Attention retention reproduction and motivation. psy, FINAL EXAM 3 Flashcards 2022-10-26

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Attention, retention, reproduction, and motivation are four important psychological concepts that play a significant role in learning and performance.

Attention refers to the cognitive process of selectively focusing on a particular stimulus or task. In order for learning to occur, it is important for individuals to be able to sustain their attention on the material or task at hand. This can be challenging in today's world, as there are many distractions competing for our attention. However, research has shown that individuals who are able to maintain their attention are more likely to retain and reproduce the material they are learning.

Retention refers to the ability to retain information in memory over time. This is an important aspect of learning, as it allows individuals to recall and use the information they have learned in the future. There are several strategies that can be used to improve retention, such as rehearsal, mnemonic devices, and spacing out learning over time.

Reproduction refers to the ability to recall and use the information that has been learned. This can take the form of verbal recall, such as recalling information from a lecture or reading, or it can be demonstrated through the use of the information in a practical context. The ability to reproduce learned material is an important indicator of the effectiveness of learning.

Motivation is a key factor in the learning process. It refers to the driving force that inspires individuals to engage in a particular behavior or activity. Motivation can be intrinsic, coming from within the individual, or extrinsic, coming from external sources such as rewards or grades. Research has shown that individuals who are motivated to learn are more likely to pay attention, retain information, and reproduce it effectively.

In conclusion, attention, retention, reproduction, and motivation are important psychological concepts that play a significant role in learning and performance. By understanding and addressing these factors, individuals can improve their learning outcomes and achieve their goals.

psy, FINAL EXAM 3 Flashcards

attention retention reproduction and motivation

The Bobo Doll Experiment Bandura's In these experiments, Bandura 1985 and his researchers showed children a video where a model would act aggressively toward an inflatable doll by hitting, punching, kicking, and verbally assaulting the doll. He suggested four mediational steps in the process of vicarious modeling: attention, retention, reproduction, and motivation. Next, you must be able to retain, or remember, what you observed; this is retention. The Canadian-American psychologist Albert Bandura was one of the first to recognize the phenomenon of observational learning Bandura, 1985. Thus, in observational learning, an observer must be motivated to produce the desired behavior. Behavioral modeling proved a significant modality in treatment options for phobias. On the other hand, Julian might learn not to touch a hot stove after watching his father get burned on a stove.


How Observational Learning Affects Behavior

attention retention reproduction and motivation

Social learning proposed that one did not only learn from direct interaction with their environment but that a person could also observe a behavior, understand the process of that behavior, and replicate the behavior at some future point. We typically lose attention if we do not believe that the materials at hand can present new, novel information or if they do not seem to 2. If people are exposed to violent content, then they will inculcate violent behavior in their day to day life too. Byron-Cox has dedicated the last decade of her life to the academic world, lecturing to a diverse student body both online and on site as a Professor in the English and Social Sciences department at Monroe College, New York. As early as 1962, he published Social Learning through Imitation; in 1966, Role of Vicarious learning in Personality Development; in 1969, Social Learning of Moral Judgments; and in 1971, Behavior Therapy from a Social Learning Perspective. In conclusion, observation plays a very powerful role in learning.


Psychology Midterm 8,9,10 Flashcards

attention retention reproduction and motivation

The antisocial effects of observational learning are also worth mentioning. Alternatively, children who observed the model being punished for their violence showed less violence toward the doll Debell, 2021. Motivation: The last step is motivation. Anyone can influence us and be a model for us. Then we attempt to reproduce it. Albert Bandura, a social psychologist, developed a theory surrounding this type of collaborative learning.


6.5 Observational Learning (Modeling)

attention retention reproduction and motivation

Bandura and other researchers proposed a brand of behaviorism called social learning theory, which took cognitive processes into account. In this experiment, the former Bobo doll outline was followed, but with a twist. This, in turn, taught them how to react and feel in similar life situations. Think about how easily you adopt the mannerisms of people you find yourself in frequent contact with — you adopt their slang, their intonation, and even sometimes their body language. Various factors increase the amount of attention paid by an individual.


Social Learning Theory

attention retention reproduction and motivation

Theorists believed that existing knowledge in memory might guide and help students to make new knowledge meaningful. Fact checkers review articles for factual accuracy, relevance, and timeliness. Children that saw the aggressive behavior or in the control were more likely to act out in the same aggressive ways of the adult than children that witnesses punishment. Prosocial positive models can be used to encourage socially acceptable behavior. In addition to group sessions, offering mentorship programs is another way for employees to learn by example. Step 2: Retention Retention is how well past behavior is remembered.


Social Learning Theory: Principles and Applications

attention retention reproduction and motivation

For example, if your gamified eLearning courses offer leaderboards, you can leverage competition as motivation. Either the model was punished for their behavior, rewarded for it, or there were no consequences. For More Reading: Bandura, A. . How is Social Learning Theory Applied in the Classroom? Steps in the Modelling process According to Bandura, effective modelling requires attention, retention, reproduction and motivation.


Social Learning Theory: Albert Bandura

attention retention reproduction and motivation

They are observing the people who are important to them and how those people behave because those people are considered to be their role models. From observing others one forms an idea of how new behaviors are performed, and on later occasions, this coded information serves as a guide for action. For example, a mockingbird could learn to imitate the song patterns of other kinds of birds. Although his work faced criticism, his illustrious career can boast innovative approaches to psychological and therapeutic perspectives while serving as a pertinent resource for additional research. The individuals performing the imitated behavior are called models. If you saw that the model was reinforced for her behavior, you will be more motivated to copy her. It not only helps teach students but helps them to successfully understand, retain, and apply their learning to their lives so they can learn and achieve even more.


Social learning theory: Bandura's 5 key steps of the learning process

attention retention reproduction and motivation

A verbal instructional model does not perform the behavior, but instead explains or describes the behavior, as when a soccer coach tells his young players to kick the ball with the side of the foot, not with the toe. Self-efficacy: toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. His theories of human agency as fundamental in the acquisition of knowledge, motivation, and overall behavior continue to have influence in both psychological and social disciplines today. The imitated behavior is gradually reinforced and the individual identifies with the model and gradually tries out the behavior. Aggression: A Social Learning Analysis. They may conclude that the student has better test results and receives approval and rewards they desire. She tries everything, and she finally develops the habit of counting backward when she wants to sleep but cannot.
