A study on employee motivation. Employee motivation and job performance: a study of basic school teachers in Ghana 2022-11-07

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Employee motivation is an important aspect of the modern workplace that can have a significant impact on an organization's success. It refers to the factors that drive and inspire employees to perform at their best, and it is essential for businesses to understand and cultivate in order to achieve high levels of productivity and satisfaction. In this essay, we will explore the concept of employee motivation and its importance, as well as some strategies that organizations can use to foster a motivated workforce.

One of the key factors that drives employee motivation is the sense of purpose and meaning that employees derive from their work. When employees feel that their work is important and meaningful, they are more likely to be motivated and engaged in their tasks. This can be fostered by setting clear goals and objectives, and by providing opportunities for employees to contribute to the overall mission and vision of the organization.

Another important factor in employee motivation is the sense of autonomy and control that employees have over their work. When employees are given the freedom and flexibility to make decisions and solve problems on their own, they are more likely to feel motivated and engaged. This can be achieved through delegation of responsibilities, providing opportunities for career development and growth, and offering support and resources to help employees succeed in their roles.

In addition to purpose and autonomy, employees are also motivated by the opportunity to learn and grow. When they are given the opportunity to develop new skills and knowledge, they are more likely to be motivated and engaged in their work. This can be fostered through training and development programs, as well as by providing opportunities for employees to take on new challenges and responsibilities.

One of the most effective ways to foster employee motivation is through effective communication and feedback. When employees feel that they are being listened to and that their contributions are valued, they are more likely to be motivated and engaged. This can be achieved through regular meetings, one-on-one conversations, and feedback sessions.

In conclusion, employee motivation is an essential aspect of the modern workplace that has a significant impact on an organization's success. By fostering a sense of purpose, autonomy, and learning, as well as through effective communication and feedback, organizations can create a motivated and engaged workforce. By doing so, they can drive productivity, increase employee satisfaction, and achieve their overall business goals.

Employee Motivation: a critical strategy that improves positive behavior and mentality Free Essay Example

a study on employee motivation

It is wise to start with the research of a firm, its employer, employees and their performance. Full size table In model one, the study regresses compensation package with the dependent variable without controlling for other related factors. Thus, a well-designed job has what it takes in getting interest of employees. However, research has shown that many organizations have failed to leverage this essential concept. According to the competing theories, the two primary ways of gaining employee motivation is through employee empowerment or involvement and also the use of incentives. The main objective of the present research is to investigate the difference, if any, between the perceptions of managers and employees on a pre-determined set of motivating factors. Employers must incorporate employee motivation as part of the organizational culture.


Case Study on Motivation of Employees

a study on employee motivation

For tolerance, there are no clear-cut cut-off point, but there is a suggestion of a tolerance greater than 0. On normality, the results of the Kolmogorov—Smirnov statics were used to assess the distribution of scores. Especially in a country like Bangladesh where labor is the main element in most of business organization rather than capital because labor in Bangladesh are cheap and easily available. Primary data were sourced from the field of study through questionnaire administration. To give recognition with one day vacation for the most outstanding employee of the month. Interscience Management Review, 2 2 , 81-85.


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a study on employee motivation

Only a paltry 13% of the workers are engaged at work via motivational techniques Lazaroiu, 2015. It is also vital to note that many companies today are continuing to value motivation as part of the corporate culture. However, there are concerns that money can be counterproductive especially if it is not provided to all the workers. Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations, 14, 97. Managers are on power trips and employee policies and procedures are formulated based on the assumption that you cannot trust employees to do the right thing. There may be a decrease of job applicants in the future because of low morale and low motivation provided by the management of the company. When one wants to make his employees work hard, he should find the right approach towards every person.


Employee motivation and job performance: a study of basic school teachers in Ghana

a study on employee motivation

Understanding motivation is important because performance, reaction to compensation, and other HR concerns are related to motivation. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected to answer the research questions. The researchers sought for permission from the municipal directorate of education to engage with teachers within the municipality. The modern workforce now includes employees spanning three distinct generations. This may include the job environment and the degree of specialization. Employee motivation and organizational performance. Just keep in mind that they will be less and less effective over time.



a study on employee motivation

In terms of the output from the correlation matrix, it can be visibly seen that the scales computed were not highly correlated and fallen below the threshold of 0. The study had to drop training and development as factor for job motivation and proceed with the others. If you understand a little bit about each group you will appreciate what motivates them to maximize their output, leading to fulfilling opportunities for everyone. Proponents of the SDT have argued that controlled motivation e. Many people regard incentives either monitory or otherwise as legitimate ways of increasing the morale of the workers. It is also important to develop a plan on what certain positions are to be followed by subordinates when a certain position becomes vacant.



a study on employee motivation

These findings support the self-determination theory, more specifically on the explanations advanced under the controlled and autonomous motivation factors. Section three is the results and discussion, and section four concludes with policy implications. ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Employees have a clear career path in the organization. Using the categorical independent variable of age which has more than three categories and the job performance variable which we have transformed to be continuous variable, the study undertakes a one-way between groups ANOVA with post hoc tests. It is a primary task of the managers to know the motivating factors of their employees and act accordingly so that the organisation can remain competitive in the marketplace.


Employee Motivation Case Study

a study on employee motivation

Employee motivation is crucial for sustainable growth of any organisation. The last but not the least concept explored was job performance. Very often, solid sums of money play the role of the best encouragement for the majority of employees. The most valuable, yet complex, resources for any businesses are the people working in it. Highly motivated employees contribute significantly to an organisation's bottomline and its overall productivity.


(PDF) employee motivation research project

a study on employee motivation

The organization also has an opportunity to reap the benefits of motivation. Business management and strategy, 3 1 , 1-12. Both interviews and questionnaires were used to gather these data and analysis were done using words, graphs, tables and statistics. Attendance and Punctuality Employees will be given a deduction from their salary for every minute of coming in late to their work. When one receives enough money, he will appreciate his job and will work harder to save his workplace.


a study on employee motivation

These job motivation factors were significant predictors on job performance. The Member of Parliament for the area as part of effort to ensure teachers are well compensated shared over 700 laptops to teachers within the municipality for effective teaching and learning. In model 2 , the study varies the variables used with the inclusion of job design and working environment to examine how well the model can be through it cross-variable variance. Research carried out from the mid-2oth century has shown that simplified and highly segmented jobs resulted in lower morale and output on the part of the employee. The one on one interviews and the administration of questionnaires was of an enormous help to the researcher for effective comparison of all responses.
