Against the dream act essay. Expository essay: Against dream act essay 2022-10-30

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The Dream Act, also known as the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act, is a proposed legislation that aims to provide a path to citizenship for certain undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children. While the Dream Act has received widespread support from immigrant rights advocates and some members of Congress, it has also faced criticism and opposition from those who argue that it would be unfair, costly, and potentially harmful to the United States.

One argument against the Dream Act is that it would be unfair to those who have followed the legal process to immigrate to the United States. Immigrants who have followed the rules and waited their turn to come to the United States may feel that it is unfair for undocumented immigrants to be rewarded with a path to citizenship without having to go through the same process. Additionally, some argue that the Dream Act would create a two-tiered system, where those who have followed the rules are treated differently than those who have not.

Another argument against the Dream Act is that it would be costly to implement. Providing a path to citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants would require significant resources, including funding for immigration services, language and job training programs, and other support services. Some argue that these resources would be better spent on other priorities, such as education, healthcare, or infrastructure.

A third argument against the Dream Act is that it could potentially have negative consequences for the United States. Some argue that providing a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants could encourage more illegal immigration, as people may be more likely to come to the United States illegally if they believe they have a chance of eventually obtaining citizenship. Others argue that the Dream Act could lead to increased competition for jobs and other resources, particularly in areas where there are already high levels of immigration.

In conclusion, while the Dream Act may have the best intentions and provide a way for certain undocumented immigrants to become citizens, it is not without its criticisms and challenges. Those who are against the Dream Act argue that it would be unfair, costly, and potentially harmful to the United States. It is important to consider all sides of the issue and carefully weigh the potential pros and cons of the Dream Act before making a decision about its implementation.

Opposition to the Dream Act

against the dream act essay

Work Cited against dream act essay DREAM Act. Degradation of the quality of education and professionalism would be also at high risk. The Dream act should not be removed for the fact that young immigrants are the next generation, contributors with the economy, which is why they should not be separated from their families. However, it has some drawbacks related to the possible increase in the number of illegal immigrants. These young immigrants were brought here when they were younger and have lived in the United States most of their life. They have made changes in the country, whether through the economy, education, work, or military services.


Essay on Dream Act

against the dream act essay

DACA and DREAM act are the policies that have good benefits to young undocumented immigrants, however, there are downsides to this two policies that could harm immigrants who live in America illegally. Americans have seen a large increase in the numbers of immigrants, specifically illegal immigrants, over the last few decades. I think that the University should have a better admission team to admit Hipics and Asians. Argumentative Essay: The American Dream 908 Words 4 Pages The American dream at one point was what drew people to American; the right to life, liberty, and the happiness. Even though there are stipulations, and eligibility requirements the idea is still a helpful resource. The Bracero program was the solution to this.


Essay On Dream Act

against the dream act essay

However, here are people who simply enter the country illegally and rather than being dealt with in accordance with the law, are instead given permanent residency without having to go through the rigorous rules set by the official immigration system. It reduces the importance of legal immigrants by giving them privileged status, even if they are brought here as children. According to current college students attending different universities in the state of Texas, the problems Texas has recently been facing ranges from: high rates of accidents caused by highway constructions; influx of illegal immigrants crossing over especially here in Brownsville; to the smuggling of drugs into the country since the Gulf of Mexico is so close. The workshop presented a lot of information, however it would have been more beneficial to learn the different Puente Student Personal Statement 1047 Words 5 Pages During the course of my fieldwork I worked directly to the Co-Directors of the Puente Program at East Los Angeles College ELAC as their Counseling Assistant. By assimilating into our culture, immigrant culture will become more accepted throughout America. Some immigrants would simply join the military just to obtain citizenship and that destroys the honor and sacrifice it takes to be a member of the U.


Refutation for the DREAM Act Essay Example

against the dream act essay

There the bill sit waiting to become law. Finally, it is concluded with a refutation statement as well as a conclusion. In the years passed the bill has been call for several votes but has yet to prevail. The ordinary citizens who are already suffering from the financial turmoil are made to suffer more since they have to dig deep into their pockets so that persons who have been given permanent residency can enjoy state services. Like within its name, the American dream still remains a dream in the minds of many families who work hard, hoping for the better. NACLA Report On The Americas, 43 2 , 3. In addition, something interesting that the United States Department of Education has towards the undocumented immigrants is that they have not denied education to the undocumented May, 2014.


DREAM Act Essay

against the dream act essay

The term tourism refers both to the travel undertaken for pleasure and recreation. The five democrats who voted no were Max Baucus and John Tester of Montana, Kay Hagan of North Carolina, Ben Nelson of Nebraska, and Mark Pryor of Arkansas. A tourism tip may involve pleasure visits to see fascinating and historical sites or even museums. American Dream Act Essay 1734 Words 7 Pages There are an abundance of different nuances and differences to what can be collectively called the American identity, but what about the American spirit? Novels, poems,plays and cinemas have been made countless in number envisaging the spirit of America and American Dream. The Act like Dream Act shall also place the economic burden upon the government and shall definitely import poverty and cheap labor to the country. They have dreams of going to college or to the military to have an opportunity to make something of their lives. They are known as dreamers because many of them cannot continue their education due to the barriers placed on them because of their undocumented status.


Opposition to the DREAM Act Legislation

against the dream act essay

But this rise in the student population actually decreases accountability for Higher Education Institutes, allowing them to inflate tuition rates, essentially increasing the total cost of a college education. However, even though we do have diversity the percentage of Latinos and Asians are low. The American dream is the hope to acquire currency, large homes, raise a middle-class family, and pursue what brings people joy in life. . The DREAM Act includes many requirements that are necessary to be considered an applicant. . A better way would to increase the affordability of a higher education by having the government place… Undocumented Students The Higher Education Act of 1965.


Essay on The Benefits of the Dream Act

against the dream act essay

. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. . Arguments against the Dream Act To begin with, one of the cons of the DREAM Act is that the act reduces the interests of illegal immigrants. As a sophomore at a public school I am always looking to further my education. I aspire to have the same influence on students that those individuals had on Erik Erickson Interview Research Paper 477 Words 2 Pages My grandpa always loved working at the Watkins Center, in the past he has told me that getting his masters was one of his greatest achievements. Urban Review, 44 5 , 589-611.


Against dream act Free Essays

against the dream act essay

Many young adults do not have to worry about deportation from the only country they have known as home. Brooke stated that there is a law made to prevent landlords and lenders from turning away tenants and homebuyers because of their color. . I am deeply dedicated to ECE, however, the recent accusations against the Wounded Warrior Project has influenced my decision to choose this subject, over my core program. If you are the original creator of this paper and no longer wish to have it published on StudyCorgi, against dream act essay, request the removal.
