100 words a college student should know. 101 College Vocabulary Words You Should Know 2022-10-21

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As a college student, it is important to have a strong vocabulary in order to communicate effectively and succeed academically. Here are 100 words that every college student should know:

  1. Abstemious: sparing in consumption of especially food and drink
  2. Adjudicate: to make an official decision about something
  3. Adulate: to praise excessively
  4. Agglutinate: to join or unite closely
  5. Aggrandize: to increase in intensity, power, or prestige
  6. Aggregate: a total considered with reference to its constituent parts
  7. Alleluia: an expression of praise to God
  8. Amalgamate: to combine into a unified whole
  9. Amorphous: having no definite form or distinct shape
  10. Anachronism: something or someone that is not in its correct historical or chronological time
  11. Anatomize: to analyze or describe minutely
  12. Anomaly: something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected
  13. Arduous: requiring great effort or exertion
  14. Assiduous: diligent and persistent in effort
  15. Austere: severely simple and unadorned
  16. Avarice: excessive or insatiable desire for wealth or gain
  17. Axiom: a self-evident truth that requires no proof
  18. Benevolent: kind and charitable
  19. Blandishment: flattery intended to persuade
  20. Bombastic: pompous or overblown in language
  21. Cachet: a seal or stamp, especially one indicating official or approved status
  22. Cadence: a rhythmic flow of sound
  23. Capricious: prone to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior
  24. Castigate: to criticize severely
  25. Caustic: capable of burning or corroding organic tissue
  26. Chicanery: the use of deception or trickery to achieve one's ends
  27. Coalesce: to merge or come together to form a single entity
  28. Commensurate: equal in measure or extent
  29. Complaisant: willing to please or obliging
  30. Conceit: a fanciful or extravagant idea
  31. Concomitant: existing or occurring with something else
  32. Condone: to overlook or forgive a fault or offense
  33. Contingent: dependent on something uncertain or conditional
  34. Contrite: feeling or expressing remorse for wrongdoing
  35. Conundrum: a problem with no satisfactory solution
  36. Corpuscle: a small particle or cell, especially a red or white blood cell
  37. Cosset: to treat with excessive indulgence or attention
  38. Cow: to intimidate or frighten
  39. Credulous: easily believing or trusting
  40. Cubicle: a small room or enclosed space, especially one of a series in a larger room
  41. Cumbersome: heavy, bulky, and awkward to carry or use
  42. Dearth: a scarcity or lack
  43. Debacle: a complete failure or collapse
  44. Debauchery: excessive indulgence in sensual pleasure
  45. Decorum: propriety and good taste in behavior or appearance
  46. Defenestrate: to throw out of a window
  47. Demagogue: a leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices
  48. Demur: to express doubt or objection
  49. Denigrate: to speak disrespectfully of
  50. Deprecate: to express disapproval or disappointment
  51. Deride: to speak of or treat with contempt
  52. Desiccate: to dry out completely
  53. Desuetude: a

College English: 100 Words Every Student Should Know Flashcards

100 words a college student should know

Term precipitous Definition extremely or impassably steep Term quotidian Definition usual or customary; everyday Term ziggurat Definition temple of Sumerian origin in the form of a pyramidal tower, consisting of a number of stories and having about the outside a broad ascent winding round the structure, presenting the appearance of a series of terraces. It would be kind of ridiculous to do a vocab workbook in a college course. The Spaced Repetition System we use to teach college vocabulary lists will form repetitions out of the most difficult college level vocabulary so that you could repeat it and remember it forever! The term comes from the Latin word recalcitrare, which to Romans meant stubborn mules. The college vocabulary list of this free lesson includes many good words to know. Do you want to use the word disingenuous in a sentence? Term nihilism Definition total rejection of established laws and institutions. Term nomenclature Definition a set or system of names or terms, as those used in a particular science or art, by an individual or community, etc. Today, the word auspicious can be used to describe anything that portends success or good fortune.


100 Words Every College Students Should Know

100 words a college student should know

Cultivate is one of these words. Chortle to utter, or express with, a snorting, exultant laugh or chuckle 22. In Art History, for example, your professor may engage the class in a conversation about how aesthetics in fine art has evolved over time. You may be offended and clam up, presuming the answer is implicit in your enrollment. Hess would digress too often during class that she always fell behind what she wanted to cover in class. Featured or trusted partner programs and all school search, finder, or match results are for schools that compensate us. Need immediate college paper help from professional academic writers? Term winnow Definition to free grain from the lighter particles of chaff, dirt, etc.


100 Words Every College Student Should Know_James webapi.bu.edu

100 words a college student should know

Alabama, Ohio State, and Notre Dame. You will now know how to do it! This makes it a fairly useful word that could become ubiquitous in both your speech and writing! We would first have to memorize the words. Take it from us. Geology Relating to, causing, or resulting from structural deformation of the earth's crust. Term Usurp Definition 1. Term quasar Definition one of over a thousand known extragalactic objects, starlike in appearance and having spectra with characteristically large redshifts, that are thought to be the most distant and most luminous objects in the universe.


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100 words a college student should know

This lesson includes 100 vocabulary words every college student should know to express himself freely and diversely. For example, committing all of the college-level words on this list to memory may seem a prodigious feat. Still, the spice makes a good mnemonic device if you note that because of its strength, ginger should be applied gingerly, less it overwhelms your dish. Learn college level vocabulary Have you ever asked yourself what words should you know and how many words do you know? You may even say its usage is innate to the postsecondary learning environment. For example, you may have failed your last term paper because your professor was unable to ignore your egregious errors in grammar and usage, but hopefully not! Over the years, she has worked as a writer, editor, tutor, and content manager.


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100 words a college student should know

Our free Chancing Engine will not only help you predict your odds, but also let you know how you stack up against other applicants, and which aspects of your profile to improve. These words are listed in alphabetical order. Capricious whimsical; changeable 18. Learning the college level vocabulary included in this list will help you write a brilliant essay or impress your classmates during a presentation. Huiyt acted circumspect with his finding before publishing it in Scientific American.


100 Vocab Words to Know for the SAT

100 words a college student should know

Term mitosis Definition the usual method of cell division Term moiety Definition 1. Physics that deals with the relationships and conversions between heat and other forms of energy. Term Tectonic Definition 1. Abrogate to cancel, destroy, revoke, or void 2. To address this need, I went overboard and compiled a list of 101 college vocabulary words to improve your speech and writing. Chicanery the use of trickery to deceive 21. Term nonsectarian Definition not affiliated with or limited to a specific religious denomination.


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100 words a college student should know

Term vehement Definition zealous; ardent; impassioned: a vehement defense; vehement enthusiasm. As a college student, you may come to think of a specific project or test grade as the zenith of your academic experience. After learning these 100 vocabulary words every college student should know of this lesson, you will also know how to use carpe diem in a sentence or how to use halcyon in a sentence. Avarice an excessive desire of gain; greediness 12. Though not originally used to describe things that happen by luck or good fortune, the word has come to be associated with the kind of serendipity associated with positive results.


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100 words a college student should know

This is THE COMPLETE A--Z list of the 100+ words that every high school grad --and their parents-- should surely know. Remember those vocabulary workbooks you had to go through in grade school? And this list is in alphabetical order. Learn these valuable words today! Enhance Reading Comprehension Top 100 Vocabulary Words to Study for the SAT Reading plenty of fiction and non-fiction is the best way to improve a lackluster vocabulary over time. However, after much consideration, our editors have determined that these 50 are the top words every college student should know in 2022. Moreover, you can download this college vocabulary list and listen or read the college level vocabulary included in it to learn on the go! Apocryphal of doubtful authority or authenticity 10. Term obsequious Definition characterized by or showing servile complaisance or deference; fawning: an obsequious bow. .


The 100+ Words Every Graduate Should Know (Complete/Expanded Version)

100 words a college student should know

Adumbrate to sketch, outline in a shadowy way 6. Characterized by affected, exaggerated, or insincere earnestness: "the unctuous, complacent court composer who is consumed with envy and self-loathing" Term Totalitarian Definition Of, relating to, being, or imposing a form of government in which the political authority exercises absolute and centralized control over all aspects of life, the individual is subordinated to the state, and opposing political and cultural expression is suppressed: "A totalitarian regime crushes all autonomous institutions in its drive to seize the human soul" Arthur M. Read on to discover why vocabulary remains an important factor in SAT prep, along with the 100 words you should know to raise your scores. Allegory the representation of abstract ideas or principles by characters, figures, or events in narrative, dramatic, or pictorial form 7. Explore our site for fun lessons and professional language courses! Cadre a core or nucleus of trained or otherwise qualified personnel around which an organization is formed 17. Term xenophobe Definition a person who fears or hates foreigners, strange customs, etc Term wrought Definition a simple past tense and past participle of work. Term Tempestuous Definition 1.
