Abortion annotated bibliography. Annotated Bibliography Abortion 2022-11-08

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Abortion is a highly controversial and divisive topic that has been the subject of intense debate and discussion for decades. It is a complex issue that raises moral, ethical, and legal questions about the rights and responsibilities of individuals, as well as the role of government in regulating reproductive health.

An annotated bibliography is a list of sources, such as books, articles, and websites, that provides a summary or evaluation of each source. It is typically used in academic research to help scholars understand the relevance and quality of the sources they are using in their work. An annotated bibliography on abortion could be a useful tool for anyone looking to learn more about the topic or for students preparing to write a research paper on the subject.

Here are a few sources that could be included in an annotated bibliography on abortion:

  1. "Abortion and the Constitution" by Laurence Tribe. This book is a comprehensive analysis of the legal issues surrounding abortion, including the history of abortion law and the Supreme Court's decisions on the topic. Tribe, a renowned constitutional scholar, offers a nuanced and balanced approach to the subject, considering both the rights of the pregnant woman and the interests of the state.

  2. "The Ethics of Abortion" by Bonnie Steinbock. In this book, Steinbock examines the moral questions surrounding abortion, including the rights of the fetus, the responsibilities of the pregnant woman, and the role of the state. Steinbock approaches the topic from a philosophical perspective, considering different ethical theories and their implications for abortion.

  3. "Abortion and Women's Health: A Turnaway Study" by Diana Greene Foster and Katrina Kimport. This study uses data from the Turnaway Study, a long-term research project on the impact of abortion on women's health, to examine the physical, mental, and emotional effects of abortion on women. The authors argue that access to safe and legal abortion is essential for women's health and well-being.

  4. "Abortion and Mental Health: Myths and Realities" by Brenda Major and Caroline Erhardt. This article debunks the myth that abortion causes mental health problems, using research evidence to show that the link between abortion and mental health is complex and nuanced. The authors argue that social and environmental factors, rather than the abortion itself, are more likely to affect a woman's mental health.

  5. "Abortion and Public Opinion" by John Sides and Michael Tesler. This article uses data from public opinion polls to examine how attitudes towards abortion have changed over time and how they vary by demographic factors such as age, gender, and political ideology. The authors find that public opinion on abortion is highly polarizing and that attitudes are strongly influenced by political and cultural factors.

Overall, these sources provide a wide range of perspectives on the complex and controversial issue of abortion. They offer insight into the legal, moral, and health-related dimensions of the topic and provide a valuable starting point for anyone looking to learn more about abortion.

Sample English Essay Annotated Bibliography on Abortion

abortion annotated bibliography

Misoprostol is an abortion induced medication. Acosta Megan Wrona Psyc 200 September 28, 2017 Annotated Bibliography: The Utmost Decision Bertha, M. One of them that have been discussed here is the notion of the child barrenness. This social striation is otherwise known as classism which soon became the societal norm. A longitudinal study has been carried out to reveal effects of the abortion and bring terms the factors that may help in bringing this prevalence of abortion down.


Example Of Abortions Annotated Bibliography

abortion annotated bibliography

Although she was fortunate to have the funds for such costly thing, her concern is that many other woman like her may not have a way to pay for this. From the above studies, it is apparent that the solution to the problem at hand lies with the expansion of the supply of contraceptives and contraceptive information, and if required, safe and cost-effective abortion services should be provided. The author, David Alvargonzález, wrote that two groups were influenced by certain majors and religious beliefs. However, there are some indications that in order to safeguard the rights of women and give them a chance to control their reproductive health, there is the need to decriminalize this act. Article rejection criteria included: self-hypnosis, literature reviews, and pharmacologically-induced hypnosis trials.


Annotated Bibliography On Abortion

abortion annotated bibliography

In the Victorian sense however, the definition of the family and its dynamics take on a drastic change. Changes in the medicinal world have also led to the increase of cases of abortion, both inductive and spontaneous. The indication from this research is that the solution to abortion is promoting access to modern contraceptives. Expanding our drug treatment centers across America would provide the support to those who are addicted to drugs. Charles Dickens' novel Hard Times explores the function of the family in both terms of nature and nurture.


Discussion of Abortion Rights Aspects

abortion annotated bibliography

The article by Lauro 13 indicates that high levels of abortion are linked to the poor access to contraceptives. According to a poll created in 2013, fifty-four percent of Americans believe that the practice of abortion should be legal in all or most cases. The researchers acknowledge that unintended pregnancies occur as a result of non-use or failure to use contraceptives Zhang et al. As it stands, the current standing connotes that most women usually undergo post-traumatic stress after they have done abortion. The pharmacist is well prepared Annotation Reflection Over the course of the year, I have annotated countless short stories, articles, reviews, and novels. The author then points out critical yet Gold, Rachel Benson. During the pandemic, clinics that are providing abortion facilities are facing more difficulties such as increased patient flow, a safe environment, and less capacity.


Annotated Bibliography on Unsafe Abortions

abortion annotated bibliography

When she goes on vacation she only drives. Luker emphasizes on the societal expectations that determine the moral standards prevalently. The paper reflects upon the fact that limitations and bans on medical abortion have a great impact on the women seeking abortion and the clinics which are providing medical abortion procedures. The above resource appreciates the role that abortion plays in the lives of women by first looking at the challenge of unintended pregnancies Boonstra 6. If a woman chooses to abort life, then this is a session that was made only to her convenience. Women can never have equal opportunity to men without equal opportunity to make their own decisions about their bodies. This article by a specialist in health law and policy discusses the issue of abortion from health and justice perspectives.


Annotated Bibliography Abortion

abortion annotated bibliography

The consequences of not being able to obtain an abortion are hard to envision without the understanding required to think rationally about the subject. In this source, it gives us the view of people that are strongly against abortions, one being Kristi Brow whom is a pro-life attorney, volunteering for Life Legal Defense Foundation and as an allied attorney for Alliance Defending Freedom. Wade: Its History and Impact. Bush assures that America will not be affected by the unruly and evil attacks carried out on September 11th, 2001. This resource is vital to the present study given that it considers the role that contraceptives and education on them can eliminate the chances of having unintended pregnancies and subsequent abortion among young women.


Abortion Annotated Bibliography

abortion annotated bibliography

This article is essential given that it offers insight into the problem at hand by providing Hoggart, Lesley, et al. When in reality, America and many other countries are below the replacement rate needed to have a steady population. It is best used according to its strengths to illustrate mainstream logical arguments for and against abortion, and its only weakness is that it is relatively old, but its logic does not really age. Works Cited M Endler, A Lavelanet, A Cleeve, B Ganatra, R Gomperts, K Gemzell-Danielssona. There are three families this paper will put into contention: the Jupes, the Gradgrinds, and the Bounderbys. The researchers acknowledge that unintended pregnancies occur as a result of non-use or failure to use contraceptives Zhang et al. Rideout, Victoria, and Michael Robb.



abortion annotated bibliography

Wellisch, Lawren, and Julie Chor. The resource brings in the idea of changes in the moral status of a society. Prior to this decision, abortion regulation was left to the states. The resource identifies the extent to which illegal abortions were common in America in the 1950s and 1960s Gold 8. The Common Sense Census: Media Use by Kids Age Zero to Eight. She talks of how she found out, as well as her experience through the same.


Annotated Bibliography Abortion Essay Example

abortion annotated bibliography

These short-term limitations for medical abortion have lifelong negative consequences. Based on this argument, Foster et al 82 indicate that such acts have negative effects on the women. According to this study, further development and research are recommended in the field of medical abortion through Telemedicine in order to provide safe medical treatment to women who are living in remote areas. I think I will use a good portion of this information in this research due to its undisputable arguments. The article goes ahead to connote that most women who undergo abortion face a lot of unprecedented consequences. They focus on being morally correct rather than scientifically correct. Most importantly, Biggs et al.


Abortion Annotated webapi.bu.edu

abortion annotated bibliography

This article gives an extensive look at the various effects of abortion. Blurb: In Chile, women have now found a new method of abortion. Wellisch, Lawren, and Julie Chor. This website provides the pros and cons of abortion, background information, and videos related to the topic. Knowledge and attitudes about abortion among undergraduate students.
