Caribbean social theories. 📌 The Plural Society Model in Caribbean Society 2022-10-29

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Organizational behavior is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structures have on behavior within organizations, for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organization's effectiveness. Organizational behavior is an interdisciplinary field that includes sociology, psychology, communication, and management. It is a broad field that examines various aspects of human behavior in organizations and the ways in which these behaviors can be improved or modified to enhance organizational effectiveness.

One key aspect of organizational behavior is the study of leadership. Leadership refers to the ability of an individual or group to influence and guide others towards the achievement of a common goal. There are many different leadership styles, including autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faire, each with its own unique set of characteristics and effects on organizational behavior.

Another important aspect of organizational behavior is motivation. Motivation refers to the forces that drive an individual to behave in a certain way. It can be intrinsic, such as a personal desire to achieve a goal, or extrinsic, such as a reward or punishment. Motivation is a key factor in determining an individual's level of engagement and performance in an organization.

Group dynamics is another important aspect of organizational behavior. Group dynamics refers to the way in which individuals in a group interact with one another and the impact that these interactions have on the group's behavior. Group dynamics can be influenced by a variety of factors, including group size, diversity, and communication patterns.

Organizational culture is another important concept in organizational behavior. Culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, and behaviors that are characteristic of an organization. It is the unique personality of an organization, and it can have a significant impact on the behavior of its members.

There are many other topics that fall under the umbrella of organizational behavior, including communication, decision-making, conflict resolution, and power and politics. Understanding and studying these topics can help organizations to better understand and improve the behavior of their employees, and ultimately lead to increased effectiveness and productivity.

In conclusion, organizational behavior is a multifaceted field that investigates the various factors that impact the behavior of individuals and groups within organizations. By understanding and studying these factors, organizations can improve the behavior of their employees and increase their overall effectiveness and productivity.

Theoretical Framework of Social Mobility and Status

caribbean social theories

The Haitian Revolution in the Literary Imagination by Philip Kaisary n: The Haitian Revolution 1791—1804 reshaped the debates about slavery and freedom throughout the Atlantic world, accelerated the abolitionist movement, precipitated rebellions in neighboring territories, and intensified both repression and antislavery sentiment. Critical Perspectives on Caribbean Literature and Culture by Dorsia Smith; Tatiana Tagirova; Suzanna Engman ritical Perspectives on Caribbean Literature and Culture is a collection of a dozen essays by Caribbean scholars living in the Caribbean and around the world. Pluralism Pluralism comes from the political system that focuses on shared power among interest groups and competing factions. King In Island Bodies, Rosamond King examines sexualities, violence, and repression in the Caribbean experience. By definition, plural societies are considered as units in the political sphere only.


SOCI1002 Caribbean Social

caribbean social theories

The World Bank Annual Report 2014. If you are looking for physical items books, DVDs, CDs, scores, etc. If two officials employed in the same cadre in an organization equal each other in terms of salary, authority, prestige, etc. The micro theory attempt to explain why the certain individuals are more likely that others to commit a crime… Strengths and Weaknesses of the Functionalist View on Society A strength of the functionalist theory is that it a macro level structural theory which uses an organic analogy- using the body as a way to describe the different parts within society. For this reason, societies with groups that have incompatible institutional allegiances often encounter unique problems. New Delhi: SAGE India. Given that race, class, and ethnicity are weighty in defining the social structure of the Caribbean society, the plural society model best describes its social structure.


Social Problems in the Caribbean

caribbean social theories

From Afro-Cuban Rhythms to Latin Jazz by Raul A. It offers a close look at the works of three such writers: the Haitian Spiralists Frankétienne, Jean-Claude Fignolé, and René Philoctète. Since some members of these castes have improved to some extent, their status in the class socio-economic status structure as mentioned above, they may or may not witness the same magnitude of change in their caste status. The George Lamming Reader: : The Aesthetics of Decolonisation by George Lamming; Anthony Bogues Editor George Lamming is one of the best known, certainly one of the most highly regarded contemporary writers from the Caribbean. Emile Durkheim believed that the structures and social institutions of a social system impacted on our behaviour. Although there have been other drastic changes in the government system, the replacement of the Crown Colony rule in 1945 is the most effective.


Social Order in Caribbean

caribbean social theories

Toulouse: Presses universitaires du Mirail. In order to ascertain that a society is culturally plural, it is critical to conduct a detailed evaluation of the societys institutions to understand their variety, form, and distribution. The division of labour, which is based on the cultural group and race, also plays a key role in maintaining order. Analyzing the work of specific photographers and artists who created tropical representations of Jamaica and the Bahamas between the 1880s and the 1930s, Thompson shows how their images differ from the English picturesque landscape tradition. Caribbean civilisation: The English-speaking Caribbean since independance.


Creole Society And The Social Theory Of The Caribbean

caribbean social theories

Alaí Reyes-Santos argues that the successes or failures relate to the extent Dominicans, Haitians, and Puerto Ricans imagine each other as kin. However, it is important to note that there exist major cultural and social differences within the white-black grouping. Durkheim also posited the view that for a society to have a continuous existence over time, its specialized institutions are required to work harmoniously with each other and operate as an integrated whole. Social Problems in the Caribbean. Drawing on her background as a literary critic Tinsley theorizes black Atlantic sexuality by tracing how contemporary queer Caribbean and African American writers and performers evoke Ezili.


📌 The Plural Society Model in Caribbean Society

caribbean social theories

African American Culture And Spanish Culture The Spanish culture is rich in history. This system was a way to keep people in their place, limiting opportunities such as jobs and areas of residence Smucker, 1989. As Sounds of the Citizens illustrates, the world of entertainment in Jamaica is serious business and uniquely positioned as a powerful force within the community. Haiti Unbound: A Spiralist Challenge to the Postcolonial Canon by Kaiama L. As a result, the cross-cultural quality of Harris'thought emerges as a healing outcome of the traumatic colonial encounter, bringing together elements of Amerindian, African and European origin in an ongoing dialogue with time, nature, and the psyche. Caliban's Reason: Introducing Afro-Caribbean Philosophy by Paget Henry Paget introduces the general reader to Afro-Caribbean philosophy in this work. An example using this analogy would be the brain would be the politics and the family the heart.


Caribbean Sociological theories

caribbean social theories

These three theories are Creole, Plantation and Plural society and they all were able to explain a lot about the The Plantation society theory tries to explain the social Caribbean structure in relation to the plantation experience. Berkeley: University of California Press. You can search more broadly, using thefollowingsearch box below. Despite the publicization of the idea of British Caribbean Federation, some colonies have remained defiant. Aging and health status of elderly in Latin America and the Caribbean: Preliminary findings. Latinidad is an ideology under ex-Spanish and ex-Portuguese colonies that were located in the new global world Mignolo, 2002, p.


Caribbean Theory

caribbean social theories

On the other hand, the economic system integrates the whole population but in different ways. The way that The Racial Struggle of Afro-Cubans In discussing the experience of blacks in Cuba between 1886-1912, Helg gives six "Cuban particularities" which made the experience what it was. Exploring the work of René Ménil, Édouard Glissant, Wilson Harris, DerekWalcott, Antonio Benítez-Rojo, Pauline Melville, Robert Antoni and Nalo Hopkinson Creolizing Rousseau by Jane Anna Gordon; Neil Roberts n 1967, C. In such societies, the issue of ethnicity has little meaning even with the consideration of minority groups as the Chinese and the Jews. In both instances, the political sphere of plural societies comprises mainly of the relations between their cultural segments. Older Persons in Jamaica 2012. On one hand, the government limits the likelihood of conflict and maintains or increases the chances for acculturation.


caribbean social theories

Such differences were also noted in property forms, occupations, economic system, and religion of the lower class. In addition, the family structures and the mating patterns of the peasants differed significantly from those of the black elites or the whites. Parsons identifies three similarities; System, System Needs and Functions. Trinidad and Tobago: Trinidad and Tobago Ministry of Planning and Sustainable Development. Functions involve the contribution something makes to meet the systems needs; so as the circulatory system of the body carries nutrients and oxygen to the tissues, the economy helps maintain the social system by meeting the needs for food and shelter. This book examines how the meanings and values of race and ethnicity have been constructed historically and how they are represented symbolically, with particular focus on the Caribbean. Drabinski Editor ; Marisa Parham Editor Édouard Glissant's work has begun to make a significant impact on francophone studies and some corners of postcolonial theory.


caribbean social theories

This ideology of Latinidad then connected to how the Creoles moved from a colonized group to becoming the dominate elite in the matrix of coloniality. Depending on your need, you can access our catalog in one of two different ways. Island Bodies: Transgressive Sexualities in the Caribbean Imagination by Rosamond S. It is important to note that ethnicity has many overlapping yet distinct references including nationality, culture, racial origin, and language. Los Angeles: Sage Publications. This all shows how bad government can change the climate of a country.
