An essay on zoo. Persuasive Essay About Zoos 2022-11-05

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Zoos have long been a popular form of entertainment for people of all ages. They offer the opportunity to see a variety of animals up close and to learn about their habits and habitats. However, there has been a great deal of debate about the role of zoos in modern society. Some argue that zoos are necessary for the conservation of endangered species and for education, while others believe that zoos are unethical and that animals should not be kept in captivity.

One argument in favor of zoos is that they serve as important centers for conservation and research. Many zoos work with conservation organizations to breed and release endangered species into the wild. For example, the San Diego Zoo has successfully bred and released several species of endangered animals, including the Californian condor and the black-footed cat. Zoos also often have research programs that study animal behavior and biology in order to better understand and protect these species.

In addition to their role in conservation, zoos also serve as important educational institutions. They offer the opportunity for people to learn about animals and their natural habitats in a way that they might not be able to experience otherwise. Zoos often have interactive exhibits and educational programs that teach visitors about different animal species and the challenges they face in the wild.

However, there are also valid arguments against zoos. Many people believe that it is unethical to keep animals in captivity and that zoos are more about profit and entertainment than about the welfare of the animals. There have been numerous cases of animals being mistreated in zoos, and some argue that the conditions in which these animals are kept are not suitable for their needs. In addition, there is the argument that seeing animals in captivity does not give people a true understanding of the animals and their natural behaviors.

Ultimately, the debate over the role of zoos in society is complex and multifaceted. While zoos can serve important roles in conservation and education, it is important that they are held to high standards of animal welfare and that they are not simply used for profit or entertainment. It is also important to consider the impact that zoos have on the animals themselves and to ensure that they are treated with respect and care.

Essay On Keeping Animals In Zoos

an essay on zoo

People visiting the zoo, spend more time watching these animals, than any other kind of wildlife. It was an awesome experience to visit this zoo. Seeing elephants, tigers and many more wild animals in person had made my overall experience unforgettable. The real issue This is an issue because animals are being kept in a place full of artificial environment and climate that they are not used to. Is it worth all the time and money for the animals to be unhappy? In a …show more content… In the wild, animals have a high risk to die from many dangers, for example, the predator, habitat loss, and human hunting.


Essay On Visit To A Zoo In English

an essay on zoo

This essay on zoo can be used by students of classes 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th for their educational purposes. Body One of the advantages of having zoos, is to provide protection to some animals that are endangered. I saw there many wild animals such as lions, bears, tigers, wolfs, leopards, etc. Equally important, zoos can also protect animals from some factors that generally occur in a wild, such as the weather and climate change. National park is home to many endemic kinds. This essay can also be used on the following topics.


Essay on Zoo in English

an essay on zoo

Another important aspect of zoos is education. An example of this is the only one Pinta giant tortoise in the world, George, was kept in San Diego Zoo safely for 40 years Galapagos Conservancy Organization. Crocodiles with massive open jaws, shiny and fascinating scales on the skin of snakes and the third eye of the tuatara, all leave our mouths open in awe. You may not be able to visit all countries around the world to see different kinds of animals, but animal parks make it possible for you to watch all of them under one shed. I have decided to visit the zoo again with my friends. They help a person to come face to face with the environment and feel one with it. They should be funded well in order to help rare species from going extinct.


Essay About Zoos

an essay on zoo

For a thousand years, people have kept wildlife in the zoo and it is becoming a common place for keeping animals. A circus is a horrible place for animals to be in, because they have to entertain for their food and could also be abused for doing the wrong route in an act. Animals in zoos, such as the seals and sea lions are protected from both the cold in the winter and heat in the summer. I was so excited because My friends used to tell me about the experiences of visiting a zoo. The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.


Essay on Zoo for Students in English

an essay on zoo

Benefits of Zoo Zoos provide an opportunity to experience wildlife first hand. This is bad because if the animals hurt each other they could kill each other or severely injure each other. One of the examples is that zoos implemented International Breeding Programs in order to help these endangered species breed. There are many people who advocate for replacing them with sanctuaries as they believe money spent on keeping wild animals captive might have been used for conserving them in wild. Should animals be kept in only one enclosure for their whole life? Zoos exist to serve the human gaze though they portray themselves as the arks of the animal kingdom, safeguarding the future of biodiversity. This is very bad because endangered animals might go extinct! I was so excited because My friends used to tell me about the experiences of visiting a zoo.


Zoo Essay

an essay on zoo

National parks or wild sanctuaries are large areas of crowd land set aside for native plants, animals and the places in which they live. By working to create environments that meet the physical and psychological needs of the animals and educating the public about the importance of conservation, zoos can make a positive impact on the natural world and the animals that inhabit it. I saw lions, tigers, leopards, bears, elephants, chimpanzees and many other animals. Picture all the animals that would be in it. During the last summer vacation, I visited a zoo in my city. We can also observe beautiful creatures like swans, pelicans and flamingos in human-made ponds. Zoos are open to public visitors but under strict monitoring and surveillance.


Persuasive Essay About Zoos

an essay on zoo

The elephants were taken from their herds as babies and put in small, isolated enclosures. When this area ends, we enter the world of air species. We all have to imagine if we were in their shoes; being in prison for the rest of your existence and not experiencing life, watching people stare at you, being forced to do something against your will. Each cage has an information board on which we can gain knowledge about the animals. Animals and other creatures are confined to limited spaces and offered food and medicines at regular intervals by concerned officials. Once we entered the zoo, I saw a big Elephant who was grazing grass.


Argumentative Essay On Zoos Essay

an essay on zoo

Lastly, the best way of helping animals is to support the organizations that work to protect and preserve wild animals, such as World Wildlife Fund WWF and other wildlife Animals In Captivity 1164 Words 5 Pages For centuries, zoos have been traditionally known to be the ultimate place for families to have an enjoyable and adventurous time. Suddenly he roared and made me shiver. I have decided to visit this zoo again with my friends this time. But at the same time, zoos are insecure for animals and infringe on the animal rights. National parks are actually protected areas.


an essay on zoo

They are well protected from their predators which allows them to breed and, hopefully, repopulate their species in order to keep their species alive. Zoos are first and foremost for people not animals. Many zoos offer educational programs and exhibits that teach the public about the importance of conservation and the unique characteristics of different species. Along with educating people on these wild and endangered species. This can help increase awareness and understanding of the natural world and the threats facing various species. But as we begin to unravel the hidden truth about zoos, we begin to ask ourselves if it is ethical to continue to support places like zoos in keeping innocent animals in captivity. As in the following examples, the food, the environment, and the Write An Argumentative Essay About Zoos 1026 Words 5 Pages In 1874, the first zoo opened; however, since then there has been a lot of controversy around zoos.
