Application of demand and supply analysis. The Applications of Demand and Supply Analysis 2022-10-15

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Demand and supply analysis is a fundamental concept in economics that explains the relationship between the quantity of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to purchase, and the quantity of that good or service that producers are willing and able to provide. This analysis is used to understand how market prices are determined and how they may change over time.

The law of demand states that, all other things being equal, as the price of a good or service increases, the quantity demanded decreases. This is because as the price increases, consumers will be less willing to pay the higher price and will instead choose to purchase a substitute or go without the good or service. On the other hand, the law of supply states that, all other things being equal, as the price of a good or service increases, the quantity supplied increases. This is because producers will be more willing to produce and sell the good or service at a higher price, as they can earn more profit.

The intersection of the demand and supply curves is known as the equilibrium price, which is the market-clearing price at which the quantity of a good or service that consumers are willing to purchase is equal to the quantity that producers are willing to supply. At this price, there is no excess supply or demand, and the market is in balance. If the price is above the equilibrium price, there will be excess supply, as producers will be producing more than what consumers are willing to buy. Conversely, if the price is below the equilibrium price, there will be excess demand, as consumers will be willing to buy more than what producers are willing to supply.

Demand and supply analysis can be applied to a variety of goods and services in different markets. For example, in the market for gasoline, an increase in the price of oil, which is a major input for the production of gasoline, will lead to an increase in the price of gasoline. This will lead to a decrease in the quantity of gasoline demanded, as consumers will be less willing to pay the higher price, and an increase in the quantity of gasoline supplied, as producers will be more willing to produce and sell at the higher price.

In the labor market, demand and supply analysis can be used to understand how wages are determined. If the demand for labor increases, for example due to an increase in the number of job openings or an increase in the productivity of workers, then the wage rate will increase, as employers are willing to pay more to attract and retain workers. On the other hand, if the supply of labor increases, for example due to an increase in the number of people entering the labor force or an increase in the number of people willing to work for lower wages, then the wage rate will decrease, as there will be more workers competing for jobs.

Demand and supply analysis is also used to understand how changes in other market variables, such as taxes or subsidies, can affect the equilibrium price and quantity of a good or service. For example, if the government imposes a tax on a good or service, this will increase the price that consumers have to pay, leading to a decrease in the quantity demanded and a shift in the demand curve to the left. On the other hand, if the government provides a subsidy for a good or service, this will decrease the price that consumers have to pay, leading to an increase in the quantity demanded and a shift in the demand curve to the right.

In conclusion, demand and supply analysis is a crucial tool for understanding how market prices are determined and how they may change over time. It is widely used to analyze a variety of goods and services in different markets, and can help policymakers understand the effects of taxes, subsidies, and other market variables on the equilibrium price and quantity of a good or service.

Application of Demand and Supply

application of demand and supply analysis

On the other hand, off-take from public distribution system has fallen. Therefore, the extent to which the incidence of the tax will fall on the consumer depends on their elasticity of the demand for the commodity in question. Subsidy shifts the supply curve downward to the right. The product or service must match the preferences of the customer; otherwise, there will be no demand for it. Thus, even demand for rental housing in relatively inelastic in the short-run. As a result, supply falls and the supply curve moves to the left.


Determinants of Demand and Supply

application of demand and supply analysis

In order to show this clearly we have drawn two demand curves—one inelastic and the other relatively more elastic in Figure 25. This implies that the supply curve of the commodity will now shift upward by the amount of the tax as a result of the imposition of the sales tax. Import Tariffs : Tariffs are taxes that are imposed on the articles that cross the borders of a country—either come into the country or go out of it. Minimum Wage Legislation: Fixation of minimum wages by the government can also be shown by demand-supply analysis. In the case of minimum wage legislation, the excess supply of labour may go into a pool of unemployed.


Demand and Supply Analysis: Top 7 Applications

application of demand and supply analysis

A Sales Tax Ad Valorem Tax : A sales tax is an ad valorem i. This case has been illustrated in part a of Fig. It will be seen from Figure 25. Initially, the equilibrium point is E p 0, q 0. An important question is whether fixation of maximum rent which is lower than the equilibrium rent can be effec­tively enforced when conditions of excess demand or shortage of rental housing units emerges.


Demand and Supply Analysis

application of demand and supply analysis

If you have understood the analysis of the previous chapter, you should have no difficulty in following these simple applications. Under the coupon rationing system consumers are given ration coupons just sufficient to buy the available quantity of the commodity. This graph depicts how an organization's space or area supply compares to its demands. On the other hand, people searching for rental- housing units are also not very responsive in the short run as it always takes time for them to adjust their housing arrangements. Therefore, the whole incidence of the tax will fall on the producer, or seller in case of perfectly elastic demand.



application of demand and supply analysis

A similar analysis can be made in the case of changes in demand. The If other factors remain constant, the Demand and supply together help determine market conditions and consumer behavior. Moreover, all costs of farm production are fixed and the proportion of variable costs is very insignificant. In this situation, the government may find it necessary to introduce rationing so that the limited goods may be allocated among all the buyers who want them. When more efficient procedures for producing a product are discovered and applied, production costs decrease. If left free to the market force, rent equal to R 0 will be determined at which there is equi­librium between demand and supply.


The Applications of Demand and Supply Analysis

application of demand and supply analysis

The surplus is eliminated by the government generally in three ways: i Supply i. Import restrictions and company taxation are two examples. The firm theory is concerned with profit-maximizing firms' provision of goods and services. Quality items will see an increase in demand as income rises, whereas poorer goods would see a reduction in demand. So their demand is less elastic.


A Guide to Demand and Supply Analysis

application of demand and supply analysis

The market mechanism is allowed to function without interference by the government. The less elastic nature of farm products also implies that when there is a bumper crop, their supply in the market increases. Besides, the landlord cannot evict the tenants easily except under some conditions laid down in the law. Subsequently, they may be given unemployment insurance benefits or they may get jobs that are not covered by minimum wage legislation. An example of quantity control is an import quota. One way is to sell it at subsidised rate to the persons below the poverty line through public distribution system.


Applications of Demand Supply Analysis (With Diagram)

application of demand and supply analysis

Due to the excess demand conditions landlords have devised various ways to circumvent the rent control act and charge higher actual rents. The demand data is shown as a line graph that is superimposed on the bars. At present food surplus of wheat is also posing a problem in India. It is worthwhile to note that the incidence of taxes borne by the producer and the consumer will depend upon the elasticity of demand as well as elasticity of supply. There is sufficient evidence in India and abroad to confirm the predictions based on demand and supply analysis.
