British influence on indian society. The British Impact on India, 1700 2022-10-30

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The British Empire played a significant role in shaping the modern Indian society we see today. From the early 18th century, when the East India Company first established a foothold in India, to the mid-20th century, when India gained independence, the British exerted a profound influence on every aspect of Indian life.

One of the most significant ways in which the British influenced Indian society was through the introduction of Western education. Prior to British colonization, education in India was largely restricted to the wealthy and the elite, and was focused primarily on religious texts and traditional subjects. The British, however, introduced a system of Western-style education that was based on the British model, with an emphasis on science, math, literature, and other subjects. This system of education was initially reserved for the children of the British elite, but gradually, it was made available to Indians as well. As a result, a whole generation of educated Indians emerged, who were exposed to Western ideas and values, and who played a crucial role in the struggle for independence.

The British also brought about significant changes in the economic structure of India. Prior to colonization, India was primarily an agricultural society, with a large portion of the population engaged in farming and other rural occupations. The British, however, introduced industrialization to India, setting up factories and introducing new technologies that transformed the economy. This led to the emergence of a new class of industrialists and entrepreneurs, who played a key role in the country's economic development.

The British also introduced a number of reforms that had a lasting impact on Indian society. For example, they abolished the practice of sati, in which widows were expected to burn themselves on their husband's funeral pyre. They also abolished the practice of thuggee, in which groups of thieves operated under the guise of religious devotion. These reforms helped to improve the status of women and marginalized groups in Indian society, and laid the foundation for the more progressive and egalitarian society we see today.

However, it must be acknowledged that the British influence on India was not always positive. The British rule was marked by widespread exploitation and oppression, and many Indians suffered at the hands of their colonizers. The British also implemented a number of policies that had negative consequences for the Indian people, such as the policy of divide and rule, which sowed the seeds of communal tensions and conflicts that continue to plague the country to this day.

In conclusion, the British influence on Indian society was complex and multifaceted. While they brought about significant reforms and modernization, they also imposed their own cultural and economic values, and left a legacy of exploitation and oppression. Today, India is a vibrant, diverse, and dynamic society, shaped by a long and tumultuous history, including the period of British rule.

British Raj in India

british influence on indian society

For instance, during the time of British rule in India, almost all of the upper positions in the government and military were held exclusively by British officials. Too often, this isolation from Indian society drove British fears and led to excessive violence, as the British had few organic connections with Indian society, and could only depend on the threat of force to keep order. There was no wholesale but only selective Westernisation. Britain seized control of Indian territory until they controlled the whole sub-continent. Many Indian's were highly upset and ultimately led to a revolt during the foundation of this new era.


Influence of western culture on Indian society

british influence on indian society

Employing educated Indians was necessary because of the need to man an expanding bureaucracy.  up to 14 days before departure. British brought the idea of equality, liberty, fraternity, renaissance and various other ideas growing in the west world. We have the answer! For a fact, the word curry means just the sauce and not the whole dish. The East India Company enacted one policy that assisted in this plunder in 1765.


British Influence on Indian Food

british influence on indian society

The first recorded mention of curry in English cuisine dates back to 1747 when only coriander seeds and black pepper were used to impart the flavor. Reorganization of Indian Civil Service: ADVERTISEMENTS: The Indian Civil Service was carefully built up during the British rule into a powerful and efficient bureaucratic force. In due course of time, Western dance was imitated in Indian cinemas with a very limited extent. For example, liberty, equality, human rights, science and technology. Essay On The Effects Of British Imperialism 1215 Words 5 Pages In addition, British allowed Indians to practice their religion. Caste rituals have become increasingly a personal affair, rather than public due to changed circumstances of living, forces of industrialisation, and urbanisation. Bread, toast, fruits, mixture, boiled eggs in tiffin what the Europeans were consuming were followed by the educated Indians.


Social and Economic Impact of British Rule in India

british influence on indian society

Anglicists such as Thomas Macaulay and William Bentick promoted English and believed that India is a state of illiterate people and it needs to be westernised. India is a country that is rich in culture and spiritual beliefs. Thousands of jobs opened up as soldiers, drivers, and day laborers throughout the empire. Further, the artistic skill of Indians for elegance, balance and beauty increased and it brought refinement in their attitude and taste. Female Infanticide was banned a few years later.


How Did British Colonization Affect India

british influence on indian society

The workers worked under a lot of hardships. British created an army that was called Sepoy rebellion which was a native troop. In India, British imperial rule had several key impacts on the Indian subcontinent and its people. English thus united the educated Indians and brought about a feeling of oneness among them. The Government Acts of 1919 and 1935 were pointers in these directions.


Impact of British on Indian Society and Culture

british influence on indian society

With this, India became an economic colony of industrial England. Hence, the land revenue constituted a major portion of the taxes collected. Millions of refugees crossed the border in both directions, and about 500,000 people were killed in sectarian violence. This changed the course of Indian history. Conclusion The date 1900 makes a good closing point. At that time it produced many delectable dishes such as kedgeree, mulligatawny, and pish pash to exotic English palates. During this time, the independence movement was at its peak, and the vast majority of the population resented the British.


The British Impact on India, 1700

british influence on indian society

The British version of Butter Chicken is far sweeter than the traditional Indian butter chicken recipe. The flavor is the key point on which a meal is commented on. As in Florence, it was business that made revival of the arts possible. Throughout history, many countries were colonized by stronger forces. At first india was treasured by the British more for its potential rather than its actual profit. The Charter Act of 1813 directed the company officials to introduce higher education in India.


The British Raj’s Social and Institutional Impact on Indian Society

british influence on indian society

They are charged with starving the native populace and not doing anything to spread knowledge. Even though Indians were citizens of the empire, racial equality was out of the question. Western education, however, influenced Indian society in a way that the British could never have imagined. Modern India Dbq Essay 671 Words 3 Pages Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi or as more know him Mahatma Gandhi fought and died for the independance of India, even through all the cruelty people say that the British ruling helped shape modern India, did the British really help shape modern India? The solution they come up with ways to cook the same dishes but with Indian vegetables and spices. India was transformed into a supplier of raw materials and a market for British manufactured goods.


Positive And Negative Effects Of British Rule In India

british influence on indian society

King, Partner in Empire: Dwarkanath Tagore and the Age of Enterprise in Eastern India Berkeley: University of California Press, 1976 , 183. It was also expected to create a class of Indians who could relate to British officials and the Indian traditions. The concept of the welfare state was introduced and thus Governmental activities on welfare measures have expanded. Many historical accounts tell us that they never imposed heavy taxes on the native population. Through machinations and intrigues, a force of eight hundred Europeans and 2,200 Indian troops under Robert Clive defeated an army of 50,000 belonging to the ruler of Bengal. This was really a lasting impact of the west of Indian culture.


Impact of Colonial Rule on Indian Economy Society and Culture

british influence on indian society

Agents of Westernization British rule — The establishment of British rule brought about deep and far-reaching changes in the economic, political, educational, and cultural spheres in India. This meant that most of the cooking was done for them by their Indian servants and mistresses. CONCLUSION Colonial rule of British affected every respect of Indian society. They contained an elaborate hierarchy of officials that was established to enforce its rule, the monarchy was supported by thousands of civil servants. However, their survival was based on agriculture and the growing seasons of the colonies they occupied. Urbanization made many castes live together.
