Black swan critique. Black Swan Review 2022-10-21

Black swan critique Rating: 5,6/10 400 reviews

A Black Swan is a term coined by Nassim Nicholas Taleb to describe a highly improbable and unexpected event that has significant consequences. In his book "The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable," Taleb argues that black swans are more common and more impactful than we realize, and that our inability to anticipate them is a major flaw in human cognition. He also argues that our focus on trying to predict and control the future leads us to underestimate the role of luck and randomness in shaping events.

One of the main criticisms of Taleb's concept of the black swan is that it is too broad and vague. While it is certainly true that unexpected events can have significant consequences, it is not clear how we can identify these events in advance or how to prepare for them. Some have argued that the concept of the black swan is more akin to a truism than a useful insight, as it simply states that unexpected things can happen.

Another criticism of Taleb's concept is that it downplays the role of human agency in shaping events. While it is certainly true that luck and randomness play a role in the world, it is also true that human decisions and actions can significantly influence the course of events. By focusing solely on the role of luck and randomness, Taleb's concept of the black swan may lead us to underestimate the importance of human agency in shaping the world around us.

A third criticism of Taleb's concept of the black swan is that it is overly deterministic. By suggesting that certain events are highly improbable and therefore cannot be anticipated, Taleb's concept may lead us to overlook the potential for human ingenuity and resourcefulness in the face of unexpected challenges. This could have negative consequences, as it may lead us to be less proactive and less prepared for the unexpected.

Overall, while Taleb's concept of the black swan has certainly sparked valuable discussions about the role of luck and randomness in shaping events, it is not without its criticisms. It is important to keep in mind that human agency, ingenuity, and resourcefulness also play a significant role in shaping the world around us, and that we should not underestimate our ability to prepare for and respond to unexpected challenges.

Critique du film Black Swan

black swan critique

While Portman may seem, at first thought, an odd choice for such a complex and intimately dark role, she is actually quite stunningly cast. Natalie Portman,fiévreuse,sensuelle,terrifiante,fragile, douloureuse,dépassée,dévoile toute la palette des émotions refoulées. This creates a crisis in her mind: How can she free herself from the technical perfection and sexual repression enforced by her mother, while remaining loyal to their incestuous psychological relationship? It is a film that wraps itself around your brain, rendering you speechless for its entire length. In Erica, we see a mother who appears supportive but later reveals her animosity toward her daughter. So very obviously using the default rate on TIN loans has little to do with the illegal immigrant default rates via phony social security, liar loans, etc. But at some level, it also addresses how women fear their own power and abilities, believing that if they fully exercise both, they risk obliterating and destroying those around them — including themselves. Really, the Black-Scholes formula is composed of two different parts.


The Independent Critic

black swan critique

Another element that is noteworthy is the use of mirrors in many settings of the film. Furthermore, at around 1:04:40 when Nina is running away, the entire frame is off balance and bounces along with her frantically movements to show the audience the speed and intensity of her movements and to give a chaotic mood to this scene. It will consistently keep audiences thinking about what is being shown and what is actually going on. Une filmographie parfaite : Pi, Requiem for a Dream, The Fountain et The Wrestler. Aronofsky and Portman follow this fearlessly where it takes them.


Black Swan

black swan critique

Then at the climax of the film around 1:16:35 when Nina makes her transformation in to the black swan, the continuous sound effect of wings flapping, feathers rustling, and wind blowing are only heard by Nina as imaginary black feathers and wings grow out of her body. But banks will loan money to buy the former, not the latter. Also, notice that my third axiom is compatible with Black and Scholes' second axiom, that price follows a geometric Brownian motion with constant drift and volatility. Plot Summary Nina Sayres Natalie Portman is a 20-something ballerina in a famous New York City company. Tout ceci sur fond de danse, et toute l'obsession que Nina a pour cet art. Darren Aronofsky's Black Swan is an examination of obsession. This is bravado style filmmaking at its finest, and more than suggests that the brilliant direction in Requiem for a Dream was not a fluke.


Black Swan movie review & film summary (2010)

black swan critique

But this is isn't a criticism of Aronofsky who is just about the most interesting and original director working today and one hopes never to see him compromise his style for the mainstream. However, his performance is excellent, as is MILA KUNIS as her cunning rival. Portman is no doubt talented, but she's dealing with a lot of issues of paranoia, a lot of it instilled by her mother Barbara Hershey. This is not based on anything by Noel Streatfeild. Other incoherences were Winona Ryder's character - a lead isn't likely to be fired like that - and Vincent Cassel's character - a choreographer engaging in such rampant displays of sexual harassment wouldn't be likely to make creative director. Kunis provided one of the great lines from television in that show when she stated that no one would deter her from her career goal to be Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader. Sa mise en scène maitrisée, nous permet de plonger dans la psycho de Nina et sa descente aux enfers ; pour avoir le rôle du cygne blanc mais surtout, celui du cygne noir.


'SAS: Black Swan' Netflix Review: Stream It or Skip It?

black swan critique

Or is she afraid that Lily will supplant Nina in the company as Nina has supplanted Beth? But my goodness, Aronofsky likes to play that Swan Lake theme loud. . It could nearly work as a silent film, that's how brilliant it is. Nina offers no sense of real transition - just the heavy-handed and obvious "transformation" into the embodiment of the titular creature, which again, is no surprise given how unbalanced the character is from the start. In most mirror scenes, we can see figures of Nina reflected by the mirrors so the audience might get the illusion of seeing multiple faces of hers; in one scene when Nina is having her fitting, one of her mirror images even gains independence and starts to act without her. Perhaps best of all, however, is that for all the audacity on display, the director knows when to dial it back as well. She plays a comic relief of sorts, with a comely, down-to-earth veneer but viperous eyes.


Black Swan: a Film Review and Interpretation: [Essay Example], 2170 words GradesFixer

black swan critique

Kunis delivers a level of depth I never thought was possible for her. It is a film that navigates between being thrilling and horrific at the same time. There are also numerous close-ups shots of the face and body parts like hands and feet. It is a masterpiece of unheralded success, and is easily the best film I saw at TIFF. .


Critique of Black

black swan critique

He knows Nina has what it takes to embody the light side, but the quiet, timid, girl lacks that dark edge of a true Black Swan. The film's slow points are never dragged out, merely well padded out for the shift from Nina being innocent to adrenaline soaked horror as she descends into the realm of darkness. And you'll like what you see. Black Swan is an enthralling and visceral experience from beginning to end. At the very least, the leading lady is suffering from a SEVERE anxiety disorder as well as schizophrenia--a very, very bad combination to say the least! A woman stabs another woman with glass, not much blood, but it's present. Je ne suis pas du tout un connaisseur de ballet de danse classique , ne connaissant le "Lac des Cygnes" que de nom , n'ayant jamais vu le ballet en lui même j'ai été agréablement surpris par la beauté des chorégraphies.


The Many Feminist Themes in 'Black Swan'

black swan critique

I realize that obsession is often a strength with artists, but it can also be all consuming. Black swan est renversant, sensationnel et tout simplement unique! Je ne vois pas comment je cet œuvre sera détrônée de sa 1ere place de mon top 10 cette année! I could see Nina's fate from a mile away and it really is a shame that this movie had to be so sensationalistic. The way her mother behaves around her, almost an incestuous relationship is just horrific, not giving her daughter a chance to grow up and become a woman. Contra Black and Scholes, it is NOT possible to borrow and lend cash at a known constant risk-free interest rate. There is more blame to go around. Is Nina attracted to Lily because she admires the other dancer's wild child lifestyle and passion over perfection? This would be an intriguing approach if Nina was a more intriguing character. Waste of time, and all the parts are very weak too - neither Portman, nor Kassel, Ryder, Kunis or else did anything to get us involved.


Black Swan Review

black swan critique

Ryder is solid in a smaller role. These two women play perfectly off of each other, contrasting like the two swans in the ballet. Here we have a great blend of classical and original pieces. She should have gotten some Oscar recognition herself for the Eve Harrington type role she plays here. From top to bottom, this film is at the height of what it means to be true art in cinema.
