Bulk breeding method. Pure Line Selection and Mass Selection 2022-11-05

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Bulk breeding is a method of animal breeding that involves the production of large numbers of offspring in a single breeding event. This method is often used in the production of livestock, such as cattle, pigs, and poultry, as well as in the breeding of certain species of fish and other animals.

One of the main advantages of bulk breeding is that it allows for the rapid production of a large number of offspring, which can be used for various purposes such as meat production, egg production, or the development of new breeds or strains. This can be particularly useful in the case of livestock, where the demand for meat and other animal products is high and the need for a constant supply is critical.

Another advantage of bulk breeding is that it allows for the selection of traits that are desirable in the resulting offspring. For example, in the case of livestock, breeders may choose to produce animals with traits such as high growth rate, good feed conversion efficiency, or improved disease resistance. Similarly, in the case of fish and other animals, breeders may select for traits such as size, color, or other characteristics that are desirable in the pet or aquaculture industry.

There are also some potential drawbacks to bulk breeding. One concern is the potential for inbreeding, which can lead to a reduction in genetic diversity and an increased risk of genetic defects and health problems in the offspring. Another concern is the potential for overcrowding and poor living conditions for the animals, which can lead to stress and a reduction in the overall health and well-being of the animals.

In conclusion, bulk breeding is a method of animal breeding that has the potential to produce large numbers of offspring in a short period of time. While it can be useful in certain situations, it is important to carefully consider the potential risks and drawbacks, and to implement measures to ensure the health and well-being of the animals involved.

Pedigree Method of Plant Breeding

bulk breeding method

Records have to be maintained for all the selected plants and progeny which take lot of valuable time of a breeder. Before sharing your knowledge on this site, please read the following pages: 1. It is used when both the parents are adapted or have good agronomic characters and the character for which improvement is to be made is governed by polygenes. In F 3 and F 4 generations, selection is practised within and between families. Varieties developed by bulk method are more stable against environmental changes than those evolved by pedigree breeding method, because the period of bulking improves the adaptation of population. Bulk Period: The F 1 plants are grown and their F 2 seeds are harvested in bulk.


Pure Line Selection and Mass Selection

bulk breeding method

Hybridization is an important method of combining characters of different plants. Selection: In this method only human selection or artificial selection is used. Hybridization Methods of Plant Breeding in Cross-Pollinated Crops. If lines are superior to the standard check, released as new varieties. The evaluation of progeny is done for important desirable characteristics. Individual produced as a result of cross between two genetically different parents is known as hybrid.


Bulk Breeding Method: Merits & Demerits

bulk breeding method

Adaptation: This method leads to significant evolutionary changes in the gene frequencies in a population. This method is also used in cross pollinated species. Demerits Bulk Population Method: 1 It takes much longer to develop a new variety. Handling of Material: The material is handled by bulk method from F 2 to F 5 and by individual plant selection as in pedigree method from F 6 onwards. Individual plant selection is practised in F 2. This method has been used only in few crops due to time lag. It has been used in the improvement of barely in USA and more than 50 varieties have been developed from composite crosses by this method.


GPB 301: Comparison of pedigree and Bulk method

bulk breeding method

What are the advantages of pedigree? Expected extinction rates are always high: they exceed 20 per cent after one generation. Thus this method takes more time than pedigree method in release of new variety. The production of a hybrid by crossing two individuals of unlike genetical constitution is known as hybridization. Application: This method is widely used for the improvement of self-pollinated species. Thus bulk method has limited application in practical plant breeding.


Method of Plant Breeding in Self Pollinated Plants

bulk breeding method

In other words, it is a selection procedure in segregating population of self- pollinated species that keeps proper record of plants and or progeny selected in each generation. Bulk population breeding is a strategy of crop improvement in which natural selection effect is solicited more directly in the early generations of the procedure by delaying stringent artificial selection until later generations. Why backcross is done? Natural selection favours those genotypes which have better survival capacity and eliminates genotypes with poor survival capacity. Quality of improvement: 10. The new variety is a pure line.


What is the bulk method?

bulk breeding method

Weak and inferior progenies are rejected and only 100- 300 individual plant progenies with desirable characters are selected. Pedigree breeding is a method of genetic improvement of self-pollinated species in which superior genotypes are selected from segregating generations and proper records of the ancestry of selected plants are maintained in each generation. Just like the pedigree method, the bulk method also applies pure line theory to segregating populations to develop pure line cultivars. Nilsson-Ehle, developed the procedure. This method is also termed as mass or population method or evolutionary method of crop improvement. Hybridization Methods of Plant Breeding in Self-Pollinated Groups 5. For this reason this method is not preferred by the plant breeders.


Bulk population breeding ~ Breeding & Plant Genetics

bulk breeding method

There is no need to maintain pedigree records in this method. In eighth year, preliminary yield trial is conducted. The natural or artificial process that results in the formation of hybrid is known as hybridization. The best surviving genotypes sometimes may not be agronomically good. Some examples are given below: Rice: Varieties Krishna, Ratna, Sabarmati, Padma, Jaya, Bala, Kaveri, etc. In F 2 also the material is grown using wide spacings. Wheat: HD 2281, HD 2285, HD 2380, ND 2402, Janak, Pratap, Raj 2535 DWR 39, WH 331, WL 616, etc.


A theoretical study of the bulk breeding method

bulk breeding method

The most important methods of breeding cross-pollinated species are 1 mass selection; 2 development of hybrid varieties; and 3 development of synthetic varieties. Meaning and Features of Pedigree Method: Pedigree refers to record of the ancestry of an individual selected plant. In the F5, the plants are space-planted to allow individual plant evaluation for effective selection. Main features of this method are presented below: 1. Breeding Procedure of Bulk Breeding Method: The bulk breeding method consists of four important steps, viz. Progeny Selection: In F 6 the material is space planted and individual plant selection is practised. Pea: Pant Matar 2, Jawahar Matar 1, Jawakar Matar 4 etc.


bulk breeding method

In this method natural selection operates which results in elimination of undesirable genotypes from the bulk population and increases the frequency of desirable plants. The progeny of each selected plant is grown separately which constitutes F 3 generation. Important characters of each selected plant and progeny are recorded. The selected plants should be of similar phenotype as the seeds are mixed together. Thus release of new variety by this method takes 14-15 years. These progeny constitute strains.
