Absorptive state. Chapter 25: Absorptive and Postabsorptive States Flashcards 2022-10-17

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The absorptive state, also known as the absorptive capacity, is a concept in business and economics that refers to an organization's ability to effectively acquire, assimilate, and utilize new knowledge and information. This includes the ability to learn from experience, adapt to new technologies and markets, and integrate new ideas and practices into the organization's operations.

The absorptive state is important because it plays a crucial role in an organization's ability to innovate and remain competitive in a rapidly changing business environment. Organizations with a high absorptive state are better able to adapt to new challenges and opportunities, and are more likely to succeed in the long run.

There are several factors that can impact an organization's absorptive state. One important factor is the organization's culture and leadership. Organizations with a culture that values learning and encourages experimentation and innovation are more likely to have a high absorptive state. Similarly, leaders who foster a culture of continuous learning and encourage employees to challenge the status quo are more likely to create an environment that is conducive to the development of an organization's absorptive state.

Another factor that can impact an organization's absorptive state is the availability of resources. Organizations that have access to a diverse range of resources, including financial resources, human resources, and technological resources, are more likely to have a high absorptive state. This is because these resources provide the necessary support and infrastructure for the organization to effectively acquire, assimilate, and utilize new knowledge and information.

In addition to culture and resources, the absorptive state can also be impacted by external factors, such as the organization's industry and the level of competition within that industry. Organizations operating in highly competitive industries may have a higher absorptive state due to the pressure to continuously innovate and adapt to new challenges and opportunities.

In conclusion, the absorptive state is a crucial concept in business and economics that refers to an organization's ability to effectively acquire, assimilate, and utilize new knowledge and information. It plays a vital role in an organization's ability to innovate and remain competitive, and is influenced by factors such as culture, resources, and industry conditions. By understanding and actively working to improve their absorptive state, organizations can better navigate a rapidly changing business environment and position themselves for long-term success.

26.8C: Postabsorptive State

absorptive state

The remaining glucose is taken in for use by body cells or stored in skeletal muscle as glycogen. If the fast is not broken and starvation begins to set in, during the initial days, glucose produced from gluconeogenesis is still used by the brain and organs. Additional glucose now shunted into other pathways to produce free fatty acids 5. Over a 58-day period he measured the amount of meat eaten, its nitrogen content and the nitrogen contents of the urine and feces. If energy is exerted shortly after eating, the dietary fats and sugars that were just ingested will be processed and used immediately for energy.


Chapter 25: Absorptive and Postabsorptive States Flashcards

absorptive state

License: CC BY: Attribution. Insulin stimulates the synthesis and storage of glycogen in myocytes. If the subject fasted so that the main energy source was fat, an RQ of 0. . IDDM is an immune-mediated disease. It activates hexokinase which phosphorylates glucose trapping it in the cell while inhibiting glucose 6 phosphatase so that it remains trapped in the cell 2. Insulin is the major hormone, directing organs, tissues and cells in terms of what to do with the absorbed nutrients during the absorptive state.


Difference Between Absorptive and Postabsorptive State

absorptive state

The absorptive state, or the fed state, occurs after a meal when your body is digesting the food and absorbing the nutrients catabolism exceeds anabolism. Moreover, excess dietary fats are deposited as triglycerides in adipose tissues Figure 01: Absorptive State In the absorptive state, insulin is the main hormone that helps in providing glucose for cellular consumption and storage. Gluconeogenesis will also begin in the liver to replace the glucose that has been used by the peripheral tissues. When considering 24 hours time or a day, we spend nearly 12 hours in absorptive state and 12 hours in the postabsorptive state. The peripheral tissues preferentially absorb glucose. What is post absorptive? What does not occur during the postabsorptive state? The constituent parts of these carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are transported across the intestinal wall and enter the bloodstream sugars and amino acids or the lymphatic system fats. However, it also suffers from the compensatory hyperinsulinemia that arises as the pancreas pumps out the increasingly larger amounts of insulin required to overcome the body's resistance to the hormone.


Absorptive and Post absorptive state Flashcards

absorptive state

The flactuations of glucose and insulin in human during the course of a day: The fluctuation of blood sugar red and the sugar-lowering hormone insulin blue in humans during the course of a day with three meals. Glucose is taken up by all of these tissues in the absorptive state. The balance between nitrogen input and output was confirmed, the figures differing by only 0. Animals offered restricted amounts of food usually ate it all, thus ensuring that the only difference between the control and experimental groups was the nature of the diet not its total energy input. Glucagon is the enzyme that acts mainly during this state.


26.8B: Absorptive State

absorptive state

Glucose is the main energy source in this state. The brain lacks fuel stores and hence requires a continuous supply of glucose. As the postabsorptive state begins, glucose levels drop, and there is a corresponding drop in insulin levels. Production of heat — Heat production is an important function of the post-absorptive state. There is a higher incidence of first diagnoses in winter than summer.


Metabolic States of the Body

absorptive state

What is the Difference Between Absorptive and Postabsorptive State? This is the summary of the difference between absorptive and postabsorptive state. The excess glucose and the absorbed lipid are stored as glycogen and lipid that can be used to provide energy between meals or during fasting: a pattern of energy metabolism known as the post-absorptive state. During this time, hormones like insulin and glucagon increase the rate of absorption by facilitating the breakdown and transport of nutrients. The inter-organ exchanges highly depend on the feeding state i. Lipids have the advantage of being an excellent source of energy and essential fatty acids EFAs.


Regulation of the Absorptive State

absorptive state

It also produces the nonessential amino acids from the appropriate carbon precursors. Uptake of oxygen and elimination of carbon dioxide — The body uses oxygen to break down food for energy and eliminates carbon dioxide as a waste product. At the post-prandial state, as mentioned above, there is major AA splanchnic sequestration. In the absorptive state, the nutrients entering the blood from the gastrointestinal tract are hexose sugars and amino acids. Thus, this is the key difference between absorptive and postabsorptive state.


Absorptive State

absorptive state

Describe how this leads to malnutrition. As early as 1798 Count Rumford had observed that heat was produced when horses were working. In response to the decrease in glucose, insulin levels also drop. Figure 1 summarizes the metabolic processes occurring in the body during the absorptive state. This allows them to pass freely through capillary walls. In IDDM, it is due to reduced secretion of insulin as a result of necrosis of the pancreatic β-cells. It may provide acetate for myelin lipid synthesis and participate in the synthesis of neuronal dipeptide N-acetylaspartylglutamate.


What is a post absorptive state?

absorptive state

Carbohydrates Simple sugars are sent to the liver where they are converted to glucose. A glycemic rise activates the parasympathetic system and suppresses the sympathetic system, increasing insulin secretion through vagopancreatic stimulation. Absorptive state is regulated primarily by hormones. What are the 7 hormones? The Postabsorptive State The postabsorptive state, or the fasting state, occurs when the food has been digested, absorbed, and stored. Therefore, the Cahill cycle corresponds ultimately to the transfer of energy from an organ that is energy rich the liver to a tissue that demands energy muscle at the cost of net protein breakdown. As a result, blood glucose levels begin to rise. In severe cases, plasma and urine ketone concentrations are high.
