights, which is what she considers her home. Cathy Earnshaw is the younger sister of Catherine and Heathcliff still manage to spend time together, and while the two of them spy on the Thrushcross Grange estate, the residence of the Linton family, Catherine is attacked by one of the Linton's dogs. Frances dies during childbirth, but the child, Hareton, survives.


Wuthering Heights: Catherine

cathy wuthering heights

Her spirits were always at high-water mark, her tongue always going—singing, laughing, and plaguing everybody who would not do the same. She believes it is something she wants for herself, but after less than a year of marriage, Catherine begins to find Thruschcross Grange stifling. Edgar finds her cold and ill. If you do, I'll keep you. When Lockwood says that he doesn't believe in ghosts, Ellen tells him that he might if she told him the story of Cathy, and he asks her to do so, intrigued. One of them is Catherine Earnshaw.


Catherine Earnshaw

cathy wuthering heights

Being torn between her old companion and new friends, she tells Nelly Dean about her feelings for both men. During Heathcliff's absence, Catherine marries Edgar Linton and moves into Thrushcross Grange, where she lives peacefully, her every desire indulged. The novel ends with a clear indication that Cathy and Hareton will find happiness together at last. Her spirit—both literally and figuratively—haunts the rest of the novel, with farmers claiming to see her ghost walking the moors, and the narrator himself encountering her frightening dream-figure. Under the impression that Catherine would never marry him, Heathcliff goes on a three-year hiatus from Wuthering Heights which is not elaborated on in the book. It is considered to be one of the most influential works of English literature. Cathy's nurse Ellen Dean guides Cathy into adolescence and narrates much of the novel.


Cathy Linton in Wuthering Heights: Description, Character Analysis & Quotes

cathy wuthering heights

The later chapters mention ghosts and spirits in the moor, and Heathcliff insists Catherine's ghost has haunted him since her death. When Nelly forbids Cathy from visiting Wuthering Heights and the bitter tyrant Heathcliff, Cathy and Linton write love letters to each other. Merle Oberon and Juliette Binoche created the most prominent portrayals of Catherine Earnshaw. He releases Cathy just in time to go to Edgar's deathbed. She is an adorable creature but equally unruly and adventurous.


Chapter 18

cathy wuthering heights

On returning to Thrushcross Grange, another house nearby in the moors, he falls ill and must remain bedridden. After finding and reading a diary of one of Wuthering Heights' previous occupants, Catherine Earnshaw, Lockwood believes he sees the ghost of Catherine at the window. However, she eventually overcomes her prejudices and falls in love with him. He greets her in a warm and kind manner, although we know that he blames her for the death of his soul mate, her mother. She ends up getting bound in a relationship where she gets everything but not the kind of love she hoped to find in her life.


Catherine Linton

cathy wuthering heights

Analysis of Cathy Linton Cathy Linton serves to continue her mother's story and provides a presence in the moors that essentially haunts Heathcliff and the others. Even though she had feelings for the former, she married the latter. He contends that a contemporary reader would not have seen Cathy's ghost's actions as a gesture of undying love for Heathcliff but one of towering, protective rage; Cathy haunted Heathcliff to death only to prevent him from cheating her daughter out of her inheritance. A traveler named Lockwood is caught in the snow and stays at the estate of Wuthering Heights, despite the cold behavior of his host Heathcliff. Ellen loves Cathy, and though Cathy exhibits much of her mother's temperament, she is not as arrogant and demanding as her mother had been.


Character of Catherine Earnshaw in Wuthering Heights

cathy wuthering heights

Catherine's most famous speech in the novel comes when she declares her feelings for Heathcliff and Edgar to Heaven did not seem to be my home; and I broke my heart with weeping to come back to earth; and the angels were so angry that they flung me out into the middle of the heath on the top of Wuthering Heights; where I woke sobbing for joy. A propensity to be saucy was one; and a perverse will, that indulged children invariably acquire, whether they be good tempered or cross … Fortunately, curiosity and a quick intellect made her an apt scholar: she learned rapidly and eagerly, and did honour to his teaching. It soon becomes clear that Heathcliff's plan of their marriage is a part of his endeavour to get revenge from Edgar and his daughter: Catherine will marry Linton, willingly or unwillingly. The plot revolves around an intense love story between two protagonists — Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff. Recognizing literacy as a gift, both share what they learn with the men they love.


The Character of Catherine Earnshaw

cathy wuthering heights

For 13 years Edgar never allows her to leave the grounds by herself. Analysis Cathy Linton can be considered a doppelganger or character double of her mother Catherine Earnshaw Linton. There, she gives birth to a son and dies 12 years later. Catherine is a unique character who shares some traits of Heathcliff and some of Edgar but she is still unique and has the traits that none of the other two has. However, when Hindley took over the manor, he began to prevent his sister from interacting with Heathcliff. Cathy Linton is the daughter of Edgar Linton and Catherine Earnshaw. Cathy grows up never knowing about her mother's previous relationship with Heathcliff.
