Advantages and disadvantages of plastic bags essay. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Plastic 2022-11-05

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A research essay is a form of academic writing that requires the student to investigate a topic, collect and analyze evidence, and present their findings in a clear and concise manner. In order to write a successful research essay, it is important to follow a clear and organized outline.

Here is a brief outline for a research essay:

I. Introduction

II. Literature Review

III. Methodology

IV. Results

V. Discussion

VI. Conclusion

By following this outline, you can ensure that your research essay is well-organized and effectively communicates your findings to your readers. It is also important to remember to properly cite all sources and use a consistent citation style throughout your essay.

Plastic bags have been a popular choice for carrying groceries and other items for decades, but they have also been the subject of much debate due to their environmental impact. On one hand, plastic bags offer several advantages that make them a convenient and popular choice for consumers. However, there are also several disadvantages to using plastic bags that should be considered.

One of the main advantages of plastic bags is their convenience. They are lightweight, easy to carry, and can hold a large amount of items. They are also inexpensive, which makes them an appealing choice for retailers and consumers alike. In addition, plastic bags are water-resistant, which makes them a good choice for carrying items in wet or rainy conditions.

However, there are several disadvantages to using plastic bags as well. One of the main concerns is the environmental impact of plastic bags. Plastic bags are made from non-renewable resources, and the production of plastic bags generates greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change. In addition, plastic bags can take hundreds of years to break down in the environment, and they can have negative impacts on wildlife, such as birds and marine animals, who may mistake them for food or become entangled in them.

Another disadvantage of plastic bags is the potential for waste. Many people use plastic bags only once and then dispose of them, which contributes to the problem of plastic pollution. In addition, plastic bags often end up in landfills, where they take up space and may release harmful chemicals into the soil and water.

There are alternative options to plastic bags that can be more sustainable and environmentally friendly. Reusable bags, such as those made from canvas or other durable materials, can be used multiple times and do not contribute to plastic pollution. Some retailers also offer paper bags or biodegradable plastic bags as alternatives to traditional plastic bags.

In conclusion, while plastic bags offer convenience and are an inexpensive option for carrying items, they also have significant disadvantages that should be considered. The environmental impact of plastic bags, including their contribution to greenhouse gases and plastic pollution, make them a less sustainable choice. Alternative options, such as reusable bags or paper bags, can be more environmentally friendly and should be considered as a more sustainable option.

Essay on Plastic Bag : Uses, Advantages and Disadvantages

advantages and disadvantages of plastic bags essay

Plastic takes up less space in landfills Plastics take a long time to decompose in landfills, but take up less space in landfills than other products. This disadvantage leads to replacement much sooner than with plastic pallets. About 4% of these fuels go directly to the plastics industry to make new products. Summers argues against an undecided law that limits people to use plastic bags in California, pointing out that plastic bags have more advantages than disadvantages. Let alone the plastic contamination being dangerous to the health of animals and plants, it is also dangerous to heath of us humans. The way plastics are manufactured compares favorably to many other materials The production of plastics uses fossil fuels and consumes a lot of energy, but it is still a more environmentally friendly raw material than other materials.


Essay on Plastic: Advantages and Disadvantages of Plastic

advantages and disadvantages of plastic bags essay

It is basically a synthetic product that is it was made in the laboratory. However, the use of plastic is not good for the environment and health purposes. Coral bleaching is the starvation, shrinkage, and even death of corals that support thousands of species. This leads to accumulation of plastic in the environment thus, causing plastic pollution. Disadvantages: It takes 100 years to biodegrade, and if plastics are thrown and left anywhere it could get to animals and harm them The disadvantages of Second, plastic bags can be found everywhere. Sea lions have been treated unfairly, they should get the chance to live freely. According to EcoWatch, about one million seabirds and one hundred thousand marine mammals die every year from the plastic debris floating in our oceans.


Plastics: Advantages And Disadvantages Essay Paper Example

advantages and disadvantages of plastic bags essay

The city has several mosques and palaces. This article is part of an American science magazine called Discover and this magazine focuses on scientific topics such as medicine and technology. The Importance Of Aging In Australia 254 Words 2 Pages This project was chosen because of the severity of the issue at hand. Does bottled water or tap water have more advantages than disadvantages? When an animal eats a plastic bag or gets entangled in one, it often dies from being unable to move, breathe or even swallow food. Disadvantages: It takes 100 years to biodegrade, and if plastics are thrown and left anywhere they could get to animals and harm them.


Advantages And Disadvantages Of Plastic

advantages and disadvantages of plastic bags essay

More than 75 percent of the population is concentrated in urban areas, which make it necessary for the government to start measures to improve recycling and waste …show more content… Its can contaminate food with dangerous chemical compounds. For example, Liza, one of the staff members, has a B. The imperial Palace complex consists of a number of independent pavilions arranged in formal geometry on a piece of level ground, a pattern derived from Arab and central Asian tent encampments. This shows that back then and still going on today they have been mistreated and threatened. My name is Aina Izzati Binti Mohd Khair, S37085 and I am from K1. They take up more space than our resources should allow. Conventional plastic bags are not readily biodegradable in a sanitary landfill.



advantages and disadvantages of plastic bags essay

This original celluloid was immediately hailed as a savior of elephants and turtles. Plastic bags are very useful for environment protection. Hyatt discovered that by treating the cellulose of cotton fibers with camphor, he could create a product that could be made into a variety of shapes. Phthalates, which are used in the production of PVC, are one such example. In landfills it emits hazardous VOCs during incineration and it less growth platens and trees by blocking the absorption of minerals, water and other nutrients. It depends on type of the oil. It accounts for nearly 50% of the waste generated by the industry, and virtually all other industries use it in some form.


Plastic Bags: The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Plastic Uses

advantages and disadvantages of plastic bags essay

But these days, plastic is becoming a major problem the world has to deal with. The obvious disadvantage is the length of time it takes plastic to break down as well as the harmful chemicals that will be released. It took 22 years to complete the marvelous structure. Construction plastics have an average life of 35 years. The number one leading contributor to pollution is the plastic bag. In the Ocean crusaders article about plastic statistics 2012 , it states that Australia uses 6. And trash bags are only used once, unlike plastic bags that can be used at least twice.


Advantages And Disadvantages Of Plastic Pollution

advantages and disadvantages of plastic bags essay

Therefore, this source is reliable. It splinters, cracks and even breaks under the pressure of continued use. As we learnt above, that plastic degrades very slowly that is it takes 1000 of years to degrade. The prohibition of a number of cities and counties in California and other states, including Maui County in Hawaii, the use of plastic bags in grocery stores. For instance, plastic is very hard to degrade.


Essay on Harmful Effects of Plastic Bags in 300 to 500 Words

advantages and disadvantages of plastic bags essay

This Bottled Water Industry Study available substitutes is a sustainable competitive advantage in the long-run. Plastic bags are small, but when you look at their numbers, they really add up to make a big difference. The computer or mobile or article on which you are reading this file is made used with plastic. The techniques which have been already developed for plastic degradation are expensive and can degrade only a certain amount of plastic at a time, but we have trillions of plastic bags to be decomposed. That is why they die. The plastic bags in a landfill are broken down by microorganisms, which consists of bacteria, fungi and viruses. They have already displaced many …show more content… was the first manufacturer of phenol-furfural resins.



advantages and disadvantages of plastic bags essay

A seller can save costs by reducing the amount of plastic bag bought while a customer can save cost by using a reusable bag as they need to pay 20 cents for each bag. But we should be planning for a future without them. Although the plastic bag is very functional it is not helping in the fight for a cleaner and healthier Earth, this is because a plastic bag takes up to 1000 years to decompose. The animals digestive system cannot digest this plastic and they end up dying from it getting stuck in them. Plastics are typically organic polymers of high molecular mass, but they often contain other substances. Even if you choose a cloth bag over a plastic bag, you would need to use a reusable bag at least 40 times to match the environmental footprint of the same plastic product. But the degradation is also too poisonous to the environment as plastic breaks down into toxic components which are definitely deadly to the plants growing in that soil.
