Case study approaches to ethical dilemmas. bshs 335 week 5 assignment case study approaches to ethical dilemmas Flashcards 2022-10-12

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Case study approaches to ethical dilemmas involve analyzing real-life situations in which ethical issues are present. These approaches can be used to understand the complexities of ethical decision-making and to develop strategies for resolving ethical dilemmas.

One key aspect of case study approaches is the use of real-life examples. By examining actual situations, rather than hypothetical ones, case studies allow for a deeper understanding of the factors that influence ethical decision-making. They also provide the opportunity to analyze the consequences of different courses of action and to consider the broader implications of those actions.

Case studies can be useful in a variety of settings, including business, healthcare, and government. For example, a case study might examine the ethical dilemmas faced by a pharmaceutical company when marketing a new drug. Another case study might look at the ethical issues involved in a hospital's decision to ration care during a pandemic.

There are several approaches to analyzing ethical dilemmas using case studies. One common approach is to use a framework or set of principles to guide the analysis. For example, a framework based on the ethical principles of autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence, and justice might be used to evaluate the ethical implications of a hospital's decision to ration care. Another approach is to use a model or method for ethical decision-making, such as the "Four-Box" method developed by Manuel Velasquez.

Regardless of the specific approach used, case study approaches to ethical dilemmas involve careful consideration of the facts of the case, the values and beliefs of the parties involved, and the potential consequences of different courses of action. They also require careful analysis of the ethical implications of those actions and the development of strategies for resolving the dilemma in a way that is consistent with ethical principles.

Overall, case study approaches to ethical dilemmas offer a valuable tool for understanding the complexities of ethical decision-making and for developing strategies for resolving ethical dilemmas. By examining real-life situations, these approaches allow for a deeper understanding of the factors that influence ethical decision-making and the broader implications of those decisions.

Ethical Dilemma Case Scenario Free Essay Example

case study approaches to ethical dilemmas

. Putting the ICAEW Code of Ethics into practice can be challenging, not least because of the complexity and ever-changing nature of how we live and work. They assist us to be moral agents with a conscience by pointing out one's duties in such occasions. Before leaving the hospital, Mr. Ethical challenges when using coercion in mental healthcare: a systematic literature review.


Case Study Approaches to Ethical

case study approaches to ethical dilemmas

Between these two ethical dilemmas, deciding whether to tell the parents about the investigation information is the most immediate dilemma. They are entitled to have their parents present during such an interview, but their parents were not involved in the interview exercise process. Learn more The ethical analysis of the situation does not give credibility to the legalistic approach either. . Originally I wanted to become a veterinarian. Case studies These case studies consider some audit-related ethical dilemmas, but also span a range of non-audit areas where practitioners may face ethical dilemmas: 1.


Ethical dilemma case studies

case study approaches to ethical dilemmas

The case study that I chose to elaborate on is A Minor Confidentiality Issue, case 14. An example of excellence in analytics is knowledge and honesty. In addition to the ethics adopted by the American Medical Association, an upcoming physician should also be aware of the World Medical Association Code of Medical Ethics. Resolving Ethical Conflicts in the Workplace. Download file to see next pages Read More he ethical approaches to decision-making that should have been employed in this case include understanding the scope of the problem, which actually is the oil spill.


Ethical Dilemma

case study approaches to ethical dilemmas

Robinson, brought him in to the hospital for treatment of abrasions and a broken arm. . Although Tavion and his father gave the same story there seemed to be some inconsistencies due to the abrasions being clean and they would not have been if he truly fallen from the jungle gym and brought in right afterwards. As VP of the division, I am under scrutiny to deliver substantial results to my president, John Edmonds, to be seen as sensitive to my product managers needs. Making good ethical decisions is not always as easy as it seems.


Ethical Dilemma: Case Study of Harry and Dora

case study approaches to ethical dilemmas

By the mother coming in suspecting abuse it is very much enough for the hospital to investigate further. . In this context, the most appropriate therapeutic approach is the cognitive behavior therapy CBT. However, the policy requires that information concerning an investigation of such a case remain confidential until the issue is presented in the court of law. These theories also guide the choices we make in particular cases. However, once it is disclosed, it is then assumed Sam would be unhappy due to some possible turmoil he would face such as the loss of his reputation, career, family and the betrayal of a friend. She will remain below the poverty line, discouraged from looking to improve her position.


Case Study Approaches to Ethical Dilemas Essay

case study approaches to ethical dilemmas

The advantage associated with this approach is that Virtue Ethics ensures that it does not limit individuals to act in a certain way only by recognizing that similar ethical dilemmas can occur under different contexts and circumstances, requiring a high level of flexibility. There are times where the government can release protected health information, the HIPAA Privacy Rule provides that protected health information disclosed without the authorization of the subject of that information for health oversight activities. Framework 1 Utilitarianism is a consequentialist theory that determines whether an action is morally acceptable by the amount of pleasure and pain it would produce. Throughout the history of humanity, people have faced such dilemmas, and philosophers aimed and worked to find solutions to them. They want to inquire more about the investigation process, which should be a confidential information. She is a single parent with one kid.


Case Study Approaches to Ethical Dilemmas_Rob Morneau

case study approaches to ethical dilemmas

Do you feel the need to examine some previously written Case Studies on Ethical Dilemma before you start writing an own piece? Jerry is faced with a common problem in the health care field today. In contrast to Utilitarianism, a theory based on the net happiness that violates the standards of justice and can make Blair feel miserable which is unethical to do. The following weekend Tavions mother, who is divorced,. When it comes to the profession of health and human services there are a lot of things that arise. Non-compliance with laws and regulations NOCLAR.


Case Study: Approaches to Ethical Dilemmas Study

case study approaches to ethical dilemmas

He is the one responsible for interviewing without considering the two vital department policies. Besides, the policy requires that their parents be aware of the interview when interviewing children under 18 years. There is a direct link between human thoughts, attitudes and beliefs the cognitive aspect and how they impact behavior and emotional problem-solving. Framework 3 The Virtue Approach focuses on the moral character of an agent and the nature of the good life. Information Privacy and ethics Facts - Manning technologies is an organization that implements innovation and creativity in developing new technology.


bshs 335 week 5 assignment case study approaches to ethical dilemmas Flashcards

case study approaches to ethical dilemmas

As a friend and a co-worker of Sam, it is important to foster a strong sense of trust even if it means to confront Sam about his problem. Adopting them while composing your own Ethical Dilemma Case Study will surely allow you to complete the piece faster. Legal, Ethical, and Financial dilemmas in Electronic Health Record Adoption and Use. Download file to see previous pages Assuming that the suicide of his father was as a result of emotional trouble, Leon is likely to slip into it if his emotional state deteriorates. Among them includes using videotape recorder while interviewing serious crimes Haworth, 2018. He says that Dr.


BSHS 335: Case Study Approaches To Ethical Dilemmas

case study approaches to ethical dilemmas

Available facts, values and concepts of each party From the case scenario provided, a 19-year-old woman was brutally raped, seriously beaten, and left in a coma and is not expected to come out of her coma. . The partner was aware of the need to use the videotape, but he neglected its importance. Include what therapeutic approach you would apply in this case and explain why. Jerry is handling the phone calls for the receptionist while she is at lunch. During his x-rays, the staff asks Tavion about his injuries and if he was afraid of being harmed by anyone at home.
