Be conductive to. be conducive to中文_be conducive to是什么意思 2022-10-24

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Being conductive refers to the ability of something to allow the flow of electricity or other forms of energy. In the context of human behavior, being conductive means facilitating or enabling a process or outcome. It involves taking actions that help to bring about a desired result, rather than hindering or blocking it.

There are many ways in which individuals can be conductive to positive outcomes in their personal and professional lives. For example, being proactive, open-minded, and willing to collaborate with others can all contribute to a more conductive environment. Being a good listener and maintaining good communication skills can also be important factors in facilitating progress and success.

In the workplace, being conductive can involve taking on tasks and responsibilities that support the overall goals of the organization. This might involve working well with others, being open to new ideas, and taking initiative to identify and solve problems. It can also involve being adaptable and flexible, as well as being willing to learn and grow in order to better contribute to the team or organization.

Being conductive can also extend to the way we interact with others in our personal lives. Showing empathy and understanding towards others, being respectful and considerate, and maintaining good relationships with friends, family, and colleagues can all contribute to a more positive and harmonious environment.

Overall, being conductive means being proactive, open-minded, and willing to collaborate in order to facilitate progress and success. By adopting these qualities and behaviors, we can not only contribute to our own personal and professional growth, but also help to create a more positive and productive environment for those around us.

be conducive to something

be conductive to

I truly do believe that modernism trumps the traditional patriarchy because it is far more conducive to human happiness. Marine invertebrates with hard shells and skeletons of chitin or lime are more conducive to fossil preservation than soft-bodied creatures. Another common intervention for softening the often intense emotions present in an enactment is to reframe what one partner said in a way that is conducive to having it heard. Academics aren't the only people to build castles in the air, in fact the almost hypnotic nature of the internet makes it very conducive to castle-making. Lactic acid acidifies crop contents, making them less conducive to bacterial growth. A cozy living room may be conducive to relaxed conversation, just as a boardroom may be conducive to more intense discussions.


be conducive to do还是doing_百度知道

be conductive to

The instrument was unmounted and its weight was not conducive to astronomical observations. This combination of materials was just not conducive to the slim shape that was needed to smoothly penetrate the ocean of air. Kautilya favors peace over war, because he asserts that in most situations, peace is more conducive to creation of wealth, prosperity and security of the people. The soil is rich in minerals and humus, thus conducive to agriculture. Particular tax policies are often conducive to savings and investment, whereas others are conducive to consumer spending. They do not absorb dirt or liquids, and their surfaces are much less conducive to bacterial growth than paper bills.



be conductive to

All war is asymmetric in the sense that states engaged in conflict seek to fight each other on terms least conducive to their opponent's success. By now, more substantial refreshments were being served in the hope that satiated stomachs would be conducive to reasoned arguments. This means potential equalisation can be achieved without necessarily having to connect these parts with earthing straps although the final decision as to whether to leave earthing strips out completely is up to the user. As the conditions associated with heat waves are conducive to derechos, meteorologists speculate we may see more of these storms as summers get hotter. The vision is to create a culture that is conducive to continual progress and change. We considered it conducive to the happiness of all parties that it should be so. Neither rule is likely to be conducive to the efficient running of the company.


How to use "conducive to" in a sentence

be conductive to

The fit is seldom and not expected to be perfect, and not always conducive to clarity. The relative political freedom they afforded was conducive to academic and artistic advancement. The idea that generally we move from sensing a truth to knowing that truth is important, but your tag-on about not letting knowing get in the way of sensing is gold. The fact of the matter is that the hurry-scurry of modern civilisation is not conducive to artistic work of any description. Which fingering of the chromatic scale the is most conducive to speed and accuracy? Conducting business with an undertone of constant learning requires conductivity from you, the leader.


Be Conducive To Learning

be conductive to

Show More Sentences The environment of guerrilla warfare, a war without fronts, undoubtedly created a setting conducive to atrocities. It has taken a while for people to realize that the atmosphere on the Hill is not conducive to getting anything done there. Show More Sentences Simms doesn't believe the weather will cold-cock the Chargers because they play a physical style conducive to playing well in cold weather. Well-filled stomachs were conducive to friendlier dispositions. Hope and Karen were reclining recently in the spa pool at the gym, relaxing in the warm water, an environment conducive to making sudden leaps of insight. Show More Sentences It is not a scenario conducive to society as a whole feeling relaxed and comfortable.



be conductive to

The sort of life I lead is not conducive to the kind of love other people have or want. In particular, Hedman's unique antigorite ore proved especially conducive to fiberization and evidenced demonstrable results in a series of test runs. As far as this would be conducive to the interests of commerce, so far it must tend to the extension of the revenue to be drawn from that source. You have a choice whether or not to prioritize your employees' growth. They use a surface topography conducive to generating new bone growth. Simulations show that outer planets with such a trajectory are conducive to the survival of inner planets that could harbor life. While being able to support your perceptions with data and knowledge is usually essential and always welcome, the ability to use our intuition is also very valuable.


Conducive For or To? When to Use Each (With Examples)

be conductive to

But real life is not a romantic fairy tale and only you can create an environment that is conducive to romance, and bring out the lover in your spouse. The heavy rainfall is also conducive to growing rice paddy in flatter areas. What they had to consider was what course would be most conducive to the interests of Athens. The living environment of the school is not at all conducive to human habitation. The evidence is conclusive — be conducive! Fisher, Journal of Gastronomy, Summer 1984 The small hat of woven green plastic raffia, the jazzy short-sleeved shirt fundamentally orange , the pale blue shorts, were not garments conducive to dignity. Other billionaires born outside of Britain find London conducive to their bank accounts. At just before seven minutes in, the band settles into a chill mid-tempo groove conducive to minor head-nodding.


be conducive to中文_be conducive to是什么意思

be conductive to

Scrooge expressed himself much obliged, but could not help thinking that a night of unbroken rest would have been more conducive to that end. While others argue Tripolitan society itself, unlike Beirut, is not conducive to protest to change political will. Show More Sentences The roads are not conducive to big lorries coming back and forth. The burrowing activities of earthworms increase the soil horizons most conducive to worm health and growth rate. It has been deployed into a number of situations in a manner which has not been fully conducive to assessing its results. The rhythmic breathing and the relaxed state of the muscles are interpreted by the brain as conducive to a calm frame of mind.


Conducive Definition & Meaning

be conductive to

Oregon is home to several large datacenters that take advantage of cheap power and a climate in Central Oregon conducive to reducing cooling costs. Keep a regular bedtime hour, and make sure your bedroom is conducive to sleep. The roughened, softer surface of an old ball can be more conducive to spin bowlers, or those using reverse swing. She may want to be, or should be, in situations that are conducive to this. In the vehemence of their indignation, the general public somewhat forget that poverty and affluence can be equally conducive to moral depravity.
