Argumentative essay on vaping. Vaping should be banned. argumentative 2022-11-03

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Vaping has become a controversial topic in recent years, with some people claiming that it is a safer alternative to smoking and others arguing that it is just as harmful, if not more so. In this essay, I will present both sides of the argument and examine the evidence for and against vaping.

On one hand, proponents of vaping argue that it is a safer alternative to smoking because it does not produce harmful smoke. Instead, it produces vapor, which is believed to be less harmful to the user and those around them. This is because vapor does not contain the same toxins and carcinogens that are found in cigarette smoke.

Moreover, some studies have suggested that vaping can be an effective way to quit smoking. A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that people who used e-cigarettes were more likely to quit smoking than those who used traditional nicotine replacement therapies such as gum or patches. This suggests that vaping may be a useful tool for those looking to kick their smoking habit.

However, there are also valid concerns about the safety of vaping. One major concern is that the long-term health effects of vaping are not yet known. While it is true that vapor is less harmful than smoke, it is still not completely harmless. Some studies have suggested that vaping may increase the risk of respiratory problems and other health issues, although more research is needed to confirm these findings.

In addition, there are concerns about the safety of the e-liquid used in e-cigarettes. E-liquid can contain a range of chemicals, including nicotine, flavorings, and other additives, and the long-term effects of inhaling these substances are not fully understood. There have also been cases of e-liquid poisoning, which can occur when e-liquid is ingested or comes into contact with the skin.

Furthermore, there is evidence to suggest that vaping may be a gateway to smoking for young people. A study published in the journal Pediatrics found that teenagers who used e-cigarettes were more likely to start smoking cigarettes than those who did not. This is a concern because smoking is highly addictive and can have serious health consequences.

In conclusion, the evidence on vaping is mixed. While it is true that vaping may be less harmful than smoking and may be an effective way to quit smoking, there are also valid concerns about its safety. More research is needed to fully understand the long-term effects of vaping and to determine whether it is a safe alternative to smoking. Until we have more information, it is important for individuals to weigh the risks and benefits of vaping and to make informed decisions about their use.

Argumentative Essay On E

argumentative essay on vaping

The teens useing them have doubled since 2011 and 2012. People usually have varying opinions about vaping, but the harmful effects on the human body are evident. To begin with, people make the mistake of assuming e-cigarettes aerosol is pure of contents found in traditional cigarettes. In fact, the sheer number of teens who vape is staggering. E-cigarettes contained far fewer toxins than tobacco cigarettes and did not produce second-hand smoke, because they did not require the burning of tobacco. Are Electronic Cigarettes Good Or Bad 405 Words 2 Pages Ever since their introduction into the market, electronic cigarettes have raised a lot of questions with the health community.


Persuasive Essay on Vaping and E

argumentative essay on vaping

More than 400,000 died in the U. A 2010 study published by the Independent scientific committee found tobacco caused more harm than amphetamines and cannabis. The company advertises as a way to quit smoking, but makes their product appealing to the youth in many ways. Is vaping bad for the upcoming generation? Combustion is a chemical reaction with its own byproducts while heating something up is not, giving a distinct health advantage to vaping. They just listen to their parents, teachers, or whoever is their superior. Like the cigarette advertising giants of the old days, vape companies claim to advertise to adults, while using subtle messages and aesthetics to appeal to the youth.


Free Argumentative for electronic cigarettes Essays...

argumentative essay on vaping

All over America, teens in high school and even middle school can be found vaping. Although they can help smokers quit cigarettes, they can also cause nicotine addiction. I knew that there was something wrong with electronic cigarettes, because everyone was ignoring its possible dangerous effects. Flavors like bubblegum and cotton candy are sure to attract new, young users who are wary to the harsh, foul taste of cigarettes. Electronic cigarettes have been both credited as a potential tool for people against smoking and deemed a gateway for folks to begin smoking again.


Argumentative Essay on Vaping

argumentative essay on vaping

However, in 2013 electronic cigarette became a hot item and had many new smokers and regular tobacco users switching to this new way of smoking. Vaping is reaching in to the lives of many teens. Schools are seeing a skyrocketing number of cases involving students using vapes in restrooms, hallways, and classrooms. The Huma Emicals 974 Words 4 Pages Advancement in chemical research has given companies the ability to make increasingly more effective products. The heating element warms and aerosolizes the liquid, turning it into a vapor the user inhales. There are some side effects that have been brought up since the use of e-cigarettes. Kids my age or much older, for century's have smoked, before they had an excuse.



argumentative essay on vaping

The purpose of this study is to show why big tobacco industries that the use of e-cigarettes is a better result and that trying to ban it without showing the truth behind it is not right. The issue with vaping is the unknown health effects attached to this habit such as e-juice possibly containing chemicals on top of lethal nicotine. It is also mostly agreed upon that there needs to be restrictions on the sale of nicotine containing substances to minors. One of my best-friends told us that he already purchased one. That makes them a potentially useful tool to help smokers quit, but some public health experts worry it also creates a new way for people to get addicted to nicotine. People everywhere are buying one because they think that it 's fun and cool. E-cigarettes function by simulating smoking for the consumer but devoid of tobacco.



argumentative essay on vaping

E-cigarettes were introduced to North America in 2007. Vapes were created for, and are advertised as, an alternative to adult smoking. They contain a battery that heats a liquid containing nicotine, a variety of other chemicals, and sometimes propellants or flavorings, and changes this liquid into vapor, which is then inhaled, simulating the feeling of normal smoking Hanson. To further explain, minors would still have access to a device that we have little research on. Cigarettes made you look cool. Teen smoking rates have been steadily declining for years and are now at an all-time low according to a 2011 survey. All these harmful chemicals enter through the oral cavity and effect it in some way.


Vaping should be banned. argumentative

argumentative essay on vaping

Using vapes or E-cigarettes will cause a person to ask off-the-wall questions for their health. As discussed previously, many companies that produce vapes have switched to subtle, concealable designs. And to wrap it up, no smell will be felt when they are lit. Either way, the main question is whether or not e-cigarettes are harmful to the health of those who use them. These pollutants, mainly formaldehyde and acrolein, cause health complications which may result in sudden death. As such, people have been made to believe e-cigarettes are better than traditional tobacco smoking with numerous arguments that they contain fewer toxins. That alternative is an Electronic Cigarette, which was first invented by a man by the name of Hon.



argumentative essay on vaping

Within the past five years, the emergence of electronic cigarettes has offered an alternative to cigarettes with the aim at decreasing cigarette consumption which, in turn, could also be used as an alternative to smoking. People go through nicotine withdrawal, they have resentment towards everything, and extreme anxiety. Cigarettes are made by growing …show more content… Vaping is a significantly better alternative to E-Cigarette Market Case Study Containing only a fraction of chemicals present in a normal cigarette coupled with no secondhand smoke, they offer a healthier way to handle the nicotine craving. Evidence indicates that e- cigarette cartridges and their solution contain diethylene glycol, nitrosamine, and other toxic chemicals that can harm the users more than the regular cigarette. As well as the legalization of marijuana has lowered the illegal sale and distribution arrest by 10%. Many would say that this observation is irrelevant, and defeats the purpose of trying to eliminate smoking in teens. Correspondingly, vaping is also linked to sudden heart attacks.


Argumentative Essay

argumentative essay on vaping

He went on to say that he tried it, and it was wonderful and tasty. What research shows us is that vaping is healthier than smoking but is far from healthy and there are a lot of dangers of vaping. Since its creation in 2007, e-cigarettes have only grown in popularity, especially with teenagers. Heart disease is a long-term disease that can result from vaping and is the leading cause of death in America. Just think about it a few drops of pure… The Pros And Cons Of Electronic Cigarettes Electronic cigarettes, also known as e-cigs, which were created in China 10 years ago, are battery powered devices that vaporize liquid nicotine. Firstly, the nicotine in the vapor is addictive, a clear indication of how unhealthy and harmful the e-cigarettes are to the human body.


Vaping Should Be Illegal Argumentative Essay Sample

argumentative essay on vaping

It is indicated that America has the greatest heath issues from smoking. Finally it has improved medical treatments by allowing cancer patients to use it instead of doing chemo and can be just as helpful. There is also a major concern that electronic cigarettes are being used more and more by those under the age of 18, which is concerning many doctors and other healthcare professional. Everyone agrees smoking is bad for you. Unlike traditional cigarettes, e-cigarettes do not produce harmful toxins that cause cancer. Cla is starting to prohibit the use of e-cigarettes in smoke free areas and even more areas in the public.
