Bigamy in india. Bigamy in India 2022-10-14

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Bigamy, the practice of marrying more than one spouse at the same time, is illegal in India and is punishable under the Indian Penal Code. The prohibition on bigamy is based on the principles of monogamy, which is the practice of having only one spouse at a time. Monogamy is seen as the cornerstone of a stable and harmonious family life, and bigamy is considered a threat to the institution of marriage and the family.

In India, bigamy is a criminal offense under Section 494 of the Indian Penal Code, which states that "whoever, having a husband or wife living, marries in any case in which such marriage is void by reason of its taking place during the life of such husband or wife, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to seven years, and shall also be liable to fine." This means that if a person marries another person while still being legally married to someone else, they can be imprisoned for up to seven years and fined.

Bigamy is not limited to Hindus in India. It is prohibited for all religions, including Muslims, Christians, and Parsis, among others. In fact, the prohibition on bigamy is a part of the personal laws of various religions in India, which are governed by the Special Marriage Act, 1954, the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, and the Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act, 1936, among others.

Despite the prohibition on bigamy, it is still a prevalent practice in some parts of India, particularly in rural areas where social and economic factors contribute to the prevalence of bigamy. Poverty, illiteracy, and the lack of access to education and employment opportunities are some of the factors that contribute to the practice of bigamy in India. In some cases, bigamy is also used as a means of securing financial stability or as a way to avoid social ostracization.

In recent years, there have been several efforts to address the issue of bigamy in India. The government has implemented various measures to raise awareness about the negative consequences of bigamy and to educate people about the importance of monogamy. These efforts have included campaigns to promote the importance of monogamy and to educate people about the legal consequences of bigamy.

Despite these efforts, the issue of bigamy remains a significant challenge in India. It is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach, including legal, social, and educational efforts. Ultimately, the success of these efforts will depend on the willingness of individuals to recognize the importance of monogamy and to adhere to the principles of a harmonious and stable family life.


bigamy in india

Union of India in 2000, on the ground that the judgement in the impugned case violates the fundamental right to life and liberty and freedom to practice any religion enshrined under Articles The court held that the contention of the petitioner that the judgment of Sarla Mudgal amounts to the violation of freedom of conscience and free profession, practice and propagation of religion as guaranteed under Article 25 and 26 of the Constitution, is far fetched and is alleged by those who hide behind the cloak of religion to escape the law. Hence, spouses cannot escape liability under Section 494, IPC, by resorting to conversion to Islam or any other religion. However, it can be inferred from the ingredients of Section 494 explained in detail in the above section that the second marriage would be void and the apostate husband would be guilty under IPC. The wife relied upon a custom in the tribe which mandated monogamy as a rule. By mere association of the accused persons in this case, who are charged for an offence of abetment and the principal offender in the absence of any material to show that there was an instigation by the petitioners or that there was any intention either in aiding or in commissioning the offence committed by the first accused, it cannot be said that they have committed an offence of abetment. The declaration will be displayed on the notice board of office till the date of confirmation.


Bigamy Laws in India: All You Need to Know

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If the marriage is not a valid marriage, it is no marriage in the eye of law. If he is not able to or fails to do so, then he is liable. But he solemnised a second marriage with another woman accused 2. If any such proceedings are initiated, the same would be decided on their merits in accordance with the principles of the pleadings and proof, not being influenced by any of the observations made by the trial magistrate or the High Court. The effect of this provision is to make Section 494 of the Penal Code applicable to Hindus. Bigamy is a non-cognizable offence. Bigamy must not be practised in a democracy and we also must be done away with Bigamy.


Bigamy in India : Sarla Mudgal case

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Does attending a second marriage amount to abetting the same? Thereafter Sheetaldeen married Vidyadhari and four children were born to them. If that is done, the marriage is treated as a civil marriage governed by that Act from the date of registration. Further, In the case of Ajay Chandrakar v. The second circumstance envisages a situation wherein a person has been missing continuously for a period of over seven years. This bigamy position although mentioned in the law is a common practice even today and thus there exists a stark difference between the law and social practice in existence, the result of which is that the second wife or the husband does not have been granted protection.


Hindu Marriage Act for Bigamy in India

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Even though live-in relationships recently were given legal recognition, a person cohabitating with another person while their first marriage is still subsisting is yet to be acknowledged as bigamy in India. This time the provisions of Bigamy itself has been challenged in the court of law and so does the demand for the implementation of the Uniform Civil Code also came into play. . Muslims are actually allowed to have 4 spouses at a time. The offence is non-cognizable, bailable, compoundable and triable by the magistrate of the first class. Mere conversion does not automatically dissolve the first marriage, and thereby doe not absolve the person from criminal liability for committing the offence of bigamy.


Bigamy: Statutory Provisions and Judicial findings On Bigamy

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He also referred to Article 1109 and Article 1235 of the Civil Code, 1867. The apex court gave the verdict while upholding the appeal of a woman K Neelavani, challenging a Madras High Court order quashing the charge sheet filed against her husband S K Siva Kumar under IPC Sections 406 breach of trust and 494 bigamy-second marriage. However, inspite of the existence of the above provisions, first wives find that evidence of the second marriage is difficult most of them are performed secretly or by token rituals like exchange of garlands in a temple to come upon for criminal prosecution, for the courts demand hard proof. The argument of the lawyer appearing on behalf of the first wife, who argued that the judgment of Coimbra High Court cannot have any persuasive value was rejected and Justice N A Britto observed that courts must accept any light from whatever source it comes. Monogamy has always been imposed on Hindu females.


Bigamy in India

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Petitioner 1 was Sarla Mudgal, the president of a registered society called Kalyani, which was a not for profit organisation, working for the welfare of needy families and distressed women. As she continues being Muslim, she was not being maintained by her husband and had no protection under either of the personal laws. Bigamy Laws The vital law which has been enacted for the prevention of Bigamy is the Indian Penal Code which has been mentioned in Article 494. INTRODUCTION Bigamy means entering into a contract of marriage with one person even after being legally married to another. In 2014, giving an important clarification on live-in relationships, the Supreme Court has said that if a man and woman lived like husband and wife for a long period and had children, the judiciary would presume that the two were married.


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Position Of Bigamy In When a married person cohabits with an unmarried person for a long time, then it will not constitute the offence of bigamy. Departmental Enquiry Even when anindividual is later acquitted of bigamy in a criminal proceeding, a departmental investigation can be initiated against him or her. Exception to this section is that it does not extend to any person whose marriage with such husband or wife has been declared void by a court of competent jurisdiction, nor to any person who contracts a marriage during the life of a former husband or wife, if such husband or wife, at the time of the subsequent marriage shall have been continually absent from such person for the space of seven years, and shall not have been heard of by such person as being alive within that time provided the person contracting such subsequent marriage shall, before such marriage takes place, inform the person with whom such marriage is contracted of the real state of facts so far as the same are within his or her knowledge. Though Section 494 of the Indian Penal Code IPC punishes bigamous husbands, if convicted, to a fine or seven years of imprisonment, or both, being a non-cognizable offence except in Andhra Pradesh , it is ineffective. Sections 494 and 495 relate to the provisions of Bigamy.


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The accused persons can be charged and convicted for the offence of abetment where there is evidence to show such persons have instigated or otherwise abetted in the acts of the person who has actually committed the offence or the crime. Chandrashekar 2008 , the court held that there is no limitation time for taking cognizance of the criminal offence of bigamy. The court concluded in Venugopal. What is effect of Hindu law of succession upon bigamy? Hart propounded the theory of modern rule of change shall be applied along with the primary principles, for the civilization to move forward. Rameshwari Dagacase Supreme Court in the case of Sarla Mudgal v. Union of India The judgement of Sarla Mudgal was reviewed by the Supreme Court in the case of Lily Thomas v.


bigamy in india

 Bigamy and Indian law Polygamy or bigamy in India was not perse prohibited in ancient times, but it was also not a practice among the common populace.  The court further stipulated that the freedom guaranteed under Article 25 of the Constitution is such freedom which does not encroach upon similar freedom of the other persons. Etymologically, in terms of the definition of husband and marriage as given in the various Law Lexicons and dictionaries — the existence of a valid marriage may appear to be a sine quo non for applying a penal provision. In Shivcharan Lal Verma v. In December 1991, the Petitioner learned that her husband converted to Islam and married another woman, Deepa. Thus, many provisions have been enacted for the protection of women and also to prevent Bigamy. In 2010, the apex court had held in Madan Mohan Singh vs Rajni Kant case said, The courts have consistently held that the law presumes in favour of marriage and against concubinage, when a man and woman have cohabited continuously for a number of years.


bigamy in india

When personal laws or customs governing the parties permit it: Second marriage by a Muslim, who is entitled to four wives, is not an offence under this section. Bigamy In 1955, the Bigamy is made unlawful, as per Section 17 of the H. Bigamy is a crime if the first spouse or partner is still alive. The Constitution of India upholds the freedom to profess any religion, and forcing UCC upon the citizens would be arbitrary and unconstitutional. Â The interpretation of Islamic law in the modern sense would never allow such acts in its religion. Giving this ruling, a Bench of Justices H. Thus, they are not subject to the applicability of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 and IPC.
