Argumentative essay about cars. Argumentative Essay On Self 2022-11-04

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Cars have long been a staple of modern society, providing a convenient and efficient means of transportation for people all over the world. However, the widespread use of cars has also come with a number of negative consequences, including air pollution, traffic congestion, and the negative impact on public health. In this argumentative essay, I will argue that although cars have certain advantages, their negative effects outweigh the benefits and that alternative forms of transportation should be promoted and incentivized.

One of the main arguments in favor of cars is their convenience and speed. With a car, individuals have the freedom to travel wherever they want, whenever they want, without being limited by the schedules or routes of public transportation. Cars also allow people to transport large or heavy items, such as groceries or furniture, that might be difficult to carry on a bike or bus. However, this convenience comes at a high cost. The production and use of cars contribute significantly to air pollution, which has a variety of harmful effects on human health and the environment. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), transportation is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States, with cars being a major contributor. These emissions contribute to climate change, which can lead to extreme weather events, food and water shortages, and loss of biodiversity.

Another negative effect of cars is traffic congestion. In cities with high rates of car ownership, roads can become clogged with vehicles, leading to long commute times and increased frustration for drivers. This not only wastes time and resources, but also contributes to air pollution as cars sit idling in traffic. In addition, the increasing number of cars on the road can make it more difficult and dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists to navigate urban areas.

Finally, the reliance on cars can have negative impacts on public health. Studies have shown that people who live in areas with high levels of car use tend to be less physically active and have higher rates of obesity and other health problems. In contrast, people who live in neighborhoods with good access to public transportation and alternative modes of transportation, such as biking and walking, tend to be more physically active and have better overall health.

In conclusion, while cars offer certain benefits, such as convenience and speed, their negative effects, including air pollution, traffic congestion, and negative impacts on public health, outweigh these benefits. Instead of relying heavily on cars, we should promote and incentivize alternative forms of transportation, such as public transportation, biking, and walking. This can help to reduce air pollution and traffic congestion, improve public health, and create more livable and sustainable communities.

Cars have been a ubiquitous presence on the roads for over a century, and they have had a profound impact on society. On the one hand, cars have provided people with a level of mobility and convenience that was previously unimaginable. They have allowed people to travel long distances quickly and easily, and they have enabled people to live in suburbs and commute to work in cities.

However, cars also have their drawbacks. They contribute significantly to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, which have a negative impact on the environment and public health. In addition, the production and disposal of cars has a significant impact on natural resources, including oil and other fossil fuels, as well as metals and other materials.

Furthermore, cars have played a role in the decline of public transportation and the rise of urban sprawl. In many cities, the dominance of cars has led to the neglect of public transportation systems, which can be more efficient and environmentally friendly. In addition, the proliferation of cars has contributed to the spread of low-density, suburban development, which has negative impacts on the environment, social cohesion, and public health.

Given these considerations, it is clear that the role of cars in society is a complex and nuanced issue. While cars have brought many benefits, they also have significant negative impacts that must be addressed. One possible solution is to promote the use of electric and hybrid vehicles, which have significantly lower emissions and are less resource-intensive to produce. In addition, efforts to improve public transportation and encourage compact, walkable communities can help to reduce the reliance on cars and mitigate their negative impacts.

In conclusion, while cars have played a significant role in shaping modern society, it is important to recognize and address their negative impacts. By promoting the use of electric and hybrid vehicles and supporting the development of more sustainable transportation and land use patterns, we can mitigate the negative impacts of cars and create a more sustainable and livable future.

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Claim: The overall thesis the writer will argue for. The car is not that affordable and the gas prices are very high. Public transport is convenient as you can only go back, relax, read a piece of paper, movies or watch movies. The self driving car consists of an advanced programmed computer, as well as many sensors that help guide and calculate smart decisions for the car to make. Drivers will simply have the ability to type in or speak into their cars of their destination and let the car do the work Dallegro.


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Nowadays, most people use cars that are powered by petrol or gasoline, even though it affects the environment and create pollution. They also are the number one cause of work-related death. In an average year about 1. Most electrical powered cars can last around 50 miles before needing to be recharged. The reason why many car rental companies do not take this risk because statistically, drivers under the age of 25 are more prone to vehicular accidents compared to the over 25 age groups.


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The environment, as claimed by environmentalists, suffers due to the emissions of automobiles today. Electric cars resolve long standing environmental issues, but it will need to maneuver around many roadblocks to become a marketable consideration for the general public. Yet it also stops…. Tesla Motors Case Analysis 1736 Words 7 Pages It is the only automaker exclusively that manufacturers electric cars on a significant scale. I will compare these different technologies, and come to understand which one is better. Driverless cars are cars which don't need to be driven, they basically drive on there own.


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These cars have been some of the most advanced technology we have, starting with front, back, and all wheel drive which most electric cars are only back wheel drives which is only for clear roads. Who knew that technology usage can lead to memory problems? I choose this essay for a couple different reasons, one of them is because I enjoyed writing this essay a bit more because the freedom to choose my content and it also represents how I have grown as a writer over the semester. We all know that our future is getting more and more advanced, and we will possibly have these self driving cars within the next ten years. These cars have sensors which will guide the car and sense things for dangers or things that are harmful,these sensors can mistake animals for things such as trash and swerve out of its way. Tesla is constantly innovating their product in a way that the newest technologies will be incorporated in the production process of the car and the products the companies develop itself too.


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We love our fast cars that are able to travel far distances without having to worry about recharging up when it only takes a few minutes to get a few gallons of gas. He sees that we will have computer powered cars in the future that will not need a driver. Frustration, fatigue and anger derive from this difficulty. The Cost and Benefits of Hybrid Vehicles The cost of hybrid vehicles is one of the biggest attributes that pushes consumers away. Argumentative Essay: The Future Of Gas Cars 449 Words 2 Pages Gasoline and diesel are fossil fuels and aren 't infinite. It may be hard for you to imagine this happening in the future, but the cofounder of google, Sergey Brin, can imagine it.


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Bikes are much safer, and also provide exercise to stay in shape. Maybe you have driven your car on a dirt road, and you were not satisfied with the outcome at the end of the race. The electric car is yet another new way to help the environment. However, in order to better understand the work done by scientists, research must be done specifically on the predecessors to the electric car and determine how those have stood the test of time. Traditional Cars Vs Electric Cars Essay Renewable energy is energy from a source such as wind, rain, or solar power. The only downfall is that they still need a human to back out of driveways and navigate through tough traffic situations and construction zones. Trucks were fitted with cameras that recorded the drivers face in the six seconds before the accident occurred.


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They are too expensive, produce too much pollution and they cause too many deaths by car accidents. Indeed, dangerous automobile drivers cause a majority of vehicle accidents. Why Sports Cars are Dangerous Have you ever dreamed of owning a new fancy sports car? Use the graphic organizer below to help you organize your essay. So the question that remains is when will the autonomous vehicles be ready Ghose, 2015. This number includes minor fender-benders to major events. Ever since the day I laid my eyes on that car, I sincerely found my fascination with electric cars. The self driving car is currently in production of prototypes to be demonstrated to the public by popular name brand companies like: Tesla, Mercedes Benz, BMW, and more.
