12 angry men george c scott. 12 Angry Men 2022-10-10

12 angry men george c scott Rating: 6,2/10 1290 reviews

"12 Angry Men" is a classic film directed by Sidney Lumet and starring George C. Scott as Juror 8, a man who is the lone holdout in a jury deliberation for a murder trial. The film, set in a jury room in New York City, follows the intense debate and discussion among the jurors as they try to reach a unanimous verdict.

Scott's performance as Juror 8 is a standout in the film. He is a calm and thoughtful presence, even as the other jurors become increasingly agitated and hostile. His character is a man of integrity who is determined to see justice done, even if it means going against the consensus of the group. He carefully examines the evidence and argues his points with logic and reason, never letting his emotions get the best of him.

One of the main themes of the film is the fallibility of the justice system and the importance of impartiality in the courtroom. Juror 8 is the embodiment of this theme, as he is willing to consider all sides of the case and does not allow his personal biases to influence his decision. He is a voice of reason in a room full of emotion and preconceived notions, and his persistence ultimately leads to a more fair and just outcome.

Scott's performance in "12 Angry Men" is a testament to his talent as an actor. He is able to convey a wide range of emotions, from calm and collected to frustrated and angry, all while maintaining the character's dignity and sense of integrity. His portrayal of Juror 8 is a standout in a film that is full of strong performances, and it is no surprise that the role earned him critical acclaim.

Overall, "12 Angry Men" is a thought-provoking and powerful film that deals with important themes of justice, integrity, and the human capacity for reason. George C. Scott's performance as Juror 8 is a standout in the film and adds depth and complexity to an already rich and well-crafted story.

12 Angry Men (1997 film)

12 angry men george c scott

The seventh to vote "not guilty". Retrieved December 23, 2011. Retrieved January 3, 2014. Educatio… Rose , rose, common name for some members of the Rosaceae, a large family of herbs, shrubs, and trees distributed over most of the earth, and for plants of… Gustav Rose , Rose, Gustav ROSE, GUSTAV b. Juror 7, impatient to attend a baseball game that night, changes his vote, but Juror 11 chastises him for changing his vote so casually and selfishly when the boy's life is on the line. A young man looks up at it, sweating.


Twelve Angry Men

12 angry men george c scott

And Juror 3 Lee J. Undeterred, Juror 3 is forced to present his arguments again, and goes on a tirade, presenting the evidence in haphazard fashion and concluding with his disbelief that a son would kill his own father — mirroring his previous comments about his bad relationship with his own son. Outraged at the proceedings, Juror 10 goes on a Juror 4 states that despite all the other evidence called into question, the testimony of the woman who saw the murder from across the street stands as solid evidence. The racial themes are very much clubbed over our head throughout the duration of the film, with a lot of implications toward the African American jurors turning on one another while Mykelti Williamson is exhausting as an militant Islamic man insistent on turning the tables on the perceived take over from the Mexican population. The remaining jurors are intrigued when Juror 11 proves that although a psychiatric test stated that the boy had subconscious desires to kill, such tests only offer possible actions.


Twelve Angry Men 1997

12 angry men george c scott

Berlin, Germany, 18 March 1798; d. Retrieved March 21, 2021. Jurors 12 and 1 change their votes, leaving the only dissenters: Jurors 3, 4, and 10. As the movie progresses and the prosecution's case is examined, the tide shifts from "guilty" to "not guilty. Rage and Glory: The Volatile Life and Career of George C.


12 Angry Men

12 angry men george c scott

In 1993, he appeared off-Broadway successfully with Wrong Turn at Lungfish. It's lean, tightly made, and as is often the case with small budget productions, relies strongly on the script and the performances. . Maybe they canceled each other out. Retrieved December 23, 2011. Sadly the film is brought down not only by its pedestrian direction but truly terrible performances particularly by Mykelti Williamson who is immensely over the top to the point of being comical as Juror 10 who walks around screaming and slamming props while also barking at characters in the midst of an angry rant. Danza began his career as a professional boxer and translated that into playing a fictional boxer on the hit 1978 sitcom "Taxi.


George C. Scott

12 angry men george c scott

In other theatrical adaptations in which female actors are cast, the play is retitled 12 Angry Jurors, 12 Angry Men and Women or 12 Angry Women. He begins to weep, and says he can feel the knife being plunged into his chest. The fan isn't working. At the time when Lumet made 12 Angry Men, he was a television director who had amassed a large number of small screen credits. Juror 10, who says he still thinks the defendant is guilty, bluntly admits to no longer caring about the verdict and votes for acquittal. There's some of that going on in 12 Angry Men although it helps that the story doesn't demand a definitive answer to the question of the defendant's guilt. He is estranged from his son, and is convinced that the defendant is guilty.


What The Cast Of 12 Angry Men Is Doing Today

12 angry men george c scott

As much as I enjoyed seeing different actors saying familiar lines, there was no need to update the 1957 film; it stands the test of time. Only Juror 9 changes his vote, respecting Juror 8's motives and feeling his points deserve further discussion. Retrieved December 23, 2011. Juror 8 is the voice of reason and moderation. This represented his feature film debut. Simpson was in part acquitted because of biases brought into the deliberation room by the jurors. The same year that Douglas Spain appeared in "12 Angry Men," he starred as a young man who turns to sex work while trying to become a Hollywood actor in the film "Star Maps.


12 Angry Men (1997)

12 angry men george c scott

They see not a man in the dock but a stereotype or a representative of something ugly from their own lives. The movie isn't really about the crime; it's about what goes on during the 90+ minutes when the jurors are analyzing it. Retrieved 1 April 2015. Most of the more important story elements are glossed over in favor of a lot of improv, while much of the subtle themes about class and tension are increased to a sickening degree. Although the contributions made by Lumet and Friedkin shouldn't be overlooked Lumet in particular left his brand , 12 Angry Men is primarily about acting and dialogue.


12 angry men george c scott

Scott successfully sells a terribly written final monologue in spite of never quite rising to the occasion as the loud mouthed Juror 3 who is mainly supposed to be a man who barks at every turn. Scott, D: William Friedkin; W: Reginald Rose. Gandolfini started his career appearing as tough guys in films like "True Romance" and "Get Shorty" before landing Hume Cronyn made his acting debut in the 1943 Alfred Hitchcock film "Shadow of a Doubt" and later appeared in Hitchcock's "Lifeboat" and two episodes of "Alfred Hitchcock Presents," as well as co-writing the films "Rope" and "Under Capricorn. Retrieved February 9, 2016. Jurors 12 and 4 change their vote to "not guilty". Juror 8, the lone dissenter, states that the evidence is circumstantial and the boy deserves a fair deliberation. Juror 8 proposes another vote by secret ballot — if the other jurors vote guilty unanimously, he will acquiesce, but if at least one votes "not guilty" they will continue deliberating.


12 angry men george c scott

The movie, which plays out in real time, goes inside the deliberation room alongside a jury tasked with determining the guilt or innocence of an unnamed suspect accused of first-degree murder. Juror 7 is more concerned about being able to make his baseball game then about whether justice is done. Many of the jurors resemble a 12 Angry Men juror in some way or form. Retrieved April 4, 2020. Prior to "12 Angry Men," Vance had featured in films like "The Adventures of Huck Finn," "Dangerous Minds," and "The Preacher's Wife.
