Candy said that curley picked a fight with lennie because. Free Flashcards about Of Mice and Men 2022-10-17

Candy said that curley picked a fight with lennie because Rating: 8,2/10 1446 reviews

In John Steinbeck's novel "Of Mice and Men," Candy tells George that Curley picked a fight with Lennie because Lennie "wasn't mean enough" and Curley "was sore as hell." This statement reveals several important themes in the novel, including the idea of power dynamics and the inherent violence in the relationships between the characters.

One of the main themes in "Of Mice and Men" is the idea of power dynamics. Curley, as the boss's son, is in a position of authority on the ranch and is constantly looking for ways to assert his power. He has a chip on his shoulder and is quick to start fights with anyone he perceives as weaker than himself. Lennie, on the other hand, is a large, physically strong man with a developmental disability. He is not capable of understanding the social rules of the ranch and often gets into trouble because of his inability to control his own strength.

Curley sees Lennie as an easy target and picks a fight with him because he knows he can win. He is looking for a way to assert his dominance and prove that he is in control. Candy's statement also reveals the inherent violence in the relationships between the characters on the ranch. Curley is not just looking to prove himself in this particular altercation; he is also looking to maintain his position of power over the other men on the ranch. He is willing to use violence as a means of keeping everyone else in line.

The violence in the relationships between the characters in "Of Mice and Men" is a reflection of the larger societal forces at play in the novel. The characters are all struggling to survive in a world that is harsh and unforgiving, and they resort to violence as a means of coping with their difficult circumstances. The violence is not just limited to physical altercations, either; there is also a sense of emotional violence in the relationships between the characters. Everyone is constantly trying to assert their own desires and needs, and they are often willing to hurt others in the process.

In conclusion, Candy's statement about Curley picking a fight with Lennie reveals several important themes in "Of Mice and Men," including the idea of power dynamics and the inherent violence in the relationships between the characters. These themes are ultimately a reflection of the larger societal forces at play in the novel, as the characters struggle to survive in a harsh and unforgiving world.

Why did Curley fight with Lennie in Chapter 3?

candy said that curley picked a fight with lennie because

Who is the boss in of mice and men? Kind of like he's mad at them because he ain't a big guy. Curley sees Lennie's vulnerability and abuses it right away. Of course, Curley has no idea that he might be seriously injured in the fight. George told Lennie to avoid Curley. When Curley picks a fight with Lennie What does Lennie eventually do to Curley that essentially stops the fight? Franklin Roosevelt What did Lennie want at dinner time? Why does George shoot Lennie? What sets it of is that Curley mistakenly believes that Lennie is laughing at him, when in fact Lennie is thinking about something entirely different.


In Of Mice and Men, why does Curley pick a fight with Lennie and not someone less physically imposing?

candy said that curley picked a fight with lennie because

No big son-of-a-bitch is gonna laugh at me. This scene reinforces the brutality and isolation all these men have including Curley. Then ever'body says the big guy oughtta pick on somebody his own size, and maybe they gang up on the big guy. If Curley defeats the bigger target, he is seen as a fighter. When Curley attacks Lennie What does Lennie do? In the next chapter, Steinbeck creates a minor conflict between George and Candy over the can of bug powder.



candy said that curley picked a fight with lennie because

Of course, this show of false bravery is also foiled as the brute strength of Lennie's hand crushes Curley's fist. Never did seem right to me. He is physically small and so is resentful of bigger men and picks a fight with Lennie because of this. Curley's Wife Who said, "I ain't mad. Crooks Where is the novel set? Otherwise, click the red Don't know box. The bad thing really is that Lennie only does what George tells him to and when he gets scared he just holds onto things and he just keeps hold of curley hand until George and Slim pull him of.


What Happens When Curley Attacks Lennie?

candy said that curley picked a fight with lennie because

Unfortunately for Curley, Lennie is simply too slow mentally to realize this. Why do George and Lennie go around together? Rather, Curley recognizes fairly quickly that the bigger the target, the better it is for him. . He slashed at Lennie with his left, and then smashed down his nose with a right. Lennie has broken her neck. What does Lennie do to Curley and why does he do this what is his motivation? Lennie does not immediately fight back, instead crying and calling to George for help.


What happens when curley attacks lennie

candy said that curley picked a fight with lennie because

You're yella as a frog belly" and threatens to really hurt Curley. Why does Curley attack Lennie in of mice and men? Curley and Lennie have a conflicting relationship because Lennie gets off to a wrong start by refusing to talk to Curley. Why does Curley pick fight with Lennie strongest? Also he picks to fight Lennie as he looks the strongest out of everyone and wanted to prove that he is strong. And s'pose he does the same thing and gets licked. Lennie was looking helplessly to George for instruction. It could be inner conflict, or external conflict, or both at the same time. For example, in the first chapter there is a conflict between Then in the second chapter the two men just want to sign on and get their bunks.


Why does Curley want to pick a fight with Lennie? What is Steinbeck(the author) purpose doing this? Explain. And quote evidence.

candy said that curley picked a fight with lennie because

Why did Lennie resist fighting Curley? Lennie not drawn in like that and is instead brutalized by Curley, refusing to fight back until he is already bloodied. The most elemental reason that Curley picks the fight with Lennie is to prove he can. He accidentally crushes it in a machine. Think I don't like to talk to somebody ever' once in a while"? After a few awkward moments of silence, the men hear a shot ring out, and Candy turns his face to the wall. Why does Lennie fight back against Curley? Curley flops like a fish. What you are saying makes sense, after all, we're told that bullies like to pick on the weak so that it makes them look strong. Ever'body says what a game guy Curley is.


Candy said that Curley picked a fight with Lennie because:______________________

candy said that curley picked a fight with lennie because

The most elemental reason that Curley picks the fight with Lennie is to prove he can. Candy alludes to this in some of his first interactions with Lennie and George. Then ever'body says the big guy oughtta pick on somebody his own size, and maybe they gang up on the big guy. This is an example of the poet's use of "'Oh well, whatever goes over the Devil's back, is got to come under his belly. Steinbeck evidently did not want to have a knock-down-drag-out fight all over the bunkhouse because it would be hard to stage and would look artificial. He attacks Lennie thinking Lennie will not defend himself.


Why does Curley attack Lennie at the end of chapter 3? What happened to Curley?

candy said that curley picked a fight with lennie because

If he loses, the bigger adversary will receive the blame for exercising his strength against such a smaller opponent. He hates big guys. Why does Curley agree not to get Lennie fired for crushing his hand? Angry, Curley accuses Lennie of laughing at him and starts to punch him; Lennie panics but does not react until George shouts at him to fight back. Curley, one of the antagonists from Of Mice and Men, picks a fight with Lennie. Lennie gave a cry of terror.


Why did Curley fight with Lennie? What happened?

candy said that curley picked a fight with lennie because

Curley, on the defensive and looking for someone to fight, picks a fight with Lennie and punches him unmercifully. In a moment Slim came back into the bunkhouse. So that he can avoid the embarrassment that he was beaten by Lennie. And then she was still, for Lennie had broken her neck. The bad thing really is that Lennie only does what George tells him to and when he gets scared he just holds onto things and he just keeps hold of curley hand until George and Slim pull him of.
