Brief statement of interest example. Home Page 2022-10-19

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A statement of interest is a document that highlights your skills, experiences, and achievements in relation to a particular job or program. It is typically used in academic or professional contexts as a way to demonstrate your fit for a specific opportunity. A brief statement of interest example might include the following elements:

  1. An introduction that briefly explains why you are interested in the opportunity and how you learned about it.

  2. A summary of your relevant skills and experiences. This might include specific courses or projects you have completed, any relevant work or volunteer experience, or any awards or recognition you have received.

  3. A discussion of your goals and how this opportunity will help you achieve them. This might include your long-term career aspirations or any specific skills or knowledge you hope to gain through the opportunity.

  4. A conclusion that reiterates your interest in the opportunity and why you believe you are a strong candidate.

Here is a brief example of a statement of interest:

"I am writing to express my strong interest in the Master of Science in Computer Science program at XYZ University. I learned about this program through a recommendation from my current supervisor, who highly values the quality of education and research opportunities offered at XYZ University.

I have a strong foundation in computer science, having completed coursework in data structures, algorithms, and programming languages. I also have experience working on software development projects, including a team project in which I served as project lead. In addition, I have received recognition for my academic performance, including being named to the Dean's List for three consecutive semesters.

I am excited to apply to the Master of Science in Computer Science program at XYZ University because it aligns with my long-term career goals of becoming a software engineer. I believe that this program will provide me with the advanced training and research opportunities I need to succeed in this field.

I am confident that my skills and experiences make me a strong candidate for this program, and I am eager to contribute to the dynamic community of scholars at XYZ University. Thank you for considering my application."

Competency and Values

brief statement of interest example

When asked about the extent to which race is considered in admissions, Lehman testified that it varies from one applicant to another. Thus the case was still known at Tatum v. Use examples of particular phenomena, tools, or situations that you find exciting. If the law gives the loser the right to a higher court review, his or her lawyers will appeal. In December 1997, petitioner filed suit in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan against the Law School, the Regents of the University of Michigan, Lee Bollinger Dean of the Law School from 1987 to 1994, and President of the University of Michigan from 1996 to 2002 , Jeffrey Lehman Dean of the Law School , and Dennis Shields Director of Admissions at the Law School from 1991 until 1998. Harvard certainly had minimum goals for minority enrollment, even if it had no specific number firmly in mind. All I ask is, give him a chance to stand on his own legs! See supra, at 3.



brief statement of interest example

Additionally, circumstantial evidence as to whether a state activity is of pressing public necessity can be obtained by asking whether all States feel compelled to engage in that activity. With respect to the remaining 15 to 20 percent of the seats, race is likely outcome determinative for many members of minority groups. These grids show the number of applicants and the number of admittees for all combinations of GPAs and LSAT scores. If universities are given the latitude to administer programs that are tantamount to quotas, they will have few incentives to make the existing minority admissions schemes transparent and protective of individual review. When blacks take positions in the highest places of government, industry, or academia, it is an open question today whether their skin color played a part in their advancement. The obvious tension between the pursuit of critical mass and the requirement of individual review increased by the end of the admissions season. Note: identifying information for these statements have been changed—except for example four, which is my statement.


Brief (law)

brief statement of interest example

The citation tells how to locate the reporter of the case in the appropriate case reporter. Not only do respondents fail to explain this phenomenon, they attempt to obscure it. Failure to comply with the principles may leave you open to substantial fines. Sometimes, the best statement of the facts will be found in a dissenting or concurring opinion. Bakke, ante, at 13, in favor of an unfounded wholesale adoption of it. The Court spends considerable time discussing the impressive display of amicus support for the Law School in this case from all corners of society. Amicus Amherst College, for example, informs us that the offers it extended to students of African-American background during the period from 1993 to 2002 ranged between 81 and 125 out of 950 offers total, resulting in a fluctuation from 24 to 49 matriculated students in a class of about 425.


A brief history of singular ‘they’

brief statement of interest example

So a strong statement of purpose will always be effectively written. This form of brief, it may be added, is also adopted for use at the trial in certain states of the Union which require printed briefs to be delivered to the court. That case involved sex discrimination, which is subjected to intermediate, not strict, scrutiny. Brown, Legal Education at Michigan 1859—1959, pp. In a part of his opinion that was joined by no other Justice, Justice Powell expressed his view that attaining a diverse student body was the only interest asserted by the university that survived scrutiny. In order to cultivate a set of leaders with legitimacy in the eyes of the citizenry, it is necessary that the path to leadership be visibly open to talented and qualified individuals of every race and ethnicity. Certification was replaced by selective admissions in the beginning of the 20th century, as universities sought to exercise more control over the composition of their student bodies.


How To Brief a Case

brief statement of interest example

Ante, at 21; see also Fullilove v. It follows from this mandate that universities cannot establish quotas for members of certain racial groups or put members of those groups on separate admissions tracks. This is an unprofessional blip in an otherwise solid letter. See Brief for Respondents Bollinger et al. Pennsylvania, It is so ordered. EEOC, Bakke, supra, at 317 opinion of Powell, J.


The West

brief statement of interest example

Petitioner requested compensatory and punitive damages, an order requiring the Law School to offer her admission, and an injunction prohibiting the Law School from continuing to discriminate on the basis of race. The Law School failed to comply with this requirement, and by no means has it carried its burden to show otherwise by the test of strict scrutiny. Surely strict scrutiny cannot permit these sort of disparities without at least some explanation. In fact, it may not be the most relevant comparison. See LSAC Statistical Reports 1984 and 2000.


7 Successful Statement of Purpose Examples • PrepScholar GRE

brief statement of interest example

Justice Frankfurter went further, however, reasoning that the Id. Four other Justices avoided the constitutional question altogether and struck down the program on statutory grounds. The Law School made no effort to guard against this danger. In 2000 the comparable numbers were 1. Narrow tailoring, therefore, requires that a race-conscious admissions program not unduly harm members of any racial group. Tatum: Laird and associates were now the petitioners, and Tatum and his fellows were the respondents.



brief statement of interest example

Like Douglass, I believe blacks can achieve in every avenue of American life without the meddling of university administrators. Similarly no modern law school can claim ignorance of the poor performance of blacks, relatively speaking, on the Law School Admissions Test LSAT. Tempting targets, one would suppose, will be those universities that talk the talk of multiculturalism and racial diversity in the courts but walk the walk of tribalism and racial segregation on their campuses—through minority-only student organizations, separate minority housing opportunities, separate minority student centers, even separate minority-only graduation ceremonies. GMAT ® is a registered trademark of the Graduate Management Admission Council ® GMAC ®. Not every decision influenced by race is equally objectionable and strict scrutiny is designed to provide a framework for carefully examining the importance and the sincerity of the reasons advanced by the governmental decisionmaker for the use of race in that particular context. The fact that some fraction of the States reject a particular enterprise, however, creates a presumption that the enterprise itself is not a compelling state interest. See Brief for Amherst College et al.


Home Page

brief statement of interest example

The Court held in Missouri ex rel. See Bakke, supra, at 317 opinion of Powell, J. Appellate brief An appellate brief is a written legal argument presented to an appellate court. By managing and organizing collections in a way that makes sense we are making information accessible to those who need it. Finally, the Court has rejected an interest in remedying general societal discrimination as a justification for race discrimination. See Brief for Respondents Bollinger et al.



brief statement of interest example

Prospective students, the courts, and the public can demand that the State and its law schools prove their process is fair and constitutional in every phase of implementation. The majority should similarly stay its impulse to validate faddish racial discrimination the Constitution clearly forbids. Admittedly, there were greater fluctuations among enrolled minorities in the preceding years, 1987—1994, by as much as 5 or 6%. There was little deviation among admitted minority students during the years from 1995 to 1998. But looking back at my statement of purpose, I do a good job outlining what within the field interests me and clearly laying out how my past experiences have qualified me for the program. Shields stressed, however, that he did not seek to admit any particular number or percentage of underrepresented minority students.
