Buganda agreement. Buganda 2022-10-12

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The Buganda Agreement, also known as the 1900 Buganda Agreement or the 1900 Uganda Agreement, was a treaty between the British Empire and the Kingdom of Buganda, a traditional kingdom located in present-day Uganda. The treaty was signed in 1900 and granted Buganda a large degree of autonomy within the British Empire, making it one of the first African territories to gain some level of self-governance within the colonial system.

Under the terms of the Buganda Agreement, Buganda was recognized as a "Protectorate" of the British Empire, with the king of Buganda (also known as the Kabaka) being given the authority to govern the kingdom's internal affairs. The British, however, retained control over foreign relations and defense. The agreement also established a system of governance for Buganda, with the Kabaka being advised by a council of chiefs and a British resident who acted as an intermediary between the Kabaka and the British government.

One of the key provisions of the Buganda Agreement was the establishment of a system of land tenure in which the Kabaka and his chiefs were granted ownership of the land in Buganda. This system was seen as a way to encourage economic development in the region and to provide a stable source of revenue for the British. However, it also had the effect of concentrating land ownership in the hands of the Kabaka and his chiefs, leading to landlessness and social unrest among the common people of Buganda.

Despite these issues, the Buganda Agreement was seen as a success in many ways. It helped to establish a system of governance in Buganda that was more stable and effective than the traditional system, and it provided a framework for economic development and trade with the outside world. It also helped to establish a more peaceful relationship between the British and the people of Buganda, which had previously been marked by conflict and resistance to British rule.

Overall, the Buganda Agreement was a significant event in the history of Uganda and the wider region. It marked a turning point in the relationship between the British Empire and the traditional kingdoms of Africa, and it set the stage for further negotiations and agreements that would shape the political and economic landscape of the region for decades to come.

How 1900 Buganda Agreement changed land ownership

buganda agreement

Article 12: However contained exemptions of certain persons from the payment of gun tax in respect of a certain number of guns thus the Kabaka was granted 50 guns for 50 men in his household. . This arrangement, however, will not affect the question of township rates, lighting rates, water rates, market dues, and so forth, which may be treated apart as matters affecting municipalities or townships; nor will it absolve natives from obligations as regards military service, or the up-keep of main roads passing through the lands on which they dwell. From a point near the source of the Kuzizi and near the village of Kirola such point to be finally determined by Her Majesty's Commissioner at the time of the definite Survey of Uganda the boundary shall be carried in a south-westerly direction until it reaches the River Nabutari, the left bank of which it will follow down stream to its confluence with the River Katonga. The regents and chiefs were beneficiaries of the distribution of land under the De Buganda Agreement of 1900, which rewarded them for their collaboration with the British. .


The 1900 Buganda Agreement

buganda agreement

The agreement anchored British rule in Buganda and also gave the Baganda the opportunity to extend their influence to other parts of the country. . . These officials shall he paid at the rate of £300 a year. By setting a time limit for each chapter, the author made accessing topics easier. However, the possession of canons and machine guns was prohibited.


THE 1900 BUGANDA AGREEMENT IN webapi.bu.edu

buganda agreement

These two clauses sought to restrain the power of the noblemen and feudal lords to arbitrarily detain people by requiring a trial by jury, the Magna Carta gave birth to the modern concept of due process or the right to a fair trial. The Baganda at home. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Buganda Agreement, 1900:- a Payments shall be made by the Protectorate Government to the Kabaka's Government in respect of the revenue and mining rents and royalties payable to the Protectorate Government on land vested in Her Majesty under the provisions of the Buganda Agreements on the same basis as such payments are made to District Councils in the rest of the Uganda Protectorate. However, a three-rupee tax was quite a burden for African men who had to abandon the practice. The land was distributed as follows: i 1,500 sq. Retrieved 30 August 2022.


What Were The Effects Of The 1900 Buganda Agreement

buganda agreement

The Political Kingdom in Uganda: a Study of Bureaucratic Nationalism. Buganda was also able to see how the existing political organization was mixed. All land in the country, including mailo land, was freehold except mailo, had attributes which made it stand alone. The agreement also introduced the tax system to finance the new administrative structure. H JOHNSTON, Her Majesty's Special Commissioner, Commander in Chief and ConsulGeneral, on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of lndia. Uganda: a modern history. .


(1900) The Uganda Agreement •

buganda agreement

. . . . The Kabaka of Uganda shall be guaranteed by Her Majesty's Government from out of the local revenue of the Uganda Protectorate a minimum yearly allowance of £1,500 a year.


Uganda Agreement, 1900

buganda agreement

Note: The term "Uganda" is from the Swahili and means "Land of the Ganda". Karugire and The Story of The Uganda Agreement by J. . . . In the interpretation of this Agreement the English text shall be the version which is binding on both parties.


Buganda Agreement (1900)

buganda agreement

The agreement had three sections: power sharing, system of government finance and land. University of California Press. Kingship and State: The Buganda Dynasty. The possession of any cannon or machine gun is hereby forbidden to any native of Uganda. As regards taxes, the chiefs were responsible to the colonial government. In like manner the ownership of the forests, which are not included within the limits of private properties, shall be henceforth vested in Her Majesty's Government.


1900 Buganda Agreement

buganda agreement

If the holder of the office resigns by writing under his hand addressed to the Kabaka through the Katikiro. This allowance shall not necessarily be continued to the mothers of other Kabakas. JACKSON, Her Majesty's Vice-Consul. In all cases affecting property exceeding the value of £5, or imprisonment exceeding one week, an appeal for revision may be addressed to the Lukiko. At the time of the signing of the agreement, the figures for the area allocated were estimated. Provided that: a no persons other than the Katikiro designate shall join in nominating more than three candidates. The three representatives from each Saza shall be elected as members of the Electoral College by representatives of each Muluka who have themselves been elected for this purpose in the manner provided in these Regulations.


What Were the Effects of the 1900 Buganda Agreement

buganda agreement

In times of peace, the armed forces, organized by the Uganda Administration, will probably be sufficient for all purposes of defence, but if Her Majesty's representative is of opinion that the force of Uganda should be strengthened at any time, he may call upon the Kabaka to exercise in a full or in a modified degree his claim on the Baganda people for military service. The forests, which will be reserved for Government control, will be, as a rule, those forests over which no private claim can be raised justifiably, and will be forests of some continuity which should be maintained as woodland in the general interests of the country. . . The Buganda government land was further divided among individuals such as the royal family members, the lukiiko, the Muhammadan chief and some land was left for the private land owners Read also Book Review On Life Along The Silk Road History Essay The signing of the Buganda agreement brought about the establishment of a taxation system based on possession of fire arms gun tax as well as areas of residence hut tax.


Beeler Photography

buganda agreement

. Should the Kingdom of Uganda fail to pay to the Uganda Administration during the first two years after the signing of this Agreement, an amount of native taxation, equal to half that which is due in proportion to the number of inhabitants; or should it at any time fail to pay without just cause or excuse, the aforesaid minimum of taxation due in proportion to the population; or should the Kabaka, chiefs, or people of Uganda, pursue, at any time, a policy which is distinctly disloyal to the British Protectorate; Her Majesty's Government will no longer consider themselves bound by the terms of this Agreement. . As regards mineral rights. From this point the boundary shall be carried along the right or eastern bank of the River Kafu, up stream, as far as the junction of the Kafu and Embaia.
