Air pollution in india introduction. Essay on Air Pollution in India 2022-11-03

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Air pollution in India is a serious problem, with the country consistently ranking among the worst in the world for air quality. The air in many Indian cities is filled with a mixture of toxic pollutants, including particulate matter, carbon monoxide, and sulfur dioxide. These pollutants have a range of negative impacts on human health, including respiratory and cardiovascular disease, cancer, and premature death. The problem is particularly severe in urban areas, where the combination of high population density and industrialization leads to high levels of air pollution.

There are several sources of air pollution in India. One of the main sources is the use of fossil fuels, such as coal and oil, for energy production and transportation. The burning of these fuels releases a range of pollutants into the air, including carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, which contribute to climate change. Other sources of air pollution in India include industrial activities, such as manufacturing and construction, and the burning of agricultural waste.

The impacts of air pollution in India are far-reaching and severe. According to the World Health Organization, the country has the highest number of deaths due to air pollution of any country in the world. It is estimated that around 2.5 million people in India die each year from diseases caused by air pollution. The problem disproportionately affects the poor and marginalized communities, who are often exposed to higher levels of pollution due to their proximity to polluting industries and lack of access to clean air.

The Indian government has taken steps to address the problem of air pollution in the country. In 2015, the government launched the National Air Quality Index, which monitors and reports on air quality in major cities across the country. The government has also implemented stricter emissions standards for vehicles and industries, and has invested in the development of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, to reduce the country's reliance on fossil fuels.

Despite these efforts, much more needs to be done to address the problem of air pollution in India. The government must continue to invest in clean energy and stricter emission standards, and must also work to educate the public about the dangers of air pollution and the steps they can take to reduce their own contribution to the problem. Only by taking these actions can India hope to improve the air quality in its cities and protect the health and well-being of its citizens.

Air Pollution in India: Ten Things You Should Know

air pollution in india introduction

It deals with almost every aspect related to air pollution. This will entail greater collaboration with private investors to provide viability gap funding where needed and identify effective risk-sharing mechanisms. Concern for a fleetly-depleting environment has also caused a interest in the emergence of substitute fuels. It is plausible to believe that atmospheric particulate due to fuel consumption for industrial and heating purposes can scatter and absorb sunlight and may reduce visibility. The rate is so high that it is becoming challenging to reduce the pollution even after taking steps to curb it.


Air Pollution in India

air pollution in india introduction

Pollutant and odour dispersal from point or area sources may also be tracked or predicted using wind roses. Several thousand people died as a result of the stagnant atmosphere during the 1952 incident. A new sort of air pollution arose in the Los Angeles basin in California during the 1950s. Area Sources: These add smoke and gases over wide areas e. In terms of average life expectancy it is suggested that average life expectancy in India would increase by 1. Cropper, Kalpana Balakrishnan, Prashant Mathur, Sagnik Dey, Burak Turkgulu et al.


Air pollution in India

air pollution in india introduction

Ans: There are various methods to stop pollution. The existence of slums, badly ventilated houses, smoking cigarette, use of old methods of cooking like wood and coal precipitate air pollution. It occurs either as liquid e. . Plants like Ficus variegata, Daucus carrota, Phaseolus vulgaris, Coleus bulmei can fix carbon monoxide easily. It causes headache, muscular weakness, nausea, exhaustion, psychomotor disturbances, etc.


Air Pollution in

air pollution in india introduction

The soot and smoke particulate material settles on leaves and reduces the rate of photosynthesis. Effects of Air Pollution on Plants: 1. It is logical to state that, tropical glaciers and icecaps are sensitive to climate change and may serve as an index to global warming. A clear and transparent atmosphere is aesthetically pleasant to human beings. Indoor Pollution: These include combustion of fuels and tobacco smoking, air conditioning and near- zero ventilation in the congested buildings. The number of deaths from air pollution has increased.


Pollution in India

air pollution in india introduction

Other main reason of this type of pollution is poor garbage disposal services in both the rural and urban areas of India. Mobile Combustion Sources: These sources include locomotives, aircrafts, automobiles etc. When sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide airborne particles combine with water and oxygen in the atmosphere, acid rain can result. The cleaner the air, the better your health and well-being. Vehicular pollution is responsible for about 64 per cent of total air pollution in Delhi, 32 per cent in Mumbai and 30 per cent in Kolkata. Pollution is the main reason to lead lots of disease, health issues and long-term livelihood impact.


Air Pollution in Kolkata, Causes, Effects & Control Measures

air pollution in india introduction

Aerosols are used as disinfectants. After a long gap of 15 years we have notified the National Ambient Air Quality Standards. The filters should get used to avoiding such damage in case the consumption cannot get reduced. Kolkata is a metropolitan city and according to sources, it is being ranked as second most polluted city in the country and its air quality index is declining faster than that of Delhi. Nevertheless, less heat is escaping from the Earth, The Great Smog of 1952, also known as the London Smog of 1952, was a four-day event that affected 100,000 people and killed as many as 12,000 people. The stone of Parthenon in Althens has deteriorated in the past 50 years from air pollution. A huge amount of dust is also blown by transport vehicles.


Essay on Air Pollution in India

air pollution in india introduction

Smog causes respiratory disorders like asthma, allergies, etc. Petroleum, fossil fuels and oil spillage from the roads and during ship accidents, etc. Fluorides: Fluorides are released during refinement of aluminium, rock phosphates etc. Piles of evidence have accumulated in recent years to suggest that global warming has accelerated in the recent past. Among the adverse effects of particulate matter we include corrosion of metals, erosion and soiling of sculptures and buildings.


Introduction to Air Act

air pollution in india introduction

Rajiv Pratap Rudy, Member of Parliament, Lok Sabha. Possible fuel energy policy pursued by several global economies is not environmentally sustainable. For example, a study in the United States found that for the same trip, cars consumed more fuel and polluted more if the traffic was congested, than when traffic flowed freely. History of Air Pollution The introduction to Air Pollution began dating back to the discovery of fire. You have landed on the right page to learn and have an Introduction to Pollution.


Pollution of India

air pollution in india introduction

Participants at the roundtable agreed that this is related to lack of public awareness. The regulatory and governance structures around clean technologies have also not kept pace with technological progress. Some of the aerosols as sulphuric acid mist, ammonium sulphate mist and water vapours influence the vertical temperature profile in the atmosphere. Any analysis of air pollution must also involve looking at the weather patterns in the area meteorology. About 93,000 commercial properties which include hotels, malls and hospitals emit 204 tone every year. The impact of air pollution varied based on the pollutants released in the air.
