Animals should not be kept in cages debate. Why We Should Not Keep Birds In Cage 2022-11-07

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The debate over whether or not animals should be kept in cages has been a longstanding and contentious one, with advocates on both sides presenting valid points and arguments. On one hand, there are those who argue that cages can provide animals with necessary protection, security, and medical care, and that they can be a useful tool for conservation efforts and scientific research. On the other hand, there are those who argue that cages are inherently cruel and that they deprive animals of their natural habitats and freedoms.

One of the main arguments in favor of keeping animals in cages is that they can provide necessary protection from predators, both in the wild and in captivity. For example, zoos and wildlife sanctuaries often use cages to protect endangered species from being hunted or poached, or to provide a safe haven for animals that have been rescued from abusive situations. Similarly, pet owners may use cages to protect their animals from harm, such as to prevent a small dog from running into the street or to keep a bird from flying away.

Another argument in favor of cages is that they can provide animals with necessary medical care and treatment. In many cases, animals in captivity may require specialized medical attention or procedures that can only be provided in a controlled environment. For example, a wild animal that has been injured may need to be rehabilitated in a cage before being released back into the wild, or a sick pet may need to be isolated in a cage to prevent the spread of disease to other animals.

Cages can also be a useful tool for conservation efforts and scientific research. In some cases, scientists may need to study animals in a controlled environment in order to understand their behavior and biology, and cages can provide a way to do this without disrupting the animals' natural habitats. Similarly, conservationists may use cages to breed and raise endangered species, in order to increase their numbers and improve their chances of survival in the wild.

However, there are also valid arguments against keeping animals in cages. One of the main arguments is that cages are inherently cruel, as they deprive animals of their natural habitats and freedoms. Many animals have complex social and behavioral needs that cannot be met in a confined space, and being confined to a cage can cause physical and psychological harm. For example, birds may develop stereotypical behaviors, such as pacing or feather plucking, due to boredom and lack of stimulation, and larger animals may become aggressive or lethargic due to lack of space and exercise.

Another argument against keeping animals in cages is that it goes against their basic rights and dignity. Many people believe that animals deserve to live their lives in a way that is natural and true to their nature, and that confining them to a cage goes against this fundamental principle. There are also ethical concerns about using animals for entertainment or scientific research, as some people believe that the interests of humans should not take precedence over the well-being of animals.

In conclusion, the debate over whether or not animals should be kept in cages is a complex and multifaceted one, with valid arguments on both sides. While cages can provide necessary protection, medical care, and a tool for conservation and research, they can also be cruel and deprive animals of their natural habitats and freedoms. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to keep animals in cages should be guided by a careful consideration of the needs and well-being of the animals involved, as well as a respect for their basic rights and dignity.

Do We Have the Right to Keep Animals as Pets?

animals should not be kept in cages debate

This is an exhaustive topic to argue on. In other words, animals and birds belong to the wild life and perform much better in there. In conclusion, I strongly disagree that all animals should be kept in cages unless they need to be put in a cage for medical reasons. Animals should not be not be caged. They need special living conditions and this may lead to increase in financial costs of keeping a pet.


Animals should be kept in cages.

animals should not be kept in cages debate

Animals give us pure solace and support. Article Essay Research Play Story Novel Plot Summary Analysis Characters Author Setting Book History Effects Sport Rules Equipment Gulf Family War Culture Customs Traditions Philosophy Theory Definition Sport Fitness Business Qatar Economy Technology Science Planet Moon Health Virus Illness Fire Risk Hazard Safety Benefits Advantages Disadvantages Pros Cons Marketing Plan Feasibility Study Leader Manager Obesity Diabetes Cancer Animals and birds should receive their freedom and never kept in cages. Secondly, animals will be healthy and get a lot of exercise so they would not get fat, lazy and unhealthy if you let them out everyday the animals you do that for will like you more and more and will listen to you and be tame to you. Because it is unethical, if the bird is healthy and is an endangered species, it will not be suitable for keeping as a pet. Therefore, animals and birds should not be kept in cages because they have souls and feelings; they have rights which are violated by captivity in spite of other people disagreement. Do not hold them in cages or cut off their wings.


Why Animals Shouldn't Be Caged? Free Essay Example

animals should not be kept in cages debate

However, the most fundamental right of animals and birds to obtain their own freedom and live without restrictions or bonds just like us the human race. You may not agree with everything I have to say. For eg if a bully tries to attack you, you are most like to die and get really badly hurt. Is it OK to keep birds in cages? They are born to fly, not be held in a cage. On the other hand, animals should be kept in cages if they are violent and try to hurt someone. Also, some animals are forced to live in climates that they are not accustomed to and this is cruel. Why we should not cage animals and birds? However, these views are limited to domesticated animals such as cats and dogs.


Why animals should not kept in cages?

animals should not be kept in cages debate

When kept in cages, birds are often unable to do this and as a result, their physical and mental health can suffer. If a dog is placed in a room with a temperature of at least 65 degrees Fahrenheit, it should be able to sleep comfortably in its own bed without having to cover its cage. Animals require care, support, and love. In addition, birds are social creatures and need to interact with other birds in order to stay healthy. While supporters believe that animals and birds should never be caged, I oppose that sometimes animals and birds should be caged for the following reasons. Therefore, to a great extent I agree that animals and birds should be kept in cages.


Why We Should Not Keep Birds In Cage

animals should not be kept in cages debate

Fourth, birds are very sensitive to changes in their environment and they can become stressed when their cage is cleaned or when they are moved to a new location. As I have stated, animals are kept in enclosures that are big enough for them to roam around. Animals and birds are more healthy and effective when they receive their freedom and live outside cages. If released in the wild, it may not have learned survival tricks of the jungle as it was always under human care. When it comes to keeping birds, I am strictly against holding a bird in a cage. Not only that, they are more subjected to being hunted.


Why animals should not be kept in cages essay?

animals should not be kept in cages debate

Ultimately, it is up to the bird owner to decide whether or not to keep their bird in a cage. While some people believe that birds should not be kept in cages because they are wild animals and need to fly free, others argue that birds can be perfectly happy in cages as long as they are well taken care of. They pace up and down, bang their heads on cage bars and cry out as if they are in pain. They will not be able to swing and might fall and hurt themselves or worst die. Should Wild Animals Be Kept as Pets? Why animals should not be kept in cage? Here is some reason why animals should not be put in cages. Additionally, birds are very active creatures and they need a lot of space to move around in order to stay healthy.


Should animals be kept in cages?

animals should not be kept in cages debate

Owning chimpanzees, monkeys, bears yes, people do bring home young grizzlies without thinking of its repercussions in the future , eagles, cockatoos, etc. Wait there isn't any unsettled land anymore. Animals and birds are creatures with souls, hearts and feelings. Animals are an essential part of the ecosystem. This is torturous, nasty and heart breaking for the animal. Let snakes wrap themselves around someone.


Animals And Birds Should Never Be Kept In Cages Autobiography Essay Sample (400 Words)

animals should not be kept in cages debate

There is no doubt that all the previous facts are enough evidences that animals and birds have souls and feelings to feel happiness, sadness and pain. So animals do need freedom. Hogs, sheep and cattle roam the free range. And there are some who would rather be living in the wild, than the four walls of our warm houses. Should animals be kept in cages or not? There are always two sides to a coin. These animals allow humans to appreciate wildlife more.


Reasons Why Animals Should Not Be Kept in Cages Essay

animals should not be kept in cages debate

Some may argue that they already own an exotic animal or bird as pet and think it is living a happy life. Caging animals deprives them of freedom. Their food requirements are different from the requirements of a cat or dog. The following article shall touch this sensitive subject and provide an overview on should we keep animals as pets. Furthermore, they need plenty of time to interact with their humans, which can be provided during the night by covering their cages.



animals should not be kept in cages debate

There are many strays who are in desperate need of a home that will provide them with food and protection. It is not appropriate to place your pen in confinement. Is It Ethical To Keep Birds As Pets? When animals are forced to stay in a confined space, their mental health could be affected. Make sure you neuter or spay your pet to prevent overpopulation of pets. Animals Should Not Be Kept In Zoos Animals love being in their natural habitat; the wild. This is especially true of birds, who are made to fly, and of large sea creatures, kept in relatively small tanks compared to the gigantic oceans they would otherwise call home.
